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Free Reference Manager - Academic Software For Research

Free Reference Manager - Academic Software For Research

Khan Academy Beginner’s Guide to iOS Development: The Interface – Part I Apple has been a leading industry in the mobile world for years with its iPhone and iPad series. Despite the hype it can create with every official release like iOS 5, it’s also holding a large portion of market shares in the mobile platform, and this is probably the reason that most clients will want their app to exist in the Apple’s app store, thus becoming the reason for developers to learn and build the iPhone app. (Image Source: Apple Developer) The good news is, iPhone application development is not as hard as you might think, and this post exists as a comprehensive guide to walk you through the complete process of building an application for iPhone. So whether you’re learning for business or you just have an amazing app idea that might make you a millionaire, let’s get started on building your first iPhone app! Why Develop for Apple? I see this question asked frequently so I want to explain why you should be interested in iPhone development. Planning your iPhone App Structure Reeder

Ok, tried, it has a way to go to be a full reference manager. And the annotation abilities that I hoped it had aren't there yet. No reports yet...can't really recommend it as a full reference manager. Where it does excel is speed and reading- it imported 53 references in a matter of minutes. It's so CLEAN compared to qiqqa. Makes a great PDF manager. by kbpc172 Jan 26

The newest reference manager. Haven't had a chance to try it out, but looks promising, the great things about Mendeley and more- the highlight to notes feature, etc. the test will be how well it handles reports. Also an iPad version of some kind would be great- indeed, it's planned. So great PDF organization, annotation support, planned for syncing to the cloud and iPad app. If all this stuff is implemented, this would be the best ref. manager out there....! by kbpc172 Jan 25
