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Handmade Paper…

Handmade Paper…
1. Select the pieces of paper to be recycled. You can even mix different types to create your own unique paper. 2. Rip the paper into small bits, and place into the blender. (about half full). 3. 4. 5. Place the mold into the pulp and then level it out while it is submerged. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

guest blogger - Sasha from The Guilded Bee: Here's another DIY project from our sweet friend, Sasha - from the The Gilded Bee. Be sure to check out her awesome shop full of handmade packaging lovelies. Thanks for being here with us Sasha! I'm delighted to share my book tutorial with you today: Supplies you’ll need to make this project: • One—8.5 x 5.5 sheet of cardstock • One---1/2 x 3 inch piece of cardstock or paper • Two---2 5/8 x 3 1/8 inch pieces of cardboard, chipboard or matboard (not corrugated) • Hot glue gun and glue sticks • 25---3 x 5 inch ruled or blank index cards • Two---3 x 5 inch sheets cardstock • 2 rubber bands • Pencil • ¼ inch wide Ribbon: One-6 inch piece, plus two-1 inch pieces To make the page block: * 1. * 2. * 3. * 4. * 5. * 6. To make the cover: * 1. Make a little mark at the center of each side of your paper (4.25 inches on center). On each side of those center marks, draw three lines paralleling each other (6 lines total): 5/16”, 5/8”, 13/16” inch from the center mark. * 3. * 4. * 5. * 6. * 8. * 9. * 10.

Woven paper gift topper I‘m pretty chuffed with these woven paper gift toppers. They are a sinch to make and look really great with recycled newspaper wrap. The idea originated from this woven yarn gift topper which you can see at and from this image which comes from the book More Last Minute Knitted Gifts. How-to ♥ Cut some strips of colored paper. Mine were 0.5cm wide. I also made a rainbow gift topper….no surprise there then! Happy Monday everyone! Vintage Hanky Gift Tutorial For me, when a gift (or online purchase) comes in a special packaging, I leap inside :) As excited as I am to see what's inside, I need to take a picture before I open it... it's part of the gift I want to remember :) VeraVague (1st package) is a total pro at making an amazing impression, she wrapped the dress I bought with paper and twine & included a few flashcards and an awesome custom tag as her dress card :) Elsie send me this pretty floral dress (2nd photo) and handwrote a sweet note.. love :) And when I opened my my reward dress envelope (3rd), it was wrapped so nicely in tissue and yarn with a cute tag :) Last year I had a collection of Vintage Hankies for sale in my etsy... instead of selling a plain old hanky, I wanted to give it a purpose with this simple tag & sentiment (Indie Business Tip!) :) It became an adorable gift, increased the value and was much easier to photograph! Vintage Hanky Tutorial 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Craft DIY Projects, Patterns, How-tos, Fashion, Recipes @ - Felting, Sewing, Knitting, Crocheting, Home & More Quilling, the coiling and shaping of narrow paper strips to create a design, has been around for years — hundreds, in fact. During the Renaissance, nuns and monks would roll gold-gilded paper remnants trimmed during the bookmaking process, and use them to decorate religious objects as an alternative to costly gold filigree. Quilling later became a pastime of 18th and 19th century young ladies in England, who would decorate tea caddies and pieces of furniture with paper filigree. The practice crossed the Atlantic with colonists, who added quilling to candle sconces and trays as home decorations. In all of that time, the process has remained very much the same, but quilling designs and specialty supplies have definitely caught up to the 21st century. Today some aficionados focus on making incredibly detailed 3-D figures, while others favor wall-sized museum installations. Many arts and crafts stores sell basic tools and packages of multicolor paper strips. Materials Directions Ann Martin

【五彩球花灯罩DIY教程】很有节日气氛的灯罩… 来自忆清江在堆糖网的分享 堆糖网 分类 首页 热门 最新 良品购 特卖惠 家居生活 美食菜谱 手工DIY 时尚搭配 美妆造型 婚纱婚礼 设计 古风 插画绘画 壁纸 头像 文字句子 旅行 摄影 人文艺术 影音书 人物明星 动画漫画 植物多肉 生活百科 搞笑萌宠 搜索含 的内容 搜索含 的商品 搜索含 的专辑 搜索含 的糖友 新浪微博腾讯 QQ 淘宝腾讯微博豆瓣 关联账号登录: 登录 注册 忆清江 发布到 手工 专辑中 2012-01-18 11:18:08 【五彩球花灯罩DIY教程】很有节日气氛的灯罩哟~~~ 把自己的小窝扮的美美的住着才舒心嘛~~~~ 关注 查看完整专辑111408 来自: 查看来源 收集 腾讯微博 豆瓣 人人网 赞7 评论 12 添加评论... 评论 薄荷醉05-22 记得小学的劳动课上有,俺还学做了一个回复 小小兰03-28 这些小圆是粘住的? 怡家小苑10-29 额,不错回复 咖喱団子有點懒05-13 回复 cicisawallow:不好意思哦。 cicisawallow03-31 亲,这个打圆器哪里有的卖,淘宝找不到回复 石头小简子和布03-08 这么大的孔的打孔机 哪有卖啊? 七喜猫03-02 请教一下,这个用布做还是用纸做呢? PEPSI渊02-27 请教下,那个是用什么裁出圆形的纸,工具叫什么名字? 云朵SHOW02-25 准备在自己的小店里尝试哈回复 归零GO02-15 有创意啊,非常喜欢,决定自己动手来做。 七尺绿01-21 小时候做过一些,后来弄丢了还心疼了好久。。。 彼女的小猫01-19 以前玩过……回复 你可能感兴趣 还被收集在 > 手工440默认专辑30默认专辑7958 标签 生活手工 活动 春暖花开,晒晒你的种植日记! 截止日期:2014年04月09日 标签集帮助中心关于我们加入我们免责声明堆糖收集工具 ©Copyright by 堆糖 2010-2013, all rights reserved 备案 沪ICP备10038086号-1 确定要删除? 确定取消

Creative Wedding Guest Books | - StumbleUpon Welcome to ohAmanda! See more of my wedding & birthday party posts. It’s kinda my hobby to find fun party ideas! My sister-in-law is getting married in August. So this week we went wedding dress shopping (fun!) 1. Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest 2. Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest 3. Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest 4. Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest 5. Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest I think I love this car and balloons better. Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest But this one? Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest 6. Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest 7. Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest 9. Source: via ohAmanda {impress your kids} on Pinterest 10. So, what do you think?

How to Make a 3d Paper Star I was in need of a star to top a rolled paper Christmas tree I am working on, so to be all matchy matchy, I made it out of paper. Book pages to be specific! Are you excited to see it? Well, it should be finished soon - just working on a few little details. All you need are a couple of paper stars and some glue. Like the pictures show, start with one star and fold it in half at each point. 【变废为宝用废旧杂志手工制作心形盒子教程】… 来自忆清江在堆糖网的分享 堆糖网 分类 首页 热门 最新 良品购 特卖惠 家居生活 美食菜谱 手工DIY 时尚搭配 美妆造型 婚纱婚礼 设计 古风 插画绘画 壁纸 头像 文字句子 旅行 摄影 人文艺术 影音书 人物明星 动画漫画 植物多肉 生活百科 搞笑萌宠 搜索含 的内容 搜索含 的商品 搜索含 的专辑 搜索含 的糖友 新浪微博腾讯 QQ 淘宝腾讯微博豆瓣 关联账号登录: 登录 注册 忆清江 发布到 手工 专辑中 2012-02-13 22:21:41 【变废为宝用废旧杂志手工制作心形盒子教程】 这样的收纳盒你喜不喜欢??? 关注 查看完整专辑111408 来自: 查看来源 收集 腾讯微博 豆瓣 人人网 赞11 评论 9 添加评论... 评论 李媛111-04 这个别从表面看上去简单,但是真正都动手做的时候需要一定要仔细认真也需要克服一定的困难,但是不难做,很好理解,夸赞一个,很好的创意。 阿哈阿哈05-23 就是各种废纸折成条状不断重叠回复 有可能小姐05-08 懵懂女求分步骤回复 夏猫友人帐04-18 没看明白,怎么不会掉底回复 skeletonqueen04-15 这个教程也太简单了吧。。 我给的承诺我还不起03-24 看起来很漂亮回复 正版老毛03-08 真聪明回复 huadian02-24 教程的作者不是折纸大全. suing02-15 过程能不能再具体点回复 你可能感兴趣 还被收集在 > 手工170默认专辑7958手工58214 标签 手工 活动 春暖花开,晒晒你的种植日记! 截止日期:2014年04月09日 标签集帮助中心关于我们加入我们免责声明堆糖收集工具 ©Copyright by 堆糖 2010-2013, all rights reserved 备案 沪ICP备10038086号-1 确定要删除? 确定取消

fabric envelope {tutorial} | jones design company My cousin is graduating from law school this weekend and I am so proud of her. I really can’t imagine going through the amount of undivided studying that girl has done these past few years, but hip, hip, hooray … she is done {okay, not completely since there is still the Bar to study for, but at least she has earned her law degree!} I have been trying to come up with something memorable and special to give her as a congratulation gift but finally came to the conclusion that money is always the most appreciated gift for any student. Rather than just giving a wad of cash, I created this fabric envelope as the wrapping for the money inside. If you have a grad to celebrate, this might be a great gift idea for you too. Here’s what you’ll need: :: fabric envelope template {download below} :: two pieces of fabric :: fusible webbing {I used heavyweight stiffness} :: scissors, pencil, iron, sewing machine, thread STEP ONE: print template, cut out and trace onto fusible webbing STEP FOUR: trim edges

DIY: Paper-bead bookmark Christmas 2005 was the holiday of the "book stuff". I churned out book clocks (something I'll post about one day) and what I called "book-Its" by the dozen, both as gifts and to make a little extra cash. Turns out those book-Its started to show a little wear towards the end of 2011 and a few friends have asked for another one... because it's their "go to" bookmark. Since I'm making them anyway, here's a little how to. They could not be simpler to make! So here goes ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5/6.
