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Magazines Download - All in PDF simple, new, popular and fun - everyd (...) Chinese Etymology Home Page Mandarin Language and Script Mandarin originally refers to the language spoken by Chinese officials who were mainly from Beijing. This language was called Guan-Yu 官語 Official-Language. PuTongHua is spoken by almost all Chinese although 80% of them will speak some other dialect at home. Modern written Chinese is a direct rendition of spoken Mandarin. Taiwanese Language and Script Taiwanese is an important language as far as Chinese Etymology is concerned and as far as China is concerned. In Chinese it is referred to technically as MinNanHua 閩南話 Southern Min Language It is spoken in Southern FuJian 福建 province and in Taiwan. Taiwanese is important etymologically because when we compare the pronunciation of character phonetics in Taiwanese we sometimes find that they are closer than in Mandarin. Taiwanese has 7 tones. Book References: 台灣話大詞典 閩南話漳泉二腔系部份 by ChenShou 陳修 主編 Probably the most extensive Taiwanese to Chinese dictionary used for my Taiwanese syllabic database.

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