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Create a Quick and Easy Typographic Illustration in Illustrator Creating a hand drawn look in Illustrator is easier than you think. So easy in fact, that you can create an entire design that looks completely hand drawn in a matter of minutes. I’ll show you how below in this easy to follow tutorial. Create a Silhouette Image Gestures icons, +900 free files in PNG, EPS, SVG format Like 207 1 6 months ago Clicker 19,343 45 11 months ago Give Money 41,510 120 2 years ago Agreement 8,322 78 8 months ago 9 great color resources Colour is an integral element of design. And the web is full of endless resources and tutorials covering it. But, sometimes too much choice can be confusing. So we've picked this selection of the best resources that will really help you to get to grips with the subject. 01. Mudcube Colour Sphere

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Image Effects with CSS Bennett Feely Twitter CodePen How it works Using one or more newer CSS properties (background-blend-mode, mix-blend-mode, or filter) gives us a surprising amount of possibilities to manipulate a single source image. In most of these effects the single source background-image url is repeated one or more times and blended with itself using CSS blend modes (multiply, overlay, screen, difference, etc.) In some of these effects, the CSS filter property is used to further refine the output. index Image #1 Feather shadow Font vs. Typeface (And 14 Other Design Terms We Always Get Wrong) ~ Creative Market Blog Designers talk in fancy technical terms all the time, but how often do we get it right? Well, that's a good question, and with that in mind, we came up with 15 design terms that we always seem to screw up, then put them in one convenient place — right here! 1. Font vs.

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7 Free Stock Video Loop Backgrounds (and How to Use & Implement Them) A current popular website development technique involves implementing the use of stock video loop backgrounds (particularly using stock videos) to capture the attention of site visitors. The implementation of the stock video loop technique has skyrocketed video backgrounds to the front of current trends. Your website is responsible for many aspects that are key to your businesses success. Photographers: The Guardians of History? Have you ever considered the responsibilities we bear as photographers? Without wishing to get too dramatic, in many ways, we photographers are the guardians of history. Just as our knowledge of history has been shaped by the paintings and drawings of our ancestors, the photographs we capture today may well shape the knowledge of future generations as they endeavor to understand our society today. And this visual history is not limited to just our society. It applies just as equally to the physical world around us.

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