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50 Free Powertools for Online Support

50 Free Powertools for Online Support
Related:  sigma3Productivity Tool

Folk Music - Lomax: Research Center The Sound Recordings catalog comprises over 17,400 digital audio files, beginning with Lomax’s first recordings onto (newly invented) tape in 1946 and tracing his career into the 1990s. In addition to a wide spectrum of musical performances from around the world, it includes stories, jokes, sermons, personal narratives, interviews conducted by Lomax and his associates, and unique ambient artifacts captured in transit from radio broadcasts, sometimes inadvertently, when Alan left the tape machine running. Not a single piece of recorded sound in Lomax’s audio archive has been omitted: meaning that microphone checks, partial performances, and false starts are also included. This material from Alan Lomax’s independent archive, begun in 1946, which has been digitized and preserved by the Association for Cultural Equity, is distinct from the thousands of earlier recordings on acetate and aluminum discs he made from 1933 to 1942 under the auspices of the Library of Congress.

An Overview of Cryptography As an aside, the AES selection process managed by NIST was very public. A similar project, the New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity and Encryption (NESSIE), was designed as an independent project meant to augment the work of NIST by putting out an open call for new cryptographic primitives. NESSIE ran from about 2000-2003. While several new algorithms were found during the NESSIE process, no new stream cipher survived cryptanalysis. As a result, the ECRYPT Stream Cipher Project (eSTREAM) was created, which has approved a number of new stream ciphers for both software and hardware implementation. Similar — but different — is the Japanese Government Cryptography Research and Evaluation Committees (CRYPTREC) efforts to evaluate algorithms submitted for government and industry applications. CAST-128/256: CAST-128, described in Request for Comments (RFC) 2144, is a DES-like substitution-permutation crypto algorithm, employing a 128-bit key operating on a 64-bit block. 3.3.

The 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For Bridge • The Center for MichiganThe Detroit Historical Museum wants your story from the summer of ‘67 What were you doing during Detroit’s 1967 civil disorder? If you had a “significant, first-hand experience” with the uprisings in the last week in July that year, the Detroit Historical Museum wants to hear your story for an oral history project it’s conducting in the run-up to the riot’s 50th anniversary next summer. The Detroit museum will have interviewers on hand to record your recollections this Saturday, Aug. 20, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. The stories will become part of the museum’s “Detroit 67: Looking Back to Move Forward,” which seeks to assemble a record of what Detroiters and suburbanites were doing during one of the most momentous weeks in Detroit’s 315-year history. More than 200 people already have recorded their histories, which can be read here. “We want to make them accessible to the public and to have it as a source for scholars who are writing about this period,” said Tobi Voigt, the museum’s chief curatorial officer. “I says, ‘Boss, you better get out there.

Tip: My Top 10 Tips for Passing the CISSP Exam My Top 10 Tips for Passing the CISSP Exam How exactly should you go about tackling this monster six-hour exam? CISSP James Michael Stewart offers his suggestions. by James Michael Stewart 9/25/2002 -- The highly respected Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) title is achieved by passing one very broad 250-question, six-hour exam. Unlike other security certifications that test your ability to implement and maintain a security infrastructure, the CISSP certifies your knowledge and understanding of security-related issues, such as physical security, business management practices, technological security controls, cryptography and cyber crime laws. With all the study material you'll need to cover, it definitely takes a good deal of time to properly prepare for the CISSP. Before I present my top 10 tips, I need to warn you: These tips are a bit different than that standard fair found on You'll also see a lot of discussion about the CIA triad. - Security, antivirus and antispam software This software is believed to be free from nasties: adware, spyware, harmful/intrusive components, and threats to privacy. There are no sponsored entries. See home page for listing criteria. Jump to: Ad-Aware Free Free for personal use : Windows Checked: version Ad-Aware scans a computer and helps locate likely adware, spyware, data mining, malware, privacy threats and other malicious components. Avira Free Antivirus Free for personal use : Windows Checked: version 6.29 Avira Free Antivirus is a virus scanner which features resident Virus Guard for automatic background monitoring, scanning and repair of macro viruses, detection of dialer malware, and internet update wizard. avast! avast! AVG Free Edition Free for single home user : Windows Checked: version 7.298 AVG Free Edition is a basic virus scanner, which features online automatic updating of virus definition files and email scanning. Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition Free for home user : Windows Checked: version 8.0.202

101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication: How researchers are getting to grip with the myriad of new tools. There has been a surge of new scholarly communication tools in recent years. But how are researchers incorporating these tools into their research workflows? Jeroen Bosman and Bianca Kramer are conducting a global survey to investigate the choices researchers are making and why. Insights from these surveys will be valuable for libraries, research support, funders, but also for researchers themselves. Are we witnessing a major overhaul of scholarly communication rules and tools? Avalanche of tools Almost half of the tools in our database of scholarly communication tools were created since 2013. Simple model We use a simple model to get a grip on this abundance and variety of tools. Global survey To investigate the choices researchers themselves make in this respect, we are currently engaged in a global, multilingual survey asking researchers across all disciplines, career stages and countries for their tool usage for 17 research activities in their workflow. Workflows and interoperability

30 Windows 7 Hotkeys: Ultimate Guide Apart from so many new features in Windows 7, Microsoft has also added new hotkeys to give individuals better control over their operating system. We have covered 30 hotkeys for Windows 7 which we believe everyone should know about. Master them all to increase your daily productivity. Windows + Up Arrow It is used to maximize the current window which is in focus, whether it is a windows explorer, a web browser, or any other application. Windows + Left Arrow Adjusts the current window to the left side and hence the window will cover almost half of the desktop space. Windows + Right Arrow It will adjust the current window to the right and thus it will cover half of the desktop space on the right. Windows + Down Arrow Minimizes the windows to the Task bar. Windows + Space All windows become transparent so you are able to see your desktop. Windows + T Shows the thumbnail preview of the running applications. Windows + P Windows + (+ / -) (Add/Minus) Shift + Click a Taskbar item Windows + F Windows + X

How To Be A Google Power User - Infographic Search engines are the backbone of everyday internet use, but are you aware of the hidden tips and tricks available to improve your search? Here are some pointers that'll save you Googling "How to Google." This infographic certainly added something new to a topic that we knew our client's target audience really cared about. Actionable content + Modular design 23000+ social shares Referring Sites: WirtschaftsWoche Hubspot Adweek BGR State Of Digital Le Journal du Geek Embed Code: <p>How To Be A Google Power User [Infographic] by the team at<a href=' id='the_img_link'> NeoMam</a></p>

16 skills students need to learn today to thrive tomorrow Alibaba.com5Learn more about this provideratpsidaRegisters a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits. Used for conversion tracking and to measure the efficacy of online ads.Expiry: SessionType: HTTPscaUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.Expiry: SessionType: HTTPtfstk [x2]Necessary for the implementation of video-content on the website.Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTPisgSets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTPBaidu4Learn more about this providerHMACCOUNT_BFESSUsed to send data to Baidu about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTPHm_ck_#Used to send data to Baidu about the visitor's device and behavior.

The SPF Setup Wizard Form based record testers E-mail based record testers We provide an e-mail based record tester. Form based TXT record viewer For implementors Test Suite - not a tool like others on this page, but maybe what you are looking for. The retired SPF record wizard For a long time we had a wizard utility (at to assist domain owners with creating SPF records for their domains. For this reason the wizard has been taken down.
