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February Monthly Challenge About the Art Conceived under the most unusual of circumstances, and nurtured in a remarkable setting at Broadway, The Cotswold, England, this painting is overwhelmingly held out by the public -- then as well as today -- to be the most favored painting of all his work. It is universally believed to be one of his masterpieces. Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, the title lifted from the light-hearted lyrics of a popular song, is a triumph of John's use of light which would never be equaled in quite the same way. About the Artist 20 Gadgets That Innovate Ordinary Things Do you love gadgets? Well, if you are going to answer “No”, you probably just don’t know what I mean. Gadgets are little (and huge) devices that are meant to make our lives easier.

Home ~ B'sue Boutiques ~ Vintage Jewelry Supplies and Victorian Jewelry Findings New Items, Just Arrived Just Back In Stock What's On Sale! Jewelry Making Kits, Grab Bags, Muse Lots Mixed Media Products Basic Jewelry Findings Where to Buy the Best DIY Supplies DIYers know that getting the right goods is just as important as actually having the goods. Skill, patience and a great eye are key, obviously. But an amazing source for custom yarn and discount Mod Podge? Beading Project Archived Projects:Stretchy Ring, Fishy Bracelet with clasp, Wine Charms, Dangling Earrings, Leather, Y Necklace. Beaded Watch But feel free to improvise with beads from your own stash. If you've been using beads for a while, you've probably accumulated a few beads "just because" - here's a chance to experiment. If you are new to beading, then you might want to pick up a bead mix - an assortment of different beads that you can sort through to find those special beads that will look just fabulous. Remember - beads never go bad!

How to Make a Hula Hoop How to Make a Collapsible Hoop: Since I've been getting quite a few requests for collapsible hoop-making instructions lately, here are the basics. In addition to what you need to make a regular hoop, to make a collapsible, you need: Four connectors per hoop instead of oneBulk bungee corduncoated coat hanger wirea power sander (or a lot of patience)several pairs of pliers and several hands Fair warning on two points: First, sanding down the connectors produces plastic dust that you do not want in your eyes or lungs.

30 Great Places to Buy Fabric Online « The Humble Nest You can make the greatest stuff with your sewing skills but if you don’t have great fabric to work with your projects just won’t turn out as well. Finding fabric that is perfect for your needs can be a bit of a hassle and it’s often a task that’s best done in person so you can gauge weight and texture. Yet, some of the best deals on fabric, especially imported or designer fabric, can be found online. Here are a few sites that I’ve found to be particularly useful in finding and buying great fabrics.

Bookbinding Materials buy online Touché bookbinding boardFancy Cardboardfrom 1,00 € solid colour, both sides painted wth matte finish,... produced with multi-layered cellulose cardboard and chemical cellulose which contains 40% recycled fibre material, FSC certified (Forest Stewardship Council)
