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Wikimedia Foundation

Toolserver The Wikimedia Toolserver is a collaborative platform providing Unix hosting for various software tools written and used by Wikimedia editors. The service is operated by Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. with assistance from the Wikimedia Foundation. It consists of thirteen servers as outlined here. The contents of the live databases are replicated in three clusters: S1 (English Wikipedia), S2 (some major languages), S3 (all others), with varying degree of delay (often referred to as replag). Uddan dig gratis på verdens bedste universiteter Normalt koster det 230.000 kroner om året og er forbeholdt verdens bedste studerende. Nu kan du få det helt gratis. Via et nyt onlinesystem kan folk verden over fremover tage uddannelser på en række af USA’s højst ansete universiteter.

Is There Any Reason Not to Use My Social Network Account to Sign Into Apps? On the contrary. My Google account makes life so much easier, through logins and payments and cloud storage. Doesn't feel like a commitment so much as a handy place to keep all my stuff Yes, it does. منتديات ستار تايمز الحمـد لله وحده نحمده و نشكره و نستعـينه و نستـغفره و نعـود بالله مـن شـرور أنـفسنا و من سيـئات أعمالنا .. من يـهده الله فلا مظل لـه و مـن يظـلل فلن تـجد له ولياً مرشدا ..و أشـهد ألا إلاه إلا الله وحده لا شريك له و أن محــمداً عبده و رسـوله صــلى الله عليه وسلم و على آله و صحبه أجمعين و من تبعهم بإحسـان إلى يوم الدين . .ربنا لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الـخـبــيـر .. ربـنـا لا فــهم لـنا إلا ما فهــمتنا إنــك أنـت الجــواد الـكـريـم .ربـي اشرح لي صــدري و يســر لي أمــري و احــلل عقــدة من لســاني ليفقــهوا قــولي .. ... أما بعد...

IIS Coordinador Pablo González Casanova Consejo Editorial Carlos Aguirre Rojas, Jorge Alonso, Atilio Borón, Dídimo Castillo, Miguel Concha, Ana Esther Ceceña, Arón Cohen, Carlos Fazio, Enrique Leff, Isabel Rauber, Marcos Roitman, Theotonio dos Santos, John Saxe-Fernández, Rodolfo Stavenhagen y Raúl Zibechi Wikisource An Overview of the Human Genome Project An Overview of the Human Genome Project What was the Human Genome Project? The Human Genome Project (HGP) was the international, collaborative research program whose goal was the complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beings. All our genes together are known as our "genome." The HGP was the natural culmination of the history of genetics research.

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Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up human DNA, and of identifying and mapping all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and functional standpoint.[1] It remains the world's largest collaborative biological project.[2] The first official funding for the Project originated with the US Department of Energy’s Office of Health and Environmental Research, headed by Charles DeLisi, and was in the Reagan Administration’s 1987 budget submission to Congress.[3] It subsequently passed both Houses. The Project was planned for 15 years.[4] In 1990, the two major funding agencies, DOE and NIH, developed a memorandum of understanding in order to coordinate plans and set the clock for the initiation of the Project to 1990.[5] At that time, David Galas was Director of the renamed “Office of Biological and Environmental Research” in the U.S.

List of video editing software Wikipedia list article The following is a list of video editing software. The criterion for inclusion in this list is the ability to perform non-linear video editing. Most modern transcoding software supports transcoding a portion of a video clip, which would count as cropping and trimming. However, items in this article have one of the following conditions: Industrial Biotechnology - Enzyme Innovation - Genencor Our website uses cookies so that we can provide you a better online experience and service; by continuing, you agree to our use of cookies in line with our Privacy Statement Close

Physics CERN's main focus is particle physics – the study of the fundamental constituents of matter – but the physics programme at the laboratory is much broader, ranging from nuclear to high-energy physics, from studies of antimatter to the possible effects of cosmic rays on clouds. Since the 1970s, particle physicists have described the fundamental structure of matter using an elegant series of equations called the Standard Model. The model describes how everything that they observe in the universe is made from a few basic blocks called fundamental particles, governed by four forces. Physicists at CERN use the world's most powerful particle accelerators and detectors to test the predictions and limits of the Standard Model. Over the years it has explained many experimental results and precisely predicted a range of phenomena, such that today it is considered a well-tested physics theory. But the model only describes the 4% of the known universe, and questions remain.

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