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Go Bibliography by Subject This is the version of the go bibliography that's organized by subject. You should read absolutely nothing into the order into which books are listed within each subject. Beginners' Books. This section contains books that are designed either to introduce you to the game or to be the second book that you read once you've learned the rules. If you're at that stage of the game, the version of the bibliography organized by difficulty gives advice about which book to choose. General Principles. Go Servers This page gives an overview of online go servers. Internet Go servers can potentially deliver the following benefits. Endless supply of players of all ranks 24 hours a day Play people from just about any country in the world Choose any time settings you like, from games that last less than 10 minutes, to 45 minutes, to 3 months or more Watch strong Dan players any time you want Watch real weakies as much as your lil heart desires Many tournaments, chats, and lessons are available Autosave games, ease in replaying a game, ability to create variations There are three basic types of servers. Real-time go servers in which two players play on line simultaneously just like over a real goban.

EncyGoPedie Bienvenue sur l'EncyGoPedie, le Wiki francophone sur le jeu de Go (appelé aussi weiqi ou baduk). Ce site est coopératif, tout le monde peut le modifier et vous êtes invité à le faire ! Il n'est pas nécessaire de s'inscrire. Apprenez Comment utiliser le Wiki et faites des tests dans le Bac à sable. Petit Lexique du Jeu de Go Vocabulaire de base : Le jeu de go est un duel entre deux joueurs munis de pierres blanches ou noires, se déroulant sur un plateau de jeu (ou go-ban) formé d’une grille 19x19 (voir la figure ci-dessous). Chaque joueur joue à son tour en posant un de ses " pions " appelés pierres (ishi ou go-ishi), sur une intersection non occupée du goban. Le but est de former des territoires, c’est à dire des ensembles d’intersections entourées par des pierres d’une même couleur. Les intersections vides autour des pierres se nomment " libertés ".

The World of Game Of Go About this site The Interactive Way To Go (Adobe Flash) The Interactive Way To Go (Java) - The best tutorial on the net! The Game of Go: a Programmer's Perspective - Need for Air The game of go is very interesting from an AI programmer’s point of view, because of how difficult it is to make a computer compete against a strong human and how researchers approached the problem. Paradoxically, the use of randomly played games has helped computers get much stronger. by oblivionz Game of Go: a (very) brief overview Go is wildly popular in Asia but little known in the Western world.

Jeu de go Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cette page contient des caractères spéciaux. Si certains caractères de cet article s’affichent mal (carrés vides, points d’interrogation, etc.), consultez la page d’aide Unicode. Sensei's Library [Lessons In The Fundamentals Of Go] Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go is the english translation of the book Ama to Puro(素人と玄人) by Kageyama Toshiro. Ama to Puro is volume 11 of the Go Super Books series of the Nihon Kiin. James Davies's english translation was published by Ishi Press and later reprinted by Kiseido. ISBN: 4-07187-028-3 Known to some as "The Yellow Book". Le jeu de GO [ Sommaire de la page | Serveurs | Initiation | Progresser | Encyclopédie | Articles | Variantes | Manga Hikaru no Go | Autre ] Le Go Le site the Magic of Go propose une série d'articles sur le go, des règles aux conseils stratégiques, en passant par les informations du monde professionnel et des historiques, de quoi s'initier et se perfectionner. Joueurs français, n'oubliez pas de visiter le site de la Fédération française de Go, celui de la Revue Française de Go, ou encore abonnez-vous à la liste de diffusion française sur le go : FrGo. Pour vous approvisionner en livres et matériel, il y a l'Académie des Jeux de Lyon, Variantes à Paris ou Het Paard à Amsterdam.

Welcome to American Go Association Xinwen’s Baduk Life - Go Games, Go Information and Go Study Tools
