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Comparatif de 23 tablettes tactiles disponibles en France pour Noël

Comparatif de 23 tablettes tactiles disponibles en France pour Noël
Intro De quoi y voir vraiment clair et choisir en toute sérénité la tablette (ou les tablettes !) que vous allez pouvoir acheter en cette fin d’année 2015. De 5,5 à 12 pouces sous Windows, Android ou iOS … Quelle tablette acheter ? Dernière mise à jour : 24/11/2015 Vous connaissez d’ores et déjà notre guide d’achat pour connaître les 6 critères pour bien choisir votre tablette tactile, notre sélection et coups de coeur des meilleurs tablettes tactiles, voici pour continuer à vous aider des tableaux récapitulatifs mettant en comparaison 45 tablettes tactiles disponibles en France pour les fêtes de fin d’année. Sommaire Méthodologie : devant la multiplication du nombre de modèles de tablettes, nous avons choisi de sélectionner 1 tablette par marque (en 7/8 pouces et en 9/10 pouces). Comment utiliser ce comparatif ? Il n’y a pas vraiment de bonnes et de mauvaises méthodes pour utiliser ce comparatif mais vous pouvez l’utiliser en définissant :

One in Four Starbucks Transactions Now Done Via Mobile Starbucks customers apparently are finding buying via mobile as addictive as the company's coffee. Less than a year after Starbucks launched an app that allows mobile payments, it has hosted 26 million such transactions on iOS, BlackBerry and Android, according to the chain. One in four Starbucks card transactions is now executed via a Starbucks card and a portion of those are done through mobile. The mobile-payments initiative has built momentum recently: In the nine weeks after it was released, there were 3 million transactions. Brotman declined to say exactly how many people had downloaded the app, except that it's in the "millions." Starbucks presented the stats to emphasize its contention that 2011 was the "year of mobile" for the company. Finally, $110 million has been reloaded to customers' Starbucks cards via mobile, Brotman says. When asked why mobile payments seem to have caught on at Starbucks, Brotman said he thought convenience was a major factor.

Lire sur tablette : une autre expérience de la lecture Les enfants s’initient en un clin d’œil au fonctionnement des livres numériques. Que leur apportent ces nouveaux outils ? Peuvent-ils leur donner le goût de lire et remplacer les ouvrages imprimés ? Des récits multimédias La première vague de livres numériques pour la jeunesse a investi les tablettes tactiles. Entre les mains des enfants, ces outils ressemblent à des “Barbapapas modernes”, ajoute-t-elle. Au lieu de voir dans le numérique une concurrence pour les albums papier, une partie des professionnels de l'édition l'envisagent comme le support de nouvelles expériences. De nouveaux univers à expérimenter Sur tablettes, si certains livres numériques calquent la version papier, la plupart d'entre eux sont en fait des créations, pensées spécialement pour des supports interactifs. Autre but de l'application : “L'enfant peut transporter avec lui son univers de lecture.” Apprendre à lire “numérique” L'interactivité souligne la place du lecteur, voire accroît sa marge d'initiative.

Barnes & Noble Reports Q2 Net Loss Of $6.6M, Says NOOK Is Now A $220 Million Business Barnes & Noble this morning reported sales and earnings for its second quarter ended October 29, 2011, and they’re a mixed bag. Total sales decreased slightly, from $1.9 billion to $1.89 billion, compared to the prior year. The company posted a net loss of $6.6 million for the quarter, or $0.17 per share, as compared to a net loss of $12.6 million last year. This is below Wall Street expectations. Physical book sales declined, Barnes & Noble says, offset by increases in NOOK products and positively affected by the liquidation of the remaining Borders stores. sales, meanwhile, increased a decent 17 percent over the prior year, from $177 million to $206 million. Zooming in on its NOOK business, Barnes & Noble boasted about the successful kick-off for its NOOK Tablet. The $249 device was introduced on November 7, 2011. Says William Lynch, CEO of Barnes & Noble: “We expect to sell millions of devices during our third quarter, adding to the millions of current NOOK customers.”

Etude sur l’usage des tablettes tactiles en France (juin 2012) Je partage > Inmobi, agence spécialisée dans la publicité mobile a réalisé une étude sur l’usage que font les français des téléphones portables et des tablettes. Voici les principales conclusions de l’étude concernant les tablettes tactiles. Tout d’abord, voici le panel qui a permis de réaliser cette étude : Tout d’abord la tablette est un outil personnel mais vecteur de lien social : 23% admettent que leur tablette a changé la façon dont ils communiquent avec amis et collaborateurs50% partagent leur tablette avec des amis ou la famille On l’utilise majoritairement à la maison (ou en situation de « non-mobilité »). Son principale atout est son confort et sa facilité d’utilisation. La lecture de site Media/presse est également au top sur tablette puisque 60% des interrogés y consacrent au moins 30 minutes par jour. On retrouve le même schéma de chiffres dans les autres pays du monde comme les USA, l’Inde, l’Angleterre ou encore la Corée du Sud. Voici l’étude complète en image :

Web Publishing's Next Level We're not out of the woods yet, but Web publishing is starting to hit its stride. Product offerings are getting smarter, prices are getting better and, most importantly, the content is getting more interesting. We might not even be half way to the future of publishing yet, but the industry is picking up steam. There are new ways to read, new ways to write and new ways to advertise. New Ways of Reading Reading was the first thing that had to change before the business of Web publishing could change. conducted an interesting study of tablet users this year, which showed that the hands-on interface provides users with a sense of control. Ten-inch tablets are a fine way to view a website, but new kinds of interfaces can better take advantage of the touchscreen (and lack of physical keyboard). Flipboard is a celebrated example, and it also just launched an iPhone version. The other vision of tablet reading is the "content-shifting" model, best exemplified by Instapaper.

Web mobile : introduction et glossaire Le Web mobile a depuis longtemps envahi notre quotidien de concepteur de sites web : aujourd'hui, smartphones et tablettes font partie intégrante du parc de périphériques sur lesquels nous jouissons de notre dose quotidienne d'Internet, sur lesquels nous consultons nos sites web préférés, et pestons - à juste titre - lorsque celui-ci ne s'affiche pas correctement. Afin de mieux dégrossir ce vaste sujet, voici une introduction à la conception web mobile sous forme d'un glossaire des principaux termes et d'une double méthodologie pratique. Glossaire Application native Correspond aux logiciels à télécharger que l'on peut trouver sur les boutiques "stores" (AppStore pour Apple, GooglePlay pour Android,…) développés dans un langage spécifique à chaque plateforme : Objective-C pour Apple, Java pour Android, … Application web (Web App) Une application web est le nom que l'on donne à un site web "classique" que l'on a adapté pour les mobiles. Site web dédié Navigateurs mobiles Densité de pixels Retina

4 ways DRM is like airport security - O'Reilly Radar While flying home from Bologna for our TOC event I couldn't help but think about some of the similarities between digital rights management (DRM) and airport security. Here are a few common points that come to mind: False sense of security -- Seriously, does anyone today still believe any DRM system is hackerproof? Heck, even books that have never been legally distributed in any e-format are out there as illegal downloads. Just Bing the phrase "harry potter ebook downloads" and you'll see what I mean. Scanners are everywhere, so if physical books can be illegally shared what makes you think a DRM'd title will never appear in the wild? OK, I admit that I don't have a solution to offer the airline industry. IOW, passengers are stepping in to fill the holes that will always exist in even the best airport security system.

Résultats du sondage: La responsabilité de la conception Web mobile This is has been an interesting poll! It's almost a dead-heat. Through the course of it, it has actually gone back and forth for the lead a bit. The winner by a nose: It is the MOBILE DEVICES job to make sure websites look and function well. I have no doubt that the iPhone had some influence this. For those of you with Creative Suite 3, have you ever opened up and played with Device Central? Let me know if you all have any more thoughts on this. Share On

Writer2ePub, offrez l’export ePub à OpenOffice Avis à tous les utilisateurs d’OpenOffice, voici un plugin qui pourrait vous intéresser ! En nous lisant régulièrement, vous savez parfaitement que le standard de l’édition numérique est l’ePub. Cependant, pour le grand public, ces caractéristiques restent un peu obscures et les outils pour concevoir facilement des fichiers dans ce format ne courent pas les rues. Tout d’abord, téléchargez OpenOffice si vous ne l’avez pas puis il vous faudra récupérer le plugin Writer2ePub. Pour télécharger Writer2ePub, il suffit de télécharger le plugin à cette adresse.

Nine Ways to Improve User Experience in Mobile Design The following is a guest post by Ben Terrill. Ben works for Mobify and leads the team that helps their huge customers (like Starbucks and Threadless) have excellent mobile and tablet experiences. Ben is co-author of the e-book 50 Ways to Please Your Customers: A guide to mobile web design best practices. Julie Szabo from Mobify wrote to me to help promote the book a bit. Ya'll know I rarely do that - so just to be clear: this isn't a sponsored post, no money changed hands, and the book is good and free. I suggested they write up some stuff as a guest post and they obliged with some "best of" excerpts from the book. At Mobify, we recently analyzed data from more than 200 million visitors to our e-commerce customers’ sites, and found that 27% of site visits came from people shopping on smartphones and tablets. It’s now a reality that every company and publisher on the web needs a mobile web strategy. Hint and reveal (AKA: progressive disclosure) Accordions can play sweet music We ♥ icons!

At least 70 Tablets to Be Shown at Consumer Electronics Show - Analysts Personal computers in slate form-factor will clearly become a new product category and will have a huge share of the PC market in 2011, according to various analysts. While the exact share cannot be estimated precisely, the amount of different tablet models to be shown at the Consumer Electronics Show does impress. At least 69 tablets from various manufacturers will be on display at the Consumer Electronics Show next week, Craig Ellis, an analyst with Caris & Company investment firm said in a note to clients, reports Tech Trader Daily. So far the analyst predicts that there will be 18 Intel Atom-based slates, 14 Nvidia Tegra-based tablets, 10 Freescale Semiconductor-powered devices as well as 6 slates with a system-on-chip (SoCs) from Texas Instruments shown at the CES. Even though there will likely be even more tablet models revealed at the trade-show, it is noteworthy that Intel already has eighteen ready design wins with Moorestown and Oak Trail system-on-chip devices. Close

What's next for e-readers: a Mirasol in the making? | CES 2011 At last year's CES, the e-reader product a lot of people were talking about didn't exist. It was a concept from Mirasol, a Qualcomm-backed company that was showing off its screen technology in a prototype unit. Mirasol's screen caught people's attention for a few reasons. For starters, it was color. Secondly, its high-tech reflective display technology was not only energy-efficient but readable in direct sunlight. And finally, it was capable of displaying full-motion video. In August, word went out that Qualcomm was building a new factory to produce Mirasol displays at a cost of $2 billion. Qualcomm may very well be building a Mirasol factory, but a commercially available Mirasol e-reader didn't turn up in 2010, with the company sticking to its plan of licensing its technology rather than manufacturing its own hardware. Mirasol, of course, is not the only new e-reader screen technology in town. As usual, what you see at CES isn't necessarily what you get. Comments?
