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Body Scrub - Martha Stewart Crafts by Material

Body Scrub - Martha Stewart Crafts by Material

Christmas Workshop: The Craft Department's Favorite Holiday Projects - Martha Stewart Rustic, woodsy decorations naturally say Christmas. This table is set with wood-plank place mats, branch candleholders, and "snowcapped" birch stumps. The Buri animals and the pots of selaginella, or spikemoss, evoke a dreamy forest floor. Buri animals, by Martha Stewart, in small, $15, and large, $32, How To Make a Coffee Body Scrub— Skin Care Treatment - StumbleUpon The coffee we all love so much has many uses beyond just waking us up in the morning. One of those uses is to create a coffee body scrub. It’s usually just the high prices that deter us from enjoying the benefits of exfoliating body scrubs. Since most of us have a canister of coffee grounds in the kitchen, creating this scrub will be easy, beneficial, and most of all, cheap! Before we go into any recipes, let's discuss why a coffee body scrub is so much more beneficial than the everyday scrub. No more cellulite. Now that we know why the homemade coffee body scrub is so useful and such a great natural beauty product, we can move on to the recipe. 2 cups of coffee grounds (Brand does not matter--in fact, the cheaper the better.)1/2 cup raw sugar or sea salt2/3 tablespoon of massage oil (Any plain, cheap massage oil will do.)Mix these three items together in a bowl. When the scrub is complete, be sure to apply it to wet or damp skin. Pure cane sugar - Excellent as a gentle exfoliator.

Let it snow! Schneekugeln selber machen - This recipe, created by Michael Blake of the all-natural You Be Healthy (, infuses herbs in a moisturizing base oil for a healing potion that can be used as a wonderful beauty product. Try combining herbs for a more synergistic effect. The following varieties are particularly beneficial for the skin. Yarrow: This plant has a long history as a powerful healing herb used topically for wounds, cuts, and abrasions. Dandelion: Long used to treat warts, dandelion also is effective at treating acne, and age spots. Calendula Flower: These flowers contain antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties that promote healing. Burdock Root: Burdock root oil extract, also called Bur oil, is popular in Europe as a scalp treatment applied to improve hair strength, shine, and body, help reverse scalp conditions such as dandruff, and combat hair loss. Sage: Native to the Mediterranean, sage has been valued for centuries for its culinary and medicinal qualities.

Peppermint Bark Materials and Tools: 12 oz. quality white chocolate, finely chopped30 red-and-white-striped hard peppermint candies, coarsely crushed (about 6 ounces)12 oz. bittersweet (not unsweetened) or semisweet chocolate, chopped1/2 cup whipping cream1 Teaspoon peppermint extractmeasuring cuprubber spatulasharp knifealuminum foilcookie sheet Packaging: glass jar, ribbon, tag, ornament, etc. Note: This recipe makes around 1-1/2 pounds. Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. For gift giving, package the peppermint bark in clean glass jars. How to make your own deodorant My weekend of celebrating with the folks was excellent. And sure enough, my mom (known to many of you as Grandma G) embarked on a DIY deodorant project. She came across someone selling homemade deodorant nearly a year ago, tried it out, and found that it actually kept stinkiness away better than store brands. Plus most popular brands of deodorant contain aluminum, so if you can avoid stuffing metal into your pores, that seems like a good idea. After using a few types of natural deodorants and figuring out which ingredients she prefers, Mum decided to make her own. Here's the recipe we arrived at this weekend. Ingredients:1/4 cup baking soda ($1.19 for a box)1/4 cup arrowroot powder ($5.99 for 20 oz.)4 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil ($6.00 for 15 oz.)10 drops/shakes grapefruit essential oil ($9.99 for 0.5 oz.)A tin or jar with lid In a bowl, stir together dry ingredients, then add oils gradually until you like the consistency, mixing with a fork. From Grandma G:"IT WORKS!

Let it snow! Schneekugeln selber machen "Diese Bastelei stand schon lange auf meiner Liste. Ich habe mich schon seit Wochen drauf gefreut, ich liebe Schneekugeln - immer schon! Der Große hat stolz mitgeholfen und schüttelt jetzt was das Zeug hält. Und auch der kleine Bruder kann gar nicht genug davon kriegen. Wie hypnotisiert staunt er immer wieder die Gläschen an - niedlich! Schneekugeln selber machen: Ihr braucht ... leere Gläser mit Schraubverschluss. 2) Die Gläschen gut reinigen. 3) Destilliertes Wasser und Glitter in die Gläser füllen. 4) Jetzt ist Ausprobieren angesagt. 5) Ist alles so wie gewünscht, den Deckel fest zuschrauben und mit einer großzügigen Schicht aus der Heißklebepistole rundherum abdichten. 6) Den Deckel und die "Dichtmasse" abschließend mit einem hübschen Geschenkband oder etwas Bast umwickeln - fertig! Prima auch als kleines Mitbringsel für eine Adventseinladung oder vielleicht als Dankeschön-Geschenk für die nette Kindergärtnerin?

No-Bake Chewy Cookies and Cream Bars | Picky Palate - StumbleUpon Oh how I love a treat that can be whipped up in about 15 minutes. My boys and their buddies couldn’t get enough of these Chewy Oreo Bars we had as an after school snack this week. Sometimes my spontaneous recipe creations turn out to be the most fun, lol! Yes you use an entire package of Oreo Cookies, but what you get in return is a marshmallow-y Oreo treat that is worth every bite Surprise the kids (and yourself) with this one, they’ll be all smiles, Enjoy! 3 whole ingredients. Break out your Cookies! Place them all in the food processor or blender and mix until ground. Like so. Melt the butter and marshmallows into a large bowl until puffed. You’ll get a little something like this Working quickly, pour in your ground cookies. Mix, mix and mix You’ll get a gooey mess….that’s delish! Transfer to an 8×8 inch baking pan and let set for about 10 minutes. Cut into squares and indulge No-Bake Chewy Cookies and Cream Bars One 16 oz package of Oreo 5 cups Large Marshmallows 4 tablespoons butter 1.

{oil cleansing method} ladies… this is the best thing i have ever done for my face. several different friends had told me about it some time ago, so once i finished my face wash {because thats how i do things. i can't bear to throw things away - if you can, i actually envy you...} i gave it a try. & am totally hooked. here is the thing, though. you may need to have a little patience. because there are different combinations & oils you can use depending on your skin type. so bear with me here... You can find castor oil at the pharmacy section in your grocery store. I didn't think to look there, so I ordered mine online here. You can also use several different types of oils, too {see. this is where the experimenting comes in} such as: -olive oil -coconut oil -sunflower seed oil -jojoba oil really, i think you could at least start off with whatever you have. okay - but before i say anything else. you might be freaking out that i am telling you to use oil on your face! i'm still trying to figure out exactly what i like best.

Moisturizing Body Oils To make more than one kind of lip balm at a time, divide the recipe in half and scent and color the batches separately. For lip balms, we like to use essential oils that have an "edible" scent, such as citrus. Beeswax pellets are available at crafts stores. Our how-to makes two .15-ounce tubes and two 1/2-ounce tins or pots. Gift-Packaging Idea: Top cosmetic tubes and tins with custom labels: Water-slide decal paper is clear, making the design look as though it has been printed directly onto the container. Resources: Similar containers, 8 1/2"-by-11" clear water-slide decal paper for ink-jet printers, Get More Bath and Body Treatments and Learn About Essential Oils

Perfect Summer Bangle Here's a fun tutorial on how to make a message bangle that's one-of-a-kind, done in the sun, waterproof and weatherproof. Even after several trips to the beach, it won't fade or wash off! Essentially, it's the Perfect Summer Bangle. Used in this tutorial: Inkodye Red Prepare. Transcribe. Perfect. Pour. Brush. Wipe. Wrap. Tape. Expose. Develop. Cut. Reveal. Wash. Enjoy. Health Article - Flu - AARP Colds (common colds) and the flu (influenza) are contagious infections that affect the respiratory system. Both are airborne illnesses, spread through coughing and sneezing. Colds typically are confined to the upper respiratory system—the nose and throat—but the flu affects the lungs and in severe cases may cause death, especially in senior citizens, young children, and those with a compromised immune system. What Are the Causes of Cold and Flu? Both the common cold and the flu are typically caused by viruses. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are over 100 viruses that can cause cold symptoms (Mayo Clinic, 2013). There are also many different viruses that can cause the flu. What Are the Symptoms of Cold? Symptoms of the common cold are unpleasant, but not usually dangerous. sore throatstuffy nose caused by buildup of mucus or phlegmswelling of sinusessneezing and/or coughingheadachesgeneral sense of being tired and out of sorts What Are the Symptoms of Flu? How Are Colds and Flu Diagnosed?
