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This page is set up to host bits of codes and sample algorithms. Those algorithms are free to be explored or even shared with proper recognition to the author.Please let me know if you reached any interesting result using any piece of the code provided. Before downloading anything from Digital [Sub]stance you consent to the following license agreement Digital [Sub]stance by Marios Tsiliakos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at “If you Enjoyed anf found the content of this blog useful please consider donating to keep Digital [Sub]stance up and running.” Grasshopper Definitions

Parametric Furniture Research | Fishtnk Design Factory [archive/blog] In collaboration with: Dan Hambleton, MESH consultants. The study has been on going collaborative project which has resulted in a unique approach on structural optimization and material performance analysis furniture and product design for. With the increase of analytic + parametric software presence in design processes, the ideas of mass-customization in large scale production becomes more approachable than ever. The Vessel Chair by fishtnk became a case study for this research. The outcome is developed as a malleable algorithm to be applied to different disciplines for material and structural optimization on the principals of mass-customiza tion. Pieces like Three, Vessel chair, Bungeeseat, Leftover chair are a few that were developed to production level. This collection is developed in Grasshopper for Rhino software platform. The Cortical Chair has been the latest addition to this research :

Blender to GH . a collection of codes & grammars for Grasshopper, a generative modeling tool for Rhinoceros. 3D Hilbert Curve This definition generates a 3D Hilbert Curve, a continuous fractal space-filling curve. nGon mesh tessellation Starting from a closed surface it builds a nGon mesh tessellation Curves Sorter Starting from a list of curves it takes the first one then it looks for the closest curve and it eventually flips the direction to optimize the toolpath lenght. froGH A sparse collection of tools for Grasshopper. See the code, explanation and download here. Clusterizer This definition groups indexes of connected points into separate clusters. Spirograph This definition simulates a spirograph tool. 3D Differential mesh relaxation This definition explores the 3D relaxation of a mesh effected by an image gradient. Vorospace Math surfaces .

Tree_Columns(Rhino_Grasshopper) video inside 主要利用Grasshopper裡面的Divide Curve功能 從一個點 到一個圓上的等分點 再依等分點畫圓後再等分 類似RECURSIVE的做法 利用ARC(SED)的指令 Mainly using the Divide_Curve function in Grasshopper to draw a RECURSIVE way with Circle and Arc Function We started from a point and the point branched out to 4 circles then we divided each of the circles by 4 then connected the center of the circle to the 4 divided points which move a certain distance from the center point 所以完成樹支之後 可以調整圓的大小以調整樹枝外岔的寬度 以下是GRASSHOPPER檔案 After Finishing the branches, we could start to play with the angle of the spreading and the radius of the branches the picture below are the Grasshopper file 以下是調整參數的變化 也就是等分點的變化 Image below are the process of how to get the branches by divide circle 可以調整樹支的外擴範圍 We could change the spreading angles of the branches 再來就是把他變成陣列 做為建築的柱子 Array the tree as columns then

RH AutoDimension 02////////////////////////////////////////// Dec07// Master degree at Politecnico di Torino with a computational design thesis TMD_tsunami memorial design competition, network as design tool::: prof.Roberto Apostolo, prof.Mario Grosso, Arch.Andrea GrazianoJan08// Join at studioGriffa, Turin as project architectFeb08// at DRL TEN exhibition, Architectural Association, London with K_pavilion project ::: visiting Zaha Hadid Architects London, attends co|de lecture: Shajay Booshan, Danilo Arsic Feb08// K_pavilion publicated at DRL TEN book.Mar08// UIA infopoint competition.May08// MCA, Mario Cucinella architects "Una stanza di luce" workshop at Cavallerizza Chiablese, TurinJun08// Workshop “Parametric Architecture” tutors Ludovica Tramontin Asp(e)x and Erich Schoenenberger(Su11 architecture+design, Pratt Insitute, NY, USA)Jul08/// Torino World Design Summer School “Prototyping the city” assistant tutor of EcologicStudio-Architectural Association, NSU-GSAPP-Columbia University and Politecnico di Torino+ Configuration 0 project.

TUTORIALS A lot of people have been asking me how I create my renderings. Since I am finished with grad school, I decided to develop some tutorials that explain techniques I used throughout architecture school. Many of the techniques only require Sketchup and Photoshop. Others later on will be a little more advanced and involve rendering programs that can be downloaded for free. . rh TowerContour Option Explicit 'Script written by davide del giudice 'Script copyrighted by 'Script version Saturday, 09 Oct 2011 Call Contour() Sub Contour() Dim srf1,arrcrvs,startpt,endpt,arrst,arrend, int,crv,counter,counter2 srf1=rhino.GetObject("select surface",8+16) int= rhino.GetInteger ("select height floor",10,1,100) startpt=rhino.getobject("select start point",1) endpt=rhino.Getobject("select end point",1) arrst=rhino.PointCoordinates (startpt) arrend=rhino.PointCoordinates (endpt) arrcrvs=Rhino.AddSrfContourCrvs (srf1, arrst, arrend,int) rhino.HideObject srf1 counter=0 counter2=0 For Each crv In arrcrvs If rhino.iscurveclosed(crv) Then Dim centroid:centroid=Rhino.CurveAreaCentroid (crv) Dim area:area=rhino.curveArea (crv) Call rhino.ObjectColor (crv, rgb (((counter*10)+50),((counter*10)+50),((counter*10)+50))) Dim area1:area1=Rhino.Ceil (area(0)) Dim arrBox:arrBox=Rhino.BoundingBox (crv) Dim arrpoint Dim dot:dot= rhino.AddTextDot ("floor#"&counter, arrBox(3))

Kangaroo discussions and examples from GH forum home about us contact sg2011 cluster: use the force Through Kangaroo, the live physics plug-in, this cluster will explore ways of using the simulated interaction of physical forces and real-time spatial inputs to develop novel form-finding processes. news and updates discussions cluster champions members view all image albums videos events No event created yet. discussion Discussion started by Daniel Piker , on 14 Mar 11:53 AM Over the past few months I've posted fairly regularly on the Grasshopper forum about Kangaroo - responding to various questions, often with example files and expanding on the explanations in the manual. In the hope that these discussions and examples might be useful to others I've collected some of them here: Measuring/displaying stresses. (and also some more general thoughts about structural optimization) distorting a flat hexagonal grid spring rest lengths shrinkwrapping geometry simple catenary

Ribs structure Dec07// Master degree at Politecnico di Torino with a computational design thesis TMD_tsunami memorial design competition, network as design tool::: prof.Roberto Apostolo, prof.Mario Grosso, Arch.Andrea GrazianoJan08// Join at studioGriffa, Turin as project architectFeb08// at DRL TEN exhibition, Architectural Association, London with K_pavilion project ::: visiting Zaha Hadid Architects London, attends co|de lecture: Shajay Booshan, Danilo Arsic Feb08// K_pavilion publicated at DRL TEN book.Mar08// UIA infopoint competition.May08// MCA, Mario Cucinella architects "Una stanza di luce" workshop at Cavallerizza Chiablese, TurinJun08// Workshop “Parametric Architecture” tutors Ludovica Tramontin Asp(e)x and Erich Schoenenberger(Su11 architecture+design, Pratt Insitute, NY, USA)Jul08/// Torino World Design Summer School “Prototyping the city” assistant tutor of EcologicStudio-Architectural Association, NSU-GSAPP-Columbia University and Politecnico di Torino+ Configuration 0 project.

LA | The Lebanon Architect February 2010 In these days at ZHA office we needed a quick and fast task to rename and manage annotation dots created previously. I wrote and custom for our purpose a series of RhinoScript from one of the codes archived on McNeel website . 1.RH convert_annotation_dot_to_points Option Explicit'Script written by Davide del Giudice'Script copyrighted by Co-de-iT'Script version Sunday, 21 February 2010 20:40:21 Call convert_annotation_dot_to_points()Sub convert_annotation_dot_to_points()Dim arrDots, strDotarrDots = Rhino.GetObjects("Select dots", 0, True, True )If Not IsArray(arrDots) Then Exit SubDim arrPt, strTextFor Each strDot In arrDots If Rhino.IsTextDot(strDot) Then strText = Rhino.TextDotText(strDot) arrPt = Rhino.TextDotPoint(strDot)Rhino.AddPoints array(arrPt) 'Rhino.AddText strText, arrPtRhino.DeleteObject strDot End IfNextEnd Sub 2.RH convert_annotation_dot_to_points_coordinates Rhino.DeleteObject strDot 2a.RH points_coordinate_ from_points NextEnd Sub Dim obj,pts,i,pointCoord
