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Grow Your Own Music with MusiGenesis

Grow Your Own Music with MusiGenesis

Free Downloads: ACID Xpress 07.16.16: Cameron Cates, Maestro 07.11.16: Cameron Cates, Maestro 07.10.16: Polygonal_ Movin on 07.08.16: Polygonal_ How to Solve the Misery Effect 07.06.16: Cameron Cates, Maestro 07.06.16: Major Seventh Heaven Music 06.30.16: Funeral Breakfast Introvert 06.29.16: Cameron Cates, Maestro 06.29.16: Major Seventh Heaven Music 06.29.16: Piece of Cake Kids new music 06.26.16: Polygonal_ Working on a new track. 06.12.16: Cameron Cates, Maestro 06.11.16: Polygonal_ Outbound Rough Mix is Out NOW 06.10.16: Polygonal_ Taking some much needed time off and Working on my new Track " Outbound" 06.04.16: Cameron Cates, Maestro 06.03.16: Cameron Cates, Maestro 06.03.16: Polygonal_ Sharing some of my old interests and keep sakes 05.16.16: Sakis Gouzonis Liberating Truth is now available as a free download 06.01.16: Major Seventh Heaven Music 05.25.16: Major Seventh Heaven Music 05.24.16: Cameron Cates, Maestro 05.22.16: Polygonal_ New Track "Vector Sanity" Out Now 05.15.16: Polygonal_ New Track "Juggernaut" OUT NOW

Aboriginal Hebrews Black Hebrews? The very words cause many people to grin at what appears to be simply a play on words. No one reads about such people in european authored history books and there are only a few references to "Ethiopian Jews" in white Jewish sources. Yet Black Hebrews have existed since biblical times. In fact, they are the original or proto-typical Hebrews. Their story begins with the Patriarch Abraham (2117-1942 B.C.), a native of the Sumerian city of Ur in ancient Mesopotamia. It has been confirmed that the ancient Sumerians were akin to the modern Black Dravidians of India. This truth is grossly neglected, suppressed, and distorted in most European and American historical texts which are flavored with race prejudice. Biblical history relates that the descendants of Abraham, namely Jacob (Israel) and his twelve sons and their wives, 70 in all, migrated from Canaan to Egypt around the year 1827 B.C. The biblical Hebrews were indistinguishable from native Egyptians and Ethiopians. Dr.

Spiritual Warfare Scientific Facts in The Bible Also See Scientists are now finding that the universe in which we live is like a diamond studded Rolex, except the universe is even more precisely designed than the watch. In fact, the universe is specifically tweaked to enable life on earth. Contrast the information on this page with the scientific knowledge of the Qur’an. “When studying the science of the ancient world, one is more apt to be impressed with its ignorance than to admire its accuracy. Examples of the more striking scientific accuracy in the Bible include The UniverseTime and SpaceThe BeginningAn Initial VoidAn Expanding UniverseSpace is EmptyThat Hole In The NorthAir Has WeightThose Singing StarsAnd There are Quite a Few of Them The EarthAtomsThe Earth is a SphereThe Rotation Of The EarthThe Orbit of The SunGravitational Properties of ConstellationsPangaea and PelegFirst and Second Laws of ThermodynamicsTalking Lightning? The OceansThe Paths Of The SeasMountains Under The SeasSprings Under The Seas The Universe Adding ...

The Hebrew Name for God - Elohim The name Elohim is unique to Hebraic thinking: it occurs only in Hebrew and in no other ancient Semitic language. The masculine plural ending does not mean “gods” when referring to the true God of Israel, since the name is mainly used with singular verb forms and with adjectives and pronouns in the singular (e.g., see Gen. 1:26). However, considering the Hashalush HaKadosh (Trinity), the form indeed allows for the plurality within the Godhead. In the traditional Jewish view, Elohim is the Name of God as the Creator and Judge of the universe (Gen 1:1-2:4a). “The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to those, You want to know my name? In the second creation story (Genesis 2:4b-ff) the Name of God is revealed as the Sacred Name YHVH (from the semitic root that means “to be”) and expresses the idea of God’s closeness to humans. Elohim and Elohei ConstructsElohim is combined with other words to provide additional description about God. God Elohim. God of - Elohei. The Son of God Ben Elohim. My God
