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Rapt Media - Rapt Media - The easiest way to create world-class interactive videos

Rapt Media - Rapt Media - The easiest way to create world-class interactive videos

Rapt Media - Tutorial: Creating an Interactive Video Welcome to Rapt Media, the creative platform for Interactive Video. Here you will find a step-by-step tutorial on how to utilize the basic tools for creating an Interactive Video. We will also update this post and interactive tutorial continuously as we develop new features for our interactive video editor. A Complete Guide to Setting Up a Home Color Grading Suite This is a guest post by Cinematographer Ryan E. Walters. As Moore’s Law continues to make technology more accessible to the masses, it is time to start exploring what it takes to build your own grading suite at home or in your office. Before reading the rest of this post, I recommend that you check out How To Get The Most Out Of CS6, DaVinci, & Your Mac Pro, as this article continues to build on what I’ve outlined.

EDUCANON Engagement responsable Financement et sponsoring de projets "utiles" Nous finançons ou offrons nos services à des causes qui nous semblent importantes ; NUBYtouch a ainsi réalisé et maintient le site Web des Aguerris (Adultes guéris d'un cancer pédiatrique) ; citons également l'application iPhone-Android HandiPushup , application dédiée au monde du handicap physique. Charte de valeurs / management d'équipe Nous avons instauré une charte de valeurs de management d'équipe, qui donne un référentiel humain et un cadre d'action tant au niveau comportemental qu'au niveau des compétences ; cette charte est signée par tous nos collaborateurs, et donne des dispositions positives et structurantes ; ex : "Encourager l'initiative et l'innovation", "On a le droit à l'erreur", "Vulgariser c'est simplexifier" ...

Creating interactive video from the Course Articulate Storyline Advanced Techniques People dig videos, and people dig interaction. Put those two together, and you usually get a pretty engaging piece of e-learning. In the product section of this course, I have a short video clip that demonstrates the end of the installation process of a solar panel. The tightening of the lower outer panel, in particular. How to Replace Your MacBook’s Optical Drive With an SSD Just before the latest MacBook Pro updates were released, rumors swirled that the new models would adopt solid-state drives (SSD) in addition to hard disk drives (HDD) and drop internal optical DVD drives across the line. That sounded perfect to me. As I dove for the couch cushions in search of spare change to add to my computer upgrade fund, I considered that I didn’t really need a new computer. What I wanted was SSD. But SSD tech is expensive — really expensive if I wanted the same amount of storage offered by my MacBook Pro’s HDD. Luckily, there’s a way to have both.

Zaption - Interact & Learn with Video Lessons Clicface - Staff Directory, Org Chart and Suggestion Box for Business - WordPress Plugin How to enhance YouTube video embedding and SEO on WordPress and other platforms 10 tips for painless collaborative projects Working with another creative mind on a project can be rewarding and productive - but is fraught with potential pitfalls. Follow these 10 bits of advice and you'll give your partnership the best chance of success. 01. blubbr - Play & create video trivia games
