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Spin Sucks - Social media strategy and social media consulting for marketing and PR

Spin Sucks - Social media strategy and social media consulting for marketing and PR

SEO Egghead Inc. Blog » 3 WordPress Hacks For SE-Friendly Blog Archives Your default WordPress installation has a problem. Your posts slowly get pushed into "pagination death" as they age; your older trusty content gets buried deeper and deeper internally. Furthermore, duplicate content issues plague your category and main listing pages. Slowly, but surely, every old post in your WordPress blog gets buried under 50 pages of other posts. I saw this post on today, and although it has merit, it doesn't dive into gory technical details like I will here. 1. I demonstrate how to do for WordPress step-by-step in this post with a simple plugin and a few bits of code. 2. The logic I will suggest is that one should show the full content only on the actual permalink page (the post's page), and the home page for the most recent posts. <? It basically says what I said above, just using PHP. Lastly, you should probably also do the obvious, and create a site map page. So get crackin'.

33 Tips to Help You Ace a Media Interview (Infographic) You have your company up and running and you want to get the word out. Doing press interviews are a great way to get your product or service in front of a new audience and tell your story. For some people, talking to strangers or being on camera is a no-brainer. Related: Writing Tips: How to Come Up With 50 Topic Ideas in 30 Minutes A new infographic, embedded below and compiled by online education marketplace Udemy and PR guru Elena Verlee, offers a 33-point checklist to help you prepare for your media interview. 1. 2. 3. For more strategies, check out the infographic below. Click to Enlarge Related: 7 Public Speaking Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs Apply Now for the Entrepreneur360™ We’re celebrating the best privately-held companies in America and the entrepreneurs behind it all.

How to Optimize Your WordPress Title Looking to optimize your WordPress title? While this blog will probably not get to caught up in covering search engine optimization, there are definitely a few tweaks that you can make to your existing WordPress theme that will help optimize your blog’s search engine potential. In this post I’m going to cover a quick adjustment that you can make to your title tag to show a more optimal title. Optimize Your WordPress Title By default, your WordPress theme will likely come with a pretty standard code for your blog’s title. It probably looks something like the following: <title><? Unfortunately this is not the best way to code your title for your WordPress. This code will actually display a custom title for each different type of page on your blog automatically. If you’re truly ambitious, you can actually use a plugin that will do all the dirty work for you.

8 mannen opgepakt voor aanslag Nice blijven vastzitten De acht mannen die dinsdag zijn opgepakt met betrekking tot de aanslag op de Promenade des Anglais in Nice, blijven vastzitten. De acht verdachten, van Franse en Tunesische afkomst, zouden contact hebben gehad met de dader, de 31-jarige Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel. In het kader van het onderzoek zijn tussen maandagavond en dinsdagmorgen in de Alpes-Maritimes acht nieuwe arrestaties verricht. 'Wij nog steeds aan het natrekken. In tegenstelling tot wat eerder is gezegd, zijn het allemaal Tunesiërs van wie één de dubbele Italiaanse nationaliteit heeft. Dinsdag zijn huiszoekingen verricht om computers en telefoons te kunnen in beslag nemen.
