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Introducing Each Other Game

Education World's readers responded to last year's back-to-school story with more than two dozen great ideas. So here, in a follow-up to 14 Great Ideas for the First Days of School, is the second batch of reader ideas -- 14 more activities for the first days of school! Hello, Amigos! For ESOL tutors or teachers in schools with a multicultural population: Create a poster with hands of different colors and write on each hand the word hello in a different language. Greet the children, saying "Hola, amigos" and introduce yourself, giving brief background. Chrysanthemum's Graph! We Are All Unique! Invite students to list some traits that make them unique. Sticker Partners! Me Bag Place a white paper bag on each desk on the morning of the first day. Candy Gets Kids Talking! Note: Before preparing or distributing any food in the classroom, make sure you are aware of children's allergies or dietary restrictions and caution children about choking hazards. Take As Much As You Want! Paper Dolls!

Growing chain game As an extremely shy student, the beginning of a school year filled me with angst. My heart raced before the first bell ever rang. I’d wonder if the teacher would be as nice, or as mean, as I’d heard. I worried whether I’d make any new friends, and I would literally hold my breath waiting to hear how the teacher would mangle my name. Fourth grade was the absolute best start I’d ever had to elementary school. I tell you the story above because I truly believe our own childhood experiences help shape the teachers we become. Who’s in Our Room Word Search Arrival on the very first day of school is different than any other day of the year. D-icebreakers Divide students into groups of 4–6 students and give each group one die and a copy of the D-icebreakers printable. Skit-tell Us About Yourself With students seated in a circle, I pass around a bag of Skittles, telling each student to pick two. Autograph Scavenger Hunt Beach Ball Introductions Back to School "Survival" Bags Silent Line-Up

7 First Day of School Activities Students Love The first day of school will be here before you know it. Most teachers face the big day with enthusiasm, but they dread the inevitable challenge: what to do on the first day of school. Every teacher’s approach is different. Whatever your goal, here are a few things to try to get the school year off to a great start! Goal: Getting to Know Your Students How well will your incoming students know you? If you’re teaching kindergarteners (or high school freshmen, who often seem like kindergarteners), you may need to spend the first day – or the first several days –getting everyone comfortable. Teaching strategies for improving friendship skills at the elementary school... The School of Education at Gardner-Webb University has received national... We examine the classroom management characteristics of effective teachers. A few useful classroom management ways to get information from your students on... 7 great technology in the classroom apps to use this year. Plan a Scavenger Hunt Do a Self-Portrait

13 ESL Speaking Activities to Give Adult Students the Gift of Gab Ah, to be young again. Younger ESL students know what’s up. They treat being in ESL class like being on the playground. Got a couple of bumps and bruises on the jungle gym? Made a few English mistakes? And that’s how it should be! That being said, speaking out loud in front of other people—especially in a second language—can be nerve-wracking for anyone. 1. 2. Those are a couple of big ones, but there’s still more. Important Considerations for Teaching Adult ESL Students If you’re teaching a class overseas (rather than a class with mixed nationalities in your home country), you need to be aware of local sensitivities, especially to appropriateness in mixed gender situations. While your school may have considered it acceptable to have men and women learning in the same room, you should notice if students have a strong tendency to sit separately based on gender. What can you do about it? There are a few other things to consider about teaching ESL to adult students: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Icebreakers Volume 7: Getting to Know One Another | First Day of School Activities | Ice Breakers | Opening Day Activities Education World readers have come through again! Enjoy these teacher-tested icebreaker activities for the first days of school. Included: Fourteen icebreakers from teachers around the globe! Each activity below was contributed by an Education World reader who is identified alongside the activity. It's in the Bag! Over the years, teachers have pulled from their "bags of tricks" a handful of activities employing the common paper bag! Dawn Lasko, who teaches third grade at Cliffwood (New Jersey) Elementary School, starts the year with a game that challenges her students to use their sense of touch. Cheryl Lindo, a teacher at Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, uses paper bags in one of her favorite icebreaker activities. Jamie Ward gives a similar opening-day homework assignment to her students at Clarendon (Texas) Junior High School. The first item must represent something the student loves to do. Cool Introductions Have students write three things about themselves. Options:

Back to School Archive Check out these articles on everything from preparing for the first day to dealing with homework woes, coping as a new teacher and ensuring smooth sailing for substitute teachers. Be sure to explore our 12 volumes of icebreakers and first day of school activities that help students and teachers get to know each other. Icebreakers Archive | Classroom Icebreaker Activities Best of the IcebreakersVolume 1: Tell Me About You ActivitiesVolume 2: 14 Activities for the First Days of SchoolVolume 3: Engaging Activities for the First Days of SchoolVolume 4: Activities for the First Day of SchoolVolume 5: All-About-You Activities for the First Days of SchoolVolume 6: Get to Know Your Classmates ActivitiesVolume 7: Getting to Know One AnotherVolume 8: Who's in the Classroom? Tools for Teaching: Starting the New School Year On the first day of school, the first question in students' minds is, "Who are you?" Fun Activities Get the School Year Off to a Good Start! Party! Ten Games for Classroom Fun!

Categories or Similarities Game Each team must find a certain amount of things they all have in common (similarities) before the other teams in this simple competitive icebreaker game. It’s best for ages 8+. It works great for medium sized groups, or even really large groups of 20+ people if you split into smaller sized groups. Materials needed You won’t need anything to play this game. If you’d like to make things more official, you can use a piece of paper and a writing utensil for each team to record their similarities on, although this is not necessary. How to set up the Categories (or Similarities) game: No setup is necessary to play the Similarities game! How to play: Divide your group up into separate teams of about 5 people each. Winning the game The winner of the regular version of the game is the team that most quickly identifies 6 similarities they all share.

7 Great Activities for the First Day of School | Scholastic New Year Resolutions Involve students in the creation of a set of classroom new year resolutions to guide you through the coming months. Work together to brainstorm resolutions, and write them on a sheet of chart paper. If necessary, reword them in a positive manner (such as "walk" rather than "don't run"). These may be resolutions for behavioral expectations (take turns) or class goals (learn our times tables). Each student can write one of the resolutions from the list on a paper bubble cutout. Guess Who Students become detectives in this get-acquainted game, in which they uncover the real identity of a fellow classmate. Switch! Here's a great indoor or outdoor game to get students actively learning about each other! Welcome Bags Use these party favors to send positive messages to students on the first day of school. The Penny Jar Here's a getting-to-know-you activity that really makes "cents"! Hats Off to a New Year! Create a Time Capsule

Tecnologie Educative e regia Didattica Tecnologie Educative e Regia Didattica Do It YourselfTecnologie dell'Apprendimento e della Conoscenza Lezioni realizzatedal docente NietzscheIntroduzione al pensiero Lezioni realizzatedagli studenti La Rivoluzione Astronomica Il pessimismo di Schopenhauer Sviluppo industrialein Italia Lezioni di filosofia moderna Strumenti per realizzare video lezioni Lezioni degli StudentiRegistrate Video delle Lezionitenute in aula Cartesioil problema del Metodo Cartesioil Dubbio e il Cogito CartesioMorale e Passioni dell'anima Presentazioni degli studentirealizzate per condurre la lezione Cartesiobiografia e metodo Cartesiodio garante verità Cartesiomorale e passioni Utilizzare i video On Line Raccolte diGianfranco Marini raccolte realizzatedagli studenti Video LezioniFilosofia Platonica PearltreesLezioni di filosofia Creare e gestire discussionia partire dai video Creare Video Quizzese video lezioni EdPuzzleVideoturial italianoJessica Redeghieri EducanonVideotutorial italianoAngela Maria Sugliano Verifica Formativae Sommativa

Icebreakers Volume 1: First Day of School Activities Every teacher has his or her favorite getting to know you activities. Following are a few of EdWorld's picks. Why not explore a few you may not have tried before? Let's jump right into our first circle activity. My name is _____, and if I were an animal I'd be a _____ because.... I demonstrate for my students: "My name is Mr. Then I give the students a little time to think about what animals they might like to be -- and why. Next, I ask the kids to draw themselves as their animals, leaving space at the bottom of the drawing for their first writing assignment. As I call on students during the day, I always repeat their names -- and their animals! We are all unique! Then I use the word in several statements, the last of which is "Each of us is unique." Next step: Out comes the roll of white mural paper. I start out by writing "Mr. Let's play detective. "My favorite hobby is ________." "I want to see whether you're good detectives," I tell the students.

The Dos and Don'ts of Classroom Management: Your 25 Best Tips Posted 08/20/2014 1:55PM | Last Commented 03/29/2016 9:48AM Classroom management is a delicate balancing act often learned through experience and trial-and-error experimentation. Whether you're a new or experienced teacher, having strategies for effective classroom management is essential for creating positive, successful learning spaces (and staying sane!). In this presentation you’ll find 25 tips for managing your classroom. Without further ado, here are the Dos and Don'ts of Classroom Management: Your 25 Best Tips: Each classroom is different, so please come back and share what you've learned and what works for you! NOTE: If you're having trouble viewing the presentation, click here to view it directly.
