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The primary interface between the UK’s planning system and the people and places it serves is a piece of A4 paper tied to a lamppost in the rain. OK, not always rain. But rain often enough. The paper is a public notice describing a planning application for some kind of ‘development’ somewhere in the vicinity. For something as fundamental as this—how your actual, physical neighbourhood may change—it seems little more than a token gesture. The paper notices are ubiquitous, tied at eye level in well-trafficked places. If one did notice the notice, you’d find language which is often alarmist (Camden lead with HOW DOES THIS AFFECT YOU? For the last year, I’ve been collecting examples of planning notices in the wild, most of them collated into the accompanying video. I seem to be the only person even looking at the notices, never mind filming them. (Aside: the soundtrack is Philip Glass’s ‘String Quartet No. 3 (Mishima): VI. For it’s not the materiality of paper that's an issue.

Super Colossal BLDGBLOG Archinect - Making Architecture More Connected (since 1997) Cities / People / Place Monday, April 14th, 2014 Street Food in Busan I can still remember the ssiat hotteok in Busan: moist, thick pancakes stuffed with brown sugar, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds, as if a French crêpe had voyaged to America, eaten too many Krispy Kremes and stumbled head-first into a Korean dry goods shop. It was the perfect salve for the early winter chill. In Seomyeon, a busy shopping and nightlife hub that is the closest thing Busan has to a centre, there were two hotteok stalls on the street behind a large department store. In a way, that’s kind of how I felt about Busan. Busan is nevertheless a very likable city. More A Police Dormitory Reborn as a Design Hub Hong Kong’s design scene is thriving, but like many of this city’s creative endeavours, it exists beyond the spotlight, in old factory buildings and back alley studios. “It’s a project that nobody has done before,” says William To, the PMQ’s creative director, who is also project director at the Hong Kong Design Centre. More More More

A Daily Dose of Architecture Archinect | Connecting Architects Since 1997 this is a456 The Journal of Urban Typography ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide 21st Century Architecture Strangeharvest Eléments de la ville fluctuante
