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The World Factbook

The World Factbook
The US has the most technologically powerful economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of $59,500. US firms are at or near the forefront in technological advances, especially in computers, pharmaceuticals, and medical, aerospace, and military equipment; however, their advantage has narrowed since the end of World War II. Based on a comparison of GDP measured at purchasing power parity conversion rates, the US economy in 2014, having stood as the largest in the world for more than a century, slipped into second place behind China, which has more than tripled the US growth rate for each year of the past four decades. In the US, private individuals and business firms make most of the decisions, and the federal and state governments buy needed goods and services predominantly in the private marketplace. Imported oil accounts for more than 50% of US consumption and oil has a major impact on the overall health of the economy. Related:  fiche pays usa

Culture of United States of America Orientation Identification. The name "America" is often used to refer to the United States, but until the political formation of the United States after the Revolutionary War, this designation referred to South America only. Contemporary use of the term to refer to the United States underlines that country's political and economic dominance in the western hemisphere. Such use of this designation is impolitic from the perspective of Canadians and Latin Americans. The United States has an Anglo majority that is politically and economically dominant. U.S. culture has significant regional inflections. The Northeast is densely populated. The Midwest is both rural and industrial. The South was shaped by its secession from the Union before the Civil War and is associated with slavery and with subsequent battles over civil rights for African-Americans. The West, the last national frontier, is associated with national dreams and myths of unlimited opportunity and individualism. United States

Citizenship Check the URL (web address) for proper spelling and completeness; Use our A-Z Index or Site Map; Type what you are looking for in the “Search our Site” box near the top of this page; or, Ask Emma, our virtual assistant, when she appears. If you reached this page from another website, (for example, report the link you clicked on to that website’s owner. You may need to go to the “Contact Us” page of that website to find where to report the broken link. To report a broken link on, please send an email to our USCIS webmaster with the following information: Location or page URL of the broken link (for example,; Link title; and, Screen shot of the page that shows the broken link.

Climat Etats Unis: température, précipitations, quand partir, que mettre dans la valise Températures, précipitations, conditions météo prédominantes, quand partir, que mettre dans la valise Sommaire Introduction Les États-Unis contigus couvrent un vaste territoire, et il est donc logique qu'ils aient une variété climatique considérable. En règle générale, cependant, les États-Unis ont un climat continental, avec des hivers froids (souvent très froids) et des étés chauds (souvent très chauds), avec une longueur différente des saisons selon la latitude et la distance de la mer. Mais il y a des exceptions : à l'ouest la côte du Pacifique, au climat frais et humide dans le nord et méditerranéen dans le sud ; la côte du Golfe du Mexique, douce en hiver et étouffante en été ; la Floride, presque tropicale ; les zones montagneuses, froides toute l'année ; et enfin la zone des déserts chauds. La côte ouest Seattle Voici les températures moyennes à Seattle, située dans le nord-ouest, dans l’état de Washington, à 150 km de la frontière canadienne. San Francisco Los Angeles Les déserts Fargo

Race and Ethnicity Facts, information, pictures John Snetsinger To many observers one of the surprises of the 2000 census was that fully 10 percent of Americans reported that they had been born in a foreign country. Thirty years earlier the figure had been just 4.7 percent, the smallest in the Republic's history. A defining element of the American experience has been the degree to which ethnic affiliations, and to a lesser degree racial identity, have influenced foreign policy. Because there has never been a time in which a higher percentage of Americans had themselves been born in a foreign country, or had at least one parent born overseas, historians commonly focus on the influence of ethnic constituencies on President Woodrow Wilson's diplomacy of war and peace. Reasons for the link between American diplomacy and ethnicity are found in the manner in which the country was settled. White English settlers made up the clear majority in the American colonies, but only through the second half of the eighteenth century. Druks, Herbert.

United States The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (US), America or simply the States, is a federal republic[10][11] consisting of 50 states and a federal district. The 48 contiguous states and the federal district of Washington, D.C., are in central North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is the northwestern part of North America and the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also has five populated and nine unpopulated territories in the Pacific and the Caribbean. At 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km2) in total and with around 317 million people, the United States is the fourth-largest country by total area and third largest by population. Etymology The phrase "United States" was originally treated as plural, a description of a collection of independent states—e.g., "the United States are"—including in the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1865. History Settlements

Citizenship in the United States United States citizenship confers the right to acquire a U.S. passport.[1] The one shown above is a post-2007 issued passport. Citizenship in the United States, being a citizen, is a status that entails specific rights, privileges, and duties. Citizenship is understood as a "right to have rights" since it serves as a foundation for a bundle of subsequent rights, such as the right to live and work in the United States and to receive federal assistance.[2] There are two primary sources of citizenship: birthright citizenship, in which a person is presumed to be a citizen provided that he is born within the territorial limits of the United States,[3] and naturalization, a process in which an immigrant applies for citizenship and is accepted. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. U.S. law permits multiple citizenship. Relation of citizenship[edit] Duties[edit]

Liste des aéroports les plus fréquentés aux États-Unis Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Il s'agit des listes des aéroports les plus fréquentés des États-Unis, selon divers critères de classement. Trafic total de passagers dans le graphique[modifier | modifier le code] Trafic annuel sur l'aéroport ATL LAX ORD DFW DEN JFK SFO SEA LAS MCOVoir la requête sur le moteur Wikidata. Aéroports Américains les plus fréquentés par le trafic passagers total (2019)[modifier | modifier le code] Liste des aéroports les plus fréquentés aux États-Unis en fonction du nombre total de passagers. Aéroports américains les plus fréquentés en trafic passagers total (2018)[modifier | modifier le code] Liste des aéroports les plus fréquentés des États-Unis sur la base du nombre total de passagers, les données sont basées sur les chiffres fournis à partir des chiffres annuels ou mensuels publiés par les autorités de ces propres aéroports. Voir également[modifier | modifier le code] Liste des aéroports les plus fréquentés de Californie

The Largest Ancestry Groups In The United States Fast Food and American Culture The American way of life is built around speed and efficiency. Every new advance in technology is built around being just a little faster and a little more connected. A mother can drop her kids off at school, pay her bills online, contribute to her retirement account, schedule a meeting at work, respond to e-mails through her Blackberry, call in a coffee order at Starbucks, return her Netflix movies, and squeeze in a yoga workout all before she actually gets to work. Where in this schedule is there time for a well-rounded meal (excepting Starbucks of course)? This perpetual need for speed has invaded all aspects of our lives and has created an environment that is not conducive to traditional family meals. Perhaps the first impetus for this change was the invention of the television. Let's return to the woman mentioned in the first paragraph. Simply looking at an example like this one makes it easy to see why the traditional meal has given way to fast food.

National Election Pool General Election Exit Polls, 2006 Title: National Election Pool General Election Exit Polls, 2006 Online Analysis Using SDA The online analysis system allows you to run both simple and complex analyses, recode and compute new variables, and subset variables or cases for downloading. The software powering the system, named Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA), was developed by the Computer-assisted Survey Methods Program (CSM) at the University of California, Berkeley. Click on the link(s) below to begin using SDA. Weight Please note that weights may affect analysis results. The data contain a weight variable (WGT) that should be applied in all analyses. If you're having trouble with SDA utilities, you may wish to consult the online help files for SDA users provided by the Computer-assisted Survey Methods Program (CSM) at the University of California, Berkeley.

Etats-Unis: le taux de chômage passe sous les 7% Les créations d'emplois en octobre sont supérieures au consenus. Le chômage aux États-Unis reste néanmoins toujours deux fois supérieur à ses niveaux d'avant la crise. Peux-ton parler de début de retournement pour l'emploi aux Etats-Unis alors que l'épidémie de covid est toujours plus forte? Il faut dire que les chiffres d'octobre sont plutôt bons. "Alors que la majeure partie du consensus pariait sur des chiffres de l’emploi américain pour le mois d’octobre littéralement catastrophiques, c’est tout l’inverse qui ‘s’est produit", commente ainsi Mirabaud Securities. Par ailleurs, le taux de chômage a baissé plus qu'attendu en octobre, et s'établit à 6,9%, a annoncé vendredi le département du Travail contre 7,9% en septembre et un consensus à 7,6%. L'emploi repart dans le secteur des loisirs et de la restauration "Ces améliorations sur le marché du travail reflètent la reprise continue de l'activité économique", explique le département du Travail dans un communiqué. Prochains mois difficiles

CHRONOLOGY OF UNITED STATES ETHNIC HISTORY Before 1500 Only Americans The Americans Indigenous inhabitants of what are now called North and South America. " Already here." Arrived 12,000 - 40,000 years ago. Major migration via land bridge from Siberia, spread south. What is now US and Canada was more sparsely settled; over 300 languages. 1500-1776 Colonial Era European incursions European governments "claim" America and divide it among themselves. Initial Confrontations: Colonial Period 1500-1800. by 1800, NA pop counted by US govt at 600,000, by 1850 it was 250,000. climactic changes had been disrupting and moving populations anyway. decline of large mammals. drying of SW. but this pre-Columbus. When you are thinking about what happened, it is important to realize that most Nat Ams in the New England, upper midwest area lived in relatively small bands, independent, no overarching governments, some history of disunity, breaking up. democracy. no government. Europeans Religious self-views. Africans "Before the Mayflower." N.B.

Current Population Survey (CPS) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) How soon, after the survey is conducted each month, is the monthly microdata file available to the public? back to top The Basic CPS monthly microdata file is usually made available to the public 30-45 days after data collection is complete. Data files for supplemental information, such as School Enrollment and Food Security, are available anywhere from 6 to 18 months after data collection. What variables allow me to match records from multiple CPS files? To merge CPS files together, Linking CPS Data Files [PDF - 23K] gives instructions. What is the lowest geographical level available from CPS microdata files? The CPS data provide reliable estimates at the state level and for 12 of the largest metropolitan statistical areas. How can I obtain tabulated data from the CPS? See the BLS/CPS home page and then click on CPS Tables. How can I obtain historical data not provided through your website or through DataFerrett (pre-1989)? What is the average response rate for the monthly CPS?

États-Unis : activités économiques Les services occupent plus des trois quarts des actifs, l'industrie 22 %, et l'agriculture 2 % seulement. Les États-Unis se situent parmi les trois premiers producteurs mondiaux dans de nombreux domaines : pétrole, gaz, charbon et électricité (mais le secteur énergétique est déficitaire en hydrocarbures) ; céréales (blé, maïs) et soja, fruits tropicaux, élevage ; cultures industrielles (coton, tabac) ; sidérurgie et métallurgie des non-ferreux (aluminium) ; construction automobile et aéronautique ; chimie et électronique. Mais la concurrence au niveau mondial apparaît de plus en plus vive, le solde de la balance commerciale est lourdement négatif et le déficit budgétaire s'est creusé. 1. La maîtrise d'un espace immense 1.1. Les Amérindiens, souvent très mobiles, ont laissé peu de traces matérielles de leur occupation du territoire, si ce n'est dans la toponymie (noms donnés aux États, aux rivières, aux montagnes…). 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 3.
