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Social Media Marketing - 10 Inspiring Infographics

Social Media Marketing - 10 Inspiring Infographics
In 2011 social media marketing continued to make its impact on business and brand promotions. Google+ was launched (with an investment of over $500 million in development costs), Twitter became embedded in the new Apple iPhone 4s and Blogging didn’t die. Facebook soared past 800 million users and Twitter continued its upward trajectory past 200 million members. The world’s obsession with anything social online has given marketers access to networks that are instant in response, multi-media rich and ever challenging. Some Social Network Surprises Some surprising results and unexpected networks and social media platforms have made their mark this year . Tumblr is now attracting over 90 million unique visitors every monthStumbleUpon driving over 50% of all social network trafficYouTube is attracting 50% more views than 2010 and threatening traditional TV advertising and marketing 1. Via: Online Schools 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Read More Image by BirgerKing 1,241inShare

Economie des systèmes d'information - CIO-Online - actualité économique du monde informatique toute l'actualité "Economie" Edition du 21/11/2011 - par Bertrand Lemaire Publicis Consultants Net Intelligenz et Atos Consulting ont co-écrit un livre blanc très documenté sur l'évolution de la relation client à l'heure des médias sociaux. Cité dans le livre blanc Social CRM : vers la relation client augmentée, le conférencier Paul Greenberg définit le social CRM de la façon suivante : « Le Social CRM est une philosophie et une stratégie d'entreprise, reposant sur une plateforme technologique, des règles, des processus et des caractéristiques sociales. Son objectif est de se concentrer sur l'engagement avec les consommateurs au travers de conversations collaboratives, afin de créer des bénéfices pour les deux parties dans un environnement de confiance et de transparence. Voir clair derrière le buzz-word Mais il n'en reste pas moins que le terme social CRM est l'un des buzz-words du moment.

10 Social Media Commandments That Will Make or Break You in 2013 There are many social media users and businesses delving in to social media that don't exactly "get it". There seems this idea that big is better than lean. I'm not talking about men on magazine covers here, I'm talking about the idea that quantity beats quality of fans and followers. It is often hard to grasp how a Facebook fan count or Twitter followship of 1 million people does not result in sales while a smaller company with only a small percentage of fans/followers who are engaged are driving market share, sales, higher customer lifetime values, referrals, and more. In order to lay some ground rules for being successful using social media, I have put together 10 commandments that will ensure users and businesses alike can reap the rewards of successful social media efforts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

WordPress Trackback Tutorial When used properly, trackbacks and pingbacks are an excellent way to build links and traffic to your blog, as well as building relationships with other bloggers. What Is Trackback? In layman’s terms, trackback is a way to notify a website when you publish an entry that references it. When you send it a trackback, a link with a short excerpt of your entry will appear on the referenced website. How To Locate The Trackback Link When you want to trackback, you will need to use a special link provided on the blog you want to reference. Most trackback links appear just after the blog post content and before the comments. Sometimes the link will appear as a plain text link: Other times it will be a hyperlink: If the trackback URL is hyperlinked, you’ll need to right click on it and select “Copy link location…” (or your browser’s equivalent), otherwise, you can highlight and copy the link. If you plan to reference more than one blog entry, each trackback URL will need to be copied individually.

How Social Media Is the New Educator Gone are the days of attending school with a backpack filled with pens, pads, and weighty books filled with the student’s scribbles, or worse, explicit drawings. A return to education has resulted through a need for the latest and greatest gadgets and an incestuous need to network using social media. The good thing about today’s web-savvy students is that the importance of education is back in the spotlight. Sure, prom is still a priority, but competition for success within the classroom has become fierce. Companies such as Revolution Prep are sprouting up everywhere with the intent to serve the needs of today’s brightest and best students. Laptops and social networking have become just as essential in everyday classrooms as teachers. The atmosphere established in today’s public and private education system insinuates that a student’s best is no longer good enough. Performing arts programs are benefiting too.

Twitter + Random Acts of Kindness = A Successful Social Campaign Running out of cereal is usually a problem that one must face on his own. But when David Berkowitz awoke to the dilemma one morning this October, he got some support from an unexpected source. After reading a tweet about his irritation, Edge Shave Gel sent him enough cereal that it should be a very long time before he runs out again. "I’m still eating the cereal they sent me, so the positive brand association continues," says Berkowitz. Since September, 234 people have benefited from similar random acts of kindness from the @EdgeShaveZone Twitter account. As part of Edge's Anti-Irritation Campaign, a team of two devotes its full-time efforts to seeking, responding to, and relieving irritation across Twitter, much of which is conveyed using Edge's #soirritating hashtag. Using Twitter, Not Changing Twitter When was the last time you used Twitter to rave about a product you use every day? Getting the Word Out Becoming a Personality Nobody wants to converse with a marketing bot.

Can Seesmic Reinvent Itself as an Enterprise Tool? This post is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark as a new part of the Spark of Genius series that focuses on a new and innovative startup each day. Once a week the program focuses on startups within the BizSpark program and what they're doing to grow. A little more than three years ago, Seesmic launched as a Twitter-for-video service, but by mid-2009 the startup had completely shifted gears to focus on consumer software for the social web. Today, Seesmic is shuffling once more, this time to refocus on the enterprise. "We are moving from an end consumer-focused company to a business- and enterprise-focused one," says Seesmic founder Loic Le Meur. "We found out that most of our users are business users, community managers and enterprise [professionals]. Le Meur is referencing the recent collaboration between Salesforce and Seesmic to bring Saleforce's enterprise social application Chatter inside the Seesmic platform. Seesmic the Platform Third Time's a Charm? Sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark

Auguri! Tutte le novità di Contenuti WEB per il 2013 - Testi e contenuti per siti web Massima rilevanza anche per quanto riguarda i social network, ormai imprescindibili per un buon posizionamento. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus e i social che nasceranno nei prossimi anni hanno assunto un peso che non si può trascurare: mantenere una pagina aggiornata grazie a contenuti di valore sarà un obbligo per qualsiasi azienda o attività (davvero) all'avanguardia. Nella convinzione che il contenuto detterà legge, il sito verrà promosso al meglio delle nostre possibilità, per continuare a garantire un servizio professionale, etico e responsabile. Molte sono le aspettative anche per l'ebook aziendale: la diffusione di tablet, ereader, netbook e dispositivi mobili renderà la lettura su display un'abitudine come un'altra. Solo chi saprà offrire ai potenziali clienti una risorsa preziosa quale appunto l'ebook, vedrà aumentare in modo naturale vendite e contatti via web. Buone feste e felice anno nuovo!

First Class Web Hosting Services The Domain name cannot be set, please enter another Domain Name or correct it. The Domain name is already hosted on another Hosting24 Account, please enter another Domain Name or login to the existing account. Login via Members Login Page or use the Password Reminder to login to this existing account. Contact Us if you forgot the login details. Subdomains from 000webhost cannot be used on upgraded accounts. Coupon Code: Now, choose your Domain name: Domain Type: Domain: After the registration is complete, please do not forget to point your domain name to our nameservers. You will receive a confirmation e-mail after the registration is complete to confirm the domain transfer. The Social Media Phenomenon Encroaching Into the Classroom Educators are finding a new way to organize and collaborate resources for transition to the Common Core, curriculum mapping, and classroom activities. On its surface, Pinterest appears to be cluttered by posts predominantly from women looking for fun fashion, kitschy designs, savory recipes they may never bake but “like” nevertheless, and do-it-yourself beauty remedies. The site, which allows users to create digital bulletin boards and to post images of quite literally anything they want, now sits third behind Twitter and Facebook in social media popularity, garnering well over 100 million users in 2012 thus far alone. Eric Sheninger, principal at New Milford (N.J.) “I quickly became fascinated with the idea of ‘pinning’ together all of my professional interests,” wrote Sheninger in a blog for Edutopia. To begin, Sheninger found that Pinterest’s visual appeal and ease of use made it ideal for gathering together images, links and videos. Teachable Moments

5 Truths the Boss Needs to Know About Social Media Marketing For those of us who eat and breathe social media for a living, it is a no-brainer. What about the skeptical company head who just doesn’t quite get social media? Can he or she be swayed to adopting a social media campaign for their business, a program that could lead to both increased brand exposure and better return on investment (ROI)? As many social media professionals and those employees who are in-house and wish their company was more social can point out, selling the top individual at the business can be challenging at times. The biggest snafu in instituting a social media campaign is oftentimes that the person in charge of the company reports they can’t see any clear ROI with such efforts, therefore, why waste the time in the first place? If you have found resistance to getting a social media campaign off the ground either at your company or with businesses you have reached out to in order to provide such services, there are some things in your favor. Be sure to note: Truth #1.

Le migliori campagne di marketing del 2012 | SinCity - AcrossNowhereSinCity – AcrossNowhere Questo post sarà pieno zeppo di video. Di solito non mi piace fare post pieni di video, perché mi sembra quasi un modo per fare un post in maniera facile, scrivendo poco. A me non piacciono le cose semplici: adoro le complicazioni. Mia madre mi ha regalato una maglietta con scritto “Sono un genio… a complicarmi la vita”. Mi piacerebbe dirvi che sto scherzando, ma no, questa maglietta esiste ed è nel mio cassetto. In ogni caso, tornando in argomento, oggi faccio una piccola eccezione e condivido con voi le campagne di marketing più belle di questo 2012 appena concluso, perché questi video meritano. The Guardian – 3 Little Pigs Quello che ha fatto il giornale “The Guardian”, rivisitando la favola dei tre piccoli porcellini, è stato meraviglioso e perfettamente “on point”. – Our Blades are f***ing great Questo tizio è il mio idolo. Buzzman Tv – The last greeting Card ever Lo so, lo so, adesso non possiamo più sentire parlare della profezia Maya. Coca Cola – Security Cameras

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