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Cyberbullying - National Bullying Prevention Center

Just as the use of technology itself has evolved, so has the ability to bully. Bullying, once restricted to the school or neighborhood, has now moved into the online world. Bullying through the use of technology is referred to as “cyberbullying.” Cyberbullying is the use of technology to repeatedly and intentionally harass, hurt, embarrass, humiliate, or intimidate another person. As adults, thinking back, it was just a generation ago that kids and teens were asking their parents for a phone in their room — maybe even one with a separate line or three-way calling — so they could easily and somewhat privately connect with more friends. Today, a kid or teen’s desire to connect with friends has not changed, but the options for doing so have grown tremendously. Cyberbullying can happen anywhere there is online social interaction. Cyberbullying: Definition and Dynamics 1. electronic forms of contact 2. an aggressive act 3. intent 4. repetition 5. harm to the target (Hutson, 2016 ) Persistent.

Related:  Articles and WebsitesCiberbulling

Help to Stop Cyberbullying – OIT Cybersecurity Cyberbullying: Bullying that takes place over any electronic device we use. Its intent is to threaten, humiliate, harass or abuse another person. Cyberbullying can take place in any area of our online experience including text messages, games, apps, and social media. Cyberbullying focuses on sending or “posting” harmful or negative content in an effort to degrade or demean a person or group of people. Cyberbullying can be extremely devastating to the reputation and emotional well being of the person or group being targeted.

Significado de Ciberbullying El ciberbullying o, en español, el ciberacoso es un tipo de acoso que se vale de medios informáticos para el hostigamiento de una persona. La palabra se compone con el vocablo inglés bullying, que refiere acoso e intimidación, y el prefijo ciber-, que indica relación con redes informáticas. En inglés, la forma correcta de escribir la palabra es cyberbullying. Como tal, el ciberbullying o ciberacoso supone la situación de hostigamiento, abuso y vejación sostenido y repetido a lo largo del tiempo, de una persona por parte de un grupo de individuos. Su característica fundamental es que para llevarse a cabo se vale de las redes informáticas y de los recursos tecnológicos actuales, como computadoras, teléfonos inteligentes, tablets, e, incluso, consolas de videojuegos. Vea también:

Tips for Teachers Señales de advertencia de que un niño está sufriendo ciberacoso o está acosando por Internet Un niño puede verse involucrado en el ciberacoso de distintas maneras. Puede padecer acoso, acosar a otros, o ser testigo de un acoso. Es posible que los padres, maestros y otros adultos no conozcan todas las plataformas y aplicaciones de redes sociales que utiliza un niño. Cuantas más plataformas digitales utiliza un niño, se presentan más oportunidades de verse expuesto a un posible ciberacoso. Muchas de las señales de advertencia del ciberacoso ocurren cuando el niño utiliza su dispositivo.

Cyberbullying Bullies and mean girls have been around forever, but technology now gives them a whole new platform for their actions. The old "sticks and stones" saying is no longer true — both real-world and online name-calling can have serious emotional consequences for our kids and teens. It's not always easy to know how and when to step in as a parent.

Digital Awareness for Parents The digital world is constantly evolving with new social media platforms, apps, and devices, and children and teens are often the first to use them. Some negative things that may occur include cyberbullying, sexting, posting hateful messages or content, and participating in negative group conversations. If your child posts harmful or negative content online, it may not only harm other children; it can affect their online reputation, which can have negative implications for their employment or college admission. While you may not be able to monitor all of your child’s activities, there are things you can do to prevent cyberbullying and protect your child from harmful digital behavior: Monitor a teen’s social media sites, apps, and browsing history, if you have concerns that cyberbullying may be occurring.

Introducción - Ciberbullying o Ciberacoso Introducción Ciberbullying o Ciberacoso El Bullying consiste en conductas hostiles sostenidas de forma reiterada y deliberada por parte de un individuo o grupo, con la finalidad de producir daño a otro, mediante la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC). Internet Safety for Kids: Teaching Kids About Internet Safety Lesson 1: Teaching Kids About Internet Safety Teaching kids about Internet safety The Internet can be a wonderful place to learn, shop, play games, and talk to your friends. Unfortunately, there are also predators, identity thieves, and others online who may try to harm you. In order to be safe online, it's important for you and your kids to be aware of the dangers. Ciberbullying: ¿qué es y cómo lo prevenimos? Este Aviso Legal regula la utilización por parte de los usuarios de las páginas web contenidas en el sitio en Internet (en adelante “website”), propiedad de la Fundación AYUDA EN ACCIÓN (en adelante "Ayuda en Acción"), con domicilio social en la calle Bravo Murillo 178, 4ª Planta. Edificio Tecnus. 28020 Madrid y con C.I.F. G82257064, según consta en escritura pública otorgada ante el notario del Ilustre Colegio de Notarios de Madrid D. José María Peña y Bernaldo de Quiros, el 11 de febrero de 1999 con el número 227 de su protocolo de la que queda informado en cumplimiento con lo dispuesto en la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de Julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información. La navegación por el website, atribuye la condición de usuario y conlleva la aceptación plena y sin reservas del presente Aviso Legal. El usuario se obliga a usar los contenidos de forma diligente, correcta, lícita y de conformidad a la Ley y al presente Aviso Legal.

Internet Safety (for Parents) The Internet can be wonderful for kids. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, and play interactive games. But online access also comes with risks, like inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and online predators. Using apps and websites where kids interact, predators may pose as a child or teen looking to make a new friend. They might prod the child to exchange personal information, such as address and phone number, or encourage kids to call them, seeing their phone number via caller ID.

This was selected to give information to librarians and teachers about cyberbullying. It could be used to create a lesson or this information could be reformatted and presented as an infographic. by flpinckn Jun 24
