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9 Things That Motivate Employees More Than Money

9 Things That Motivate Employees More Than Money
The ability to motivate employees is one of the greatest skills an entrepreneur can possess. Two years ago, I realized I didn’t have this skill. So I hired a CEO who did. Josh had 12 years in the corporate world, which included running a major department at Comcast. I was wrong. With his help and the help of the great team leaders he put in place, Josh not only rebuilt the culture, but also created a passionate, hard-working team that is as committed to growing and improving the company as I am. Here are nine things I learned from him: Be generous with praise.

Les questions has been en entretien de recrutement L’entretien de recrutement : toujours d’actualité L’entretien d’embauche, mené par le chargé de recrutement, le responsable RH et/ou le manager de terrain, constitue l’une des étapes incontournables pour l’engagement d’un nouveau collaborateur. Selon le style des recruteurs, l’entretien sera cadenassé dans un canevas préparé à l’avance (entretien structuré), fera l’objet d’une improvisation en mode free style (entretien non structuré), ou bien combinera les deux approches (entretien semi-structuré). Si certaines questions sont conçues ad hoc, d’autres revêtent davantage un format standard, indépendamment du poste ou de l’entreprise en question. Parmi les questions-type que l’on retrouve inlassablement en entretien d’embauche, certaines d’entre elles perdu de leur pertinence au fil des années: Top 5 questions has been en entretien de recrutement Quels sont vos 3 qualités et vos 3 défauts ? Quels sont vos hobbies ? Savez-vous … [faire preuve d’autorité / gérer le stress / ...] ? Méthode S.T.A.R.

How to Grow an Awesome Network - Fast Nice to meet you: Photo by GViciano How do you grow a broad and powerful network, fast? Time and time again we hear that one of the most important factors to success is having a broad network. People in that network can open doors that are normally shut and put you in the path of opportunity. These are both vital elements of success which Hal Gregerson calls The Medici Effect. This positive side effect of networking I only know to be true. But how do you grow this Network? In the past 12 months I’ve lived in 4 cities on completely different sides of the world (Syndey, London, Adelaide & Dublin if you’re interested), and I’ve learned how to ‘hit the ground running’ and grow a network of entrepreneurs and likeminded people really fast when arriving in a new city. In this post I’ll tell you exactly how I grow my network, so you too can grow a network fast and benefit from the Medici Effect – whether you’re new to a city or have been there all your life. 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to one. 5. 6. Final Note

Au bonheur des ingénieurs Voulez-vous être attendu, choyé, recruté, récompensé, et même un brin mythifié? Soyez ingénieur. C’est la corporation la plus anciennement protégée de la France moderne: l’Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées a été créée en 1747, le Génie en 1748… Et elle a le vent en poupe. L’économie est en manque d’ingénieurs, et en cette période de disette d’emplois, s’il est une qualification qui est passionnément recherchée par les entreprises et qui ne connaît pas la crise, c’est bien celle-ci. L’édition 2012 de l’enquête BMO (besoin de main d’œuvre, PDF) signale que le projet de recrutements d’ingénieurs s’accélère avec une demande accrue pour le domaine du numérique (informatique, télécoms, internet): une demande qui repart à la hausse après avoir fléchi en 2008-2009 en raison de la crise. Alors que le taux d’emploi des élèves du supérieur est de 85% trois ans après la fin de leur scolarité, il est de 88% pour les élèves diplômés des écoles d’ingénieur. source: Enquête 2010 auprès de la génération 2007

How To Be the Best At Anything You Want to Do Altucher Confidential Posted by James Altucher I’m writing this while sitting in a hotel room. To my left is the Pacific Ocean and all the magical San Francisco fog stuff people kept whispering to me about. About four feet directly behind me is a woman that is a complete stranger to me who is having an unbelievably long orgasm. (sunset on the Pacific) Now I hear nothing. So maybe now they are rating their performance or telling their life stories. I had my ear on the wall for five minutes just now. What do they look like? Maybe it’s someone famous. (I heard that Lindsay Lohan sometimes stays at this hotel. If someone had the glass to the wall when I was 18 and first attempting whatever it was they were doing in the other room all they would’ve heard was me saying, “I’m sorry. Sex is like driving. It’s also like sales or negotiating or poker or being “a good judge of people”. Most people have over-inflated views of their performance in a variety of areas. (Fischer was, at best, above average as a young kid)

Three Leadership Traits that Never Go Out of Style - Vineet Nayar by Vineet Nayar | 6:00 AM August 20, 2012 When I was a kid, the children in our neighborhood would play in a nearby park every evening. Our undisputed leader was a boy barely a year older than I was, I think. He introduced the new kids to everyone, taught them the rules of games we played, and made sure no one felt left out. None of the leadership lessons that I have learned, unlearned, or relearned ever since have left as indelible an impact as the ones I learnt as a child. Trust: Do your team members trust you? David Maister, Charles Green, and Robert Galford, who wrote The Trusted Advisor, outline four attributes on which to assess your trust quotient: Credibility, reliability, intimacy and self-orientation. Empathy: Did you notice that look of anxiety as your teammate walked into office this morning? Emotional intelligence is widely recognized as a leadership quality, but being transparent about your emotions isn’t.

Richard Branson on How to Avoid Common Startup Mistakes Editor's Note: Entrepreneur Richard Branson regularly shares his business experience and advice with readers. What follows is the latest edited round of insightful responses. Ask him a question and your query might be the inspiration for a future column. Q: What are some of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when starting out? A: Making mistakes is part of the process of building a company; quickly recovering from them is what's most important. But your way forward is not entirely uncharted: When you notice an opportunity that has never occurred to anyone else, there are certain steps to turning your vision into reality. Let's take a look at these steps, and also at ways to avoid some of the most common mistakes new entrepreneurs make. Step 1: Stay on Target A mistake often associated with the first step is signaled by an entrepreneur's inability to clearly and concisely convey his idea. Related: Richard Branson on Finding and Selecting Investors for Your Startup

Get that job at Google I've been meaning to write up some tips on interviewing at Google for a good long time now. I keep putting it off, though, because it's going to make you mad. Probably. For some statistical definition of "you", it's very likely to upset you. Why? Hey man, I don't know that stuffStevey's talking abooooooutIf my boss thinks it's importantI'm gonna get fiiiiiiiiiiredOooh yeah baaaby baaaay-beeeeee.... I didn't realize this was such a typical reaction back when I first started writing about interviewing, way back at other companies. See, it goes like this: Me: blah blah blah, I like asking question X in interviews, blah blah blah... You: Question X? Me: So in conclusion, blah blah... huh? You: Aaaaaaauuuggh!!! Me: That's it. It doesn't matter what X is, either. But THEN, time passes, and interview candidates come and go, and we always wind up saying: "Gosh, we sure wish that obviously smart person had prepared a little better for his or her interviews. Caveats and Disclaimers Oho! Me: Yes. So!

Banks to Small Business: Online Theft? Tough Luck Two years ago hackers stole $5.2 million from the online account of Experi-Metal, a 135-employee metal products manufacturer in Sterling Heights, Mich. The bank, Comerica (CMA), got nearly 90 percent of the money back, but said the unrecoverable $561,000 was Experi-Metal’s problem because the company had allowed a computer to be infected. “The fraud department at Comerica said, ‘What’s wrong with you? How could you let this happen?’ ” says Valiena A. Cybercrooks are stealing as much as $1 billion a year from the accounts of small and midsize companies in the U.S. and Europe, according to estimates from Dell SecureWorks (DELL), a security arm of the PC maker. Hacking losses dwarf the $43 million the FBI says was taken last year in conventional bank heists, and authorities are struggling to keep up with criminals abroad, whose trails turn cold fast. Both the FBI and the U.S. If cops fail to get the money, courts don’t always help small businesses. The Patco rulings infuriated James R.

MBA Mondays: Asking An Employee To Leave The Company I don't like using terms like "fire" or "terminate." To me they have too much emotion attached to them to be appropriate when splitting with an employee. I like to say that "fred was asked to leave the company" or "fred, we need you to leave the company." That works better for me and, I think, it also works better for the person who is being asked to leave the company. But more than how to say it, I think how you do it is paramount. Here are some simple rules along with some color commentary on each: 1) Be quick – once you've made a decision to let someone go, move quickly to do it. 2) Be generous – Unless the employee has acted in extreme bad faith or done something terribly wrong, I like to be generous on the way out. 3) Be clear – Do not beat around the bush. 4) Get advice – There are some situations where the company has some potential legal exposure in these situations. When an employee is asked to leave the company there are two constituencies you need to think about.
