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400 free Ivy League courses you can take online right now

400 free Ivy League courses you can take online right now
This is an updated version of a story Quartz originally published in April 2018. The eight Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious colleges in the world. They include Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale, and Columbia universities, and the University of Pennsylvania. All eight schools place in the top fifteen of the US News and World Report 2017 national university rankings. These Ivy League schools are also highly selective and extremely hard to get into. So far, they’ve created over 494 courses, of which around 396 are still active. Computer Science (31 courses) CS50’s Introduction to Computer ScienceHarvard University Algorithms, Part IPrinceton University Algorithms, Part IIPrinceton University Machine Learning for Data Science and AnalyticsColumbia University Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency TechnologiesPrinceton University Reinforcement LearningBrown University Enabling Technologies for Data Science and Analytics: The Internet of ThingsColumbia University U.S. U.S. Related:  Otros640548Open Source Courses

Miríadax - Cursos online masivos y en abierto de forma gratuita (Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCs) El curso busca a través de la literatura científica y material didáctico sobre Bosques y cambio climático, que los estudiantes comprendan las bases teóricas del problema, sus consecuencias sobre el planeta. Beneficios para los participantes del curso: -Potenciar su actuación para adaptarse al cambio climático. Verificado por blockchain The goal of this course is to train students in the use of a CAD program Solid-Edge ST9. Ciencias Tecnológicas , Inglés, Los alumnos que desean matricularse en las carreras de Arquitectura e Ingeniería necesitan demostrar un nivel preuniversitario antes de abordar la asignatura de Física. The objective of this course is to train students from different backgrounds (engineering students, high school students with major in technology or professionals in engineering and design) in the use of the tools that the technical drawing provides to understand and perform both individual parts and mechanical assemblies. Economía, Economía, Español, ¿Qué es stop motion?

What Happened When I Made My Students Turn Off Their Phones - aeon - Pocket As a teacher who has long witnessed and worried about the impacts of technology in the classroom, I constantly struggle to devise effective classroom policies for smartphones. I used to make students sing or dance if their phones interrupted class, and although this led to some memorable moments, it also turned inappropriate tech use into a joke. Given the myriad deleterious effects of phones – addiction, decline of face-to-face socialisation, deskilling, and endless distraction, for starters – I want students to think carefully about their phone habits, rather than to mindlessly follow (or not follow) a rule. After reading my Aeon essay on the topic, a representative from a San Francisco startup called YONDR contacted me. YONDR makes special pouches that keep audiences from using their phones at shows. YONDR sent me pouches to use in class. Initially, 37 percent of my 30 students – undergraduates at Boston University – were angry or annoyed about this experiment. 7 percent: Yes!

10 palabras navideñas que quizá no conozcas Comer «hallacas»; beber «cola de mono»; jugar al «angelito»; cantar, rezar o recibir «aguinaldos»; abrir los regalos del «Viejito Pascuero»... Los países de habla hispana compartimos en estos días muchas tradiciones, pero también tenemos en cada uno costumbres diferentes que reciben nombres específicos que para muchos evocan el espíritu de la Navidad. Aquí tienes solo una mínima muestra, apenas diez palabras navideñas cuyo significado u origen quizá no conocías. 1. El Viejito Pascuero La Navidad es una época de regalos en todos los lugares donde se celebra, pero no en todos ellos es el mismo personaje el encargado de la agotadora tarea de repartirlos. La tradición española de los Reyes Magos está extendida en muchos países hispanohablantes y convive con la que señala como regalador oficial a San Nicolás, el santo que, quizá por generoso, tiene más nombres distintos. 2. 3. 4. 5. Que un alfajor es un dulce delicioso es una verdad incuestionable para los golosos del mundo entero. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The 7 Forces Driving an Organization – Teach, Coach & Consult Dealing with complexity is not an easy task. First and foremost you require a worldview that will enable you to understand and deal with the complexity. I am not sure which is more difficult – understanding it or dealing with it! The worldview that I am a strong proponent of though, is the systemic worldview. In this regard one needs to understand what a systemic worldview is about. A system is an entity that can take various forms. Examples of systems include entities such as individual people, teams, sections, divisions, departments, companies, industries, societies, nations, cultural groups, etc. A person can be, and is, a member of various systems. The systems thinking school of which I am a big fan of, is the Biomatrix school of systems thinking. The ethos of the systemThe environment of the systemThe aims of the systemThe processes of the systemThe structure of the systemThe resources of the systemThe governance of the system Why do we have to understand the ethos of our company?

12 Promises The Happiest Married Couples Make (That Keep Their Relationships Healthy Long-Term) | Dr. Randi Gunther Successful romantic partners in healthy relationships have a sacred bond that ensures they will keep each other safe and loved. That bond is made up of mutually trusted agreements that both people commit to honoring at all times. All couples have their own unique set of these mutual agreements or promises, but there are some that seem to be universal in most lasting, healthy relationships. RELATED: You Can't Have A Healthy Relationship Without These 8 Characteristics Couples who make these promises prior to committing to marriage are more likely to have healthy relationships that last. So before you say "I do", sit down as a couple and agree to these key points together. Here are 12 crucial promises the happiest couples make before marriage that help them sustain healthy relationships for the long haul. 1. "I want you to know and trust that I fully support you in your endeavors, even if they sometimes compete with mine. 2. "I believe that you want to be the best partner you can to me. 3.

Later School Start Times Really Do Work To Help Teens Get More Sleep : Shots - Health News Teens' biological clock drives them to stay up late and sleep in. Most school start times don't accommodate that drive. Jasper Cole/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Jasper Cole/Getty Images Teens' biological clock drives them to stay up late and sleep in. Many American teenagers try to put in a full day of school, homework, after-school activities, sports and college prep on too little sleep. In Seattle, school and city officials recently made the shift. Researchers at the University of Washington studied the high school students both before and after the start-time change. "This study shows a significant improvement in the sleep duration of students, all by delaying school start times so they're more in line with the natural wake-up times of adolescents," says senior author Horacio de la Iglesia, a University of Washington researcher and professor of biology. The study also found an improvement in grades and a reduction in tardiness and absences.

Las consecuencias del choque de dos estrellas de neutrones Sabemos que es complicado imaginarlo pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando se fusionan dos estrellas de neutrones? Es precisamente lo que ha descubierto un equipo internacional de astrónomos liderado por el italiano Giancarlo Ghirlanda. Cuando se da este proceso astronómico tremendamente energético, un gigantesco chorro de materia emerge a unas velocidades absolutamente enormes, muy cercanas a la velocidad de la luz. “En agosto de 2017, dos estrellas de neutrones colisionaron y se fundieron en un solo objeto, produciendo ondas gravitatorias que se detectaron con los observatorios LIGO y Virgo”, explica Miguel Pérez-Torres del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (perteneciente al CSIC), que ha participado en el hallazgo. Y según afirman el mismo investigador del CSIC a través de una nota de prensa, "es la primera vez que se detecta luz a lo largo de todas las longitudes de onda del espectro electromagnético asociada a un fenómeno relacionado con la producción de ondas gravitatorias".

Key Concepts of Negotiation, Crucial Business Negotiation Tips & Tactics Career & Business Secrets for the best leverage in your negotiations Posted by: Team Tony By special guest author Keith J. Most people never get training in the key concepts of negotiation, yet it is one of the most essential skills in business and in life. The purpose of a negotiation Simply, the purpose of a negotiation is to maximize the meeting of your interests. But here is the paradox: In order to get the most that you can, you must also meet the other person’s interests. Components of every negotiation First, it’s important to understand the three components of a negotiation: Desire: There has to be desire on both parties’ parts to even start negotiating.Agreement: You have to care about the outcome, but you can’t care too much.No fixed rules: There will always be some rules, like if you and I are negotiating for me to buy your car, we will probably both have our clothes on and be making the exchange in money. What happens in power negotiation? The base of a successful negotiation

A 10-Course Introduction to Data Science from Johns Hopkins Data is now everywhere. And those who can harness data effectively stand poised to innovate and make impactful decisions. This holds true in business, medicine, healthcare, education and other spheres of life. Enter the 10-course Introduction to Data Science from Johns Hopkins. Students can formally enroll in the Introduction to Data Science specialization and receive a certificate for each course they complete–a certificate they can share with prospective employers and their professional networks. Alternatively, students can audit individual courses for free. If would like to formally enroll in the Introduction to Data Science sequence, you can start a 7-Day Free Trial and size things up here. Open Culture has a partnership with Coursera. Related Content: Google Data Analytics Certificate: 8 Courses Will Help Prepare Students for an Entry-Level Job in 6 Months 200 Online Certificate & Microcredential Programs from Leading Universities & Companies

What Is Harvard Trying to Hide? The long war over affirmative action turned hot again last week, as Harvard and lawyers for Asian-American applicants duked it out in a federal courtroom in Boston in a closely watched case that could end consideration of race in college admissions. I’m a veteran of that war. Nearly three decades ago, as a student, I was at the vanguard of a movement that took no side in the then-intense debate over affirmative action but advocated for something more radical than it might first appear: breaking down the secrecy over how elite colleges choose whom to admit to their ranks. Story Continued Below Winning the chance to attend an Ivy League school is an increasingly daunting feat. My role in that crusade also led to a federal courtroom, albeit in the kind-of-grimy, dual-purpose post office building that housed Boston’s federal court through the 1990s, not the far glitzier complex that now sits on the waterfront. But the political reaction was a mild one. In 2003, Sen. Just last month, U.S.
