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Video Infographs - download cool infographics Get more into what you love on YouTube with our new look From your favorite sports highlights and dance competitions to make-up tutorials, science experiments and great movies, there’s a ton of great stuff on YouTube — over three billion views worth per day by last count. More and more, behind every great video is a great Channel, and with our announcement last month that more of them are coming to YouTube, we want to make it easier for you to find and keep tabs of what you want to watch. So, today we're introducing a new homepage, Channel design and a fresh coat of digital paint. Here are three ways these updates will improve your life on YouTube: 1. A new homepage The YouTube homepage is your gateway to a vast entertainment universe. For step by step instructions on using the new YouTube homepage, you can go to our help center. 2. 3. Ready to get started? Our recent Channels expansion, our grants and educational programs, and this new design are all focused on helping you discover a broader range of entertainment on YouTube. The YouTube team

Easier copyright management on YouTube From Justin Bieber to The Gregory Brothers, YouTube is a platform for anyone with a passion for performing to showcase their musical talents and get noticed across the web. Smart copyright management is an important part of this online video service—it helps songwriters and performers to be appropriately compensated for their works, while also allowing for those works to be used in new ways. YouTube has had a longstanding commitment to solving the really tough challenges around online copyright—how to manage content rights in a quickly evolving technology world. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve acquired RightsFlow, a New York-based company that helps songwriters, recording artists, record labels, distributors and online music services manage music rights. David King, Product Manager, recently watched "Danny Macaskill - Industrial Revolutions.”

5 Interesting Virtual Museums and Activities for Students As field trip budgets are increasingly trimmed at schools everywhere, teachers will need to find some alternative virtual activities for students. Here are five museums that offer excellent virtual tours and activities for students. The Vatican Museums website hosts a fairly detailed virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel. The tour allows visitors to zoom in on small areas and details of the interior of the Sistine Chapel. In addition to the tour of the Sistine Chapel the Vatican Museums host virtual tours of five other places and exhibits. The European Virtual Museum is the product of collaboration between twenty-seven European museums. Tenement Museum is a resource for US History teachers that can best be described as an interactive virtual museum. The JFK Presidential Library and Museum website has four interactive exhibits for learning about John F. The White House Diary is an interactive flipbook of Kennedy's schedule while in office.

Can a college or university stream feature films through its VLE? To stream a feature film there are two issues involved, and two possible sets of permission required: permission to convert the film to a format suitable for streaming, and permission to show a film to an audience. 1. Permission to convert the film to a format suitable for streaming To stream a film from a server would inevitably require changing the format from video or DVD to a format suitable for streaming. Obtaining the required permission could be time-consuming and costly. 2. Assuming the college or university gains permission from the copyright owners to convert the film for streaming and host it on the VLE, there is an exception (s.34(2) of Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA)) which permits the playing or showing of a sound recording or film before an audience consisting of teachers or pupils at an educational establishment. In summary:

5 Ways Your Old YouTube Videos Can Triple Their Visibility Are you frustrated with your YouTube and video marketing efforts? Most business owners by uploading a few videos, then walk away. They return in a few weeks to notice each video has only a handful of views. Is that your experience? In this article, I’m going to reveal to you , so your YouTube marketing efforts won’t be in vain. Ready? #1 Action-Step: Identify Your Keywords Reworking keywords is the best place to start when working with your existing videos. Using Google’s Keyword Research Tool , you can quickly , and you can market your videos accordingly. Let’s start by picking just one of your videos. ? Once you’re logged into YouTube, simply click the “Edit” button above your video and you can change, tweak and ! This video is ranked #1 on YouTube for "Video Salesletter." Do this properly, and your video will for your keyword. #2 Action-Step: 3x Call to Action Here are to each of your existing videos to convert each view into highly targeted traffic. The call-to-action overlay. .

Are FE and HE institutions required to purchase the MPLC Umbrella Licence to view pre-recorded films in public? > JISC Legal > ManageContent The Motion Picture Licensing Company (MPLC) Umbrella licence (available at is not required when showing DVDs or pre-recorded films for educational purposes, for the following reasons: S.34 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 deals with performing or showing copyright works before an educational audience. S.34(2) deals with the showing of a DVD, and states: “(2) The playing or showing of a sound recording, film or broadcast before [an audience consisting of teachers and pupils at an educational establishment and other persons directly connected with the activities of the establishment] at an educational establishment for the purposes of instruction is not a playing or showing of the work in public for the purposes of infringement of copyright.” (the section in square brackets is from s.34(1)). However, the licence on the DVD itself needs to be considered. Filmbank operates the Public Video Screening Licence (PVSL).

YouTube Makes Some Changes To Improve User Experience [News] The worlds most popular way to share and watch videos has received a small update that brings a few improvements. YouTube has quietly rolled out these new features, and while they won’t necessarily revolutionize the way you watch and create videos on YouTube, they are some very nice changes that keep them ahead of the pack in terms of creating and watching videos on the web. The first change this new update brings is with the screen that comes up when you finish watching a video. The next change comes in the playlist bar. YouTube also improved their charts feature. They also added localization for more countries such as Kenya, Singapore and the Philippines, bringing their total to 35 countries. The last change is a partnership with cloud-based video editing service WeVideo for creators. Source: YouTube Official Blog
