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Social Media Week ‹ September 20-24, 2010

Social Media Week ‹ September 20-24, 2010

Vince Cable | Ministers Vince Cable was appointed Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in May 2010. He is the Liberal Democrat MP for Twickenham. Education Vince was educated at Nunthorpe Grammar School, York and Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, where he studied natural science and economics and was President of the Union. Political career He served in the Liberal Democrat Shadow Cabinet as Spokesman on Trade and Industry from 1999 to 2003, and Shadow Chancellor from 2003 to 2010. Career outside politics After graduating, Vince worked as Treasury Finance Officer for the Kenyan Government between 1966 and 1968. Personal life Vince is married and has 3 children by his late wife.

WorldEcono micforum Tech Pioneers New technologies and innovations are constantly changing and improving the way we do things and approach problems. Processes, institutions and industries that have been around and unchanged for decades are now being rethought and redesigned with the aid of technology. Many of these adaptions and approaches are not being developed by large, established industry leaders but rather by their smaller, early-stage counterparts. This year, the World Economic Forum is pleased to present 36 leading start-ups selected as Technology Pioneers 2014. The class is particularly diverse, providing new solutions to a number of challenges, including technologies for a greener and more sustainable planet; the deployment of precise and targeted therapies in the treatment of cancer and other diseases; the rethinking and redesign of how we deliver education; a robotics renaissance; the creation of a more personalized Internet experience; and the initiation of a “sharing” economy, to name a few.

Sztuka obrazu i obrazowania w epoce nowych mediów - Zawojski Piotr za 54,49 zł do góry Wiedza o sposobie istnienia i funkcjonowania obrazów we współczesnej kulturze epoki nowych mediów nie doczekała się jeszcze u nas ujęcia monograficznego. Taką lukę wypełni książką Piotra Zawojskiego. Crowdcentric Twestival iPhone app Eryk Mistewicz - Nowe Media - kwartalnik opinii New Speakers & Content Added! Agenda | Speakers | Venue | Sponsors 2012 Content Marketing Strategies Conference “It was apparent to me that you took great time and effort to ensure that the information presented was current and useful.” - Charles Schwab, 2011 Attendee “I was very impressed with the caliber of speakers and attendees, and I came away enlightened, educated and inspired by it all.” - PCWorld, 2011 Attendee The Content Marketing Strategies Conference provides companies of any size a step-by-step systematic approach to develop or enhance a content marketing program that masters the content marketing life cycle: Strategize, Create, Curate, Manage, Distribute, and Analyze. You’ll learn expert insight and actionable tips directly from companies leveraging content marketing to effectively communicate their brand message. The conference takes place May 8th and 9th at the historic Claremont Hotel Club & Spa in Berkeley, CA - just 20 minutes East of San Francisco. Agenda May 8th Registration & Continental Breakfast

BookCampParis3 Quand ? When ? Samedi 25 septembre 2010 - 13h - 20h Où ? La Cantine, 151 rue Montmartre, 12 passage des Panoramas, 75002 Paris, métro Grand Boulevard (Plan). Un Bookcamp pour quoi ? L'idée de cette journée est de proposer une demi-journée d'expérimentations et de réflexions autour du livre et du numérique. Programme de la journée 13h : accueil 13h30 : présentation 14h-15h : 4-5 ateliers 16h-17h : 4-5 ateliers 18h-19h : 4-5 ateliers 19h-20h : pot. Nous pouvons accueillir 12 à 15 ateliers dans la journée en 3 séries successives d'une heure. - 3 ateliers pouvant accueillir 15-25 personnes - et 1 à 2 autres plus petits (5-10 personnes). Organisateurs Hubert Guillaud, hubertguillaud at gmail dot com, LaFeuille, 0965 206 848, skype : hubertguillaud. Silvère Mercier, bibliobsession at gmail dot com, Bibliobsession Lionel Dujol, lionel dot dujol at gmail dot com, La bibliothèque apprivoisée Clément Monjou, clement at ebouquin dot fr, ebouquin Ateliers Workshops Propositions d'ateliers Jacques-René Martin ck F Bon

Chad Catacchio: @twestival re: iPhone app... Historia i Media I promessi sposi Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. I promessi sposi è un celebre romanzo storico di Alessandro Manzoni, ritenuto il più famoso e il più letto tra quelli scritti in lingua italiana[1]. Preceduto dal Fermo e Lucia, spesso considerato romanzo a sé, fu edito in una prima versione nel 1827 (detta edizione ventisettana); rivisto in seguito dallo stesso autore, soprattutto nel linguaggio, fu ripubblicato nella versione definitiva fra il 1840 e il 1841-42 (edizione quarantana). Ambientato dal 1628 al 1630 in Lombardia durante il dominio spagnolo, fu il primo esempio di romanzo storico della letteratura italiana. Secondo un'interpretazione risorgimentista, il periodo storico era stato scelto da Manzoni con l'intento di alludere al dominio austriaco sul nord Italia. I protagonisti si possono dividere in tre gruppi: - Protagonista storico: Il secolo (1600). - Protagonista religioso: La Provvidenza, la mano di Dio. - Protagonisti materiali: Renzo Tramaglino e Lucia Mondella (i promessi sposi).
