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Socialphy - Collective Intelligence

Socialphy - Collective Intelligence

Infographic: 5 Companies That Are Rocking Social Media This infographic was created by Voltier Digital, a content marketing agency based in Florida, specializing on the creation and promotion of impactful content marketing campaigns for businesses of all sizes. We all know the usual names of companies that are doing well in social media. I thought it might be interesting to take a look at some of the lesser-knowns and why they've had success, either on an ongoing basis or with some one-off efforts that stood out. And since infographics are all the rage, what better way to look at them? Dell is presented as a master in the art and science of listening. Please feel free to share this post or embed the image on your own site. <a href=" src=" /><small>Created by <a href=" Digital</a> for <a href="

Virtual Worlds, Avatars, free 3D chat, online meetings - Second Life Official Site les-medias-sociaux---conference-annuelle-2e-edition- - grandes-conferences - evenements Les activités sur les médias sociaux représentent maintenant 23 % du temps passé en ligne par les internautes américains ; 65 % des publicités en ligne sont évaluées sur la performance. Dans un tel contexte, il devient nécessaire de s’approprier les modèles de monétisation des médias sociaux. Nielsen Q3 2011 Cet atelier pratique vous permettra de découvrir les modèles d’affaires les plus innovants et les plus performants, et de comprendre comment bâtir votre plan afin que votre organisation récolte de réels bénéfices par l’utilisation de médias sociaux. L’introduction aura pour objectif de démystifier l’impact économique des communications digitales, et plus particulièrement des médias sociaux. L’atelier abordera des questions cruciales telles que : Quels sont les modèles d’affaires des différentes marques qui utilisent les médias sociaux ? Comment utiliser les indicateurs de performance comme levier d’un modèle d’affaires profitable ? Comment vendre les médias sociaux à votre patron ?

[International Network for Peace] With the tech landscape taking shape in this century, there is an urgent need to invest in a wide array of devices. Most of the technically savvy minds often invest in gadgets that include laptops, smart phones and desktops among others. The advantage with these gadgets is that they get you going; however, the flipside is that they may make you get confused. Servers are critical when it comes to managing data. Due to the growing demand of servers, it is important to ensure that you have quality servers that will enable you to manage your data. With emerging technologies, it is important to have a clear understanding regarding different types or servers and applications. Installing the right servers is the right way to go. Network installation is a major element in the IT world. When you are looking for network installation service providers, it is crucial to understand some of other services that they offer. Hey everyone! Want to know more?

PeaceJam | Change Starts Here SpicyNodes Tumblr Office Tour Daniel Goodman / Business Insider Here is the office of Tumblr, the super fast growing blogging platform that may be inspiring Facebook and has big plans for the future. We had to see where the magic happens. The Tumblr office is on E 21 St. and that building in the background is actually home to Business Insider. Tumblr splits its office between two floors. Of course, a big logo on entry. There is a book case on entry and the home of their 11-year-old Pomeranian Tommy. Once you get into the back there is a pretty good view of the whole office. There are balloons at each section of desks. Andrew Greene, 29, from New Jersey, is a Product Engineer at Tumblr and is working on improving the spam filters. Next we head over to the big hanging dice. The designers sit here and they have another great view of the office. Zack Sultan, 26, from Berkeley, CA, is using a cool pad for a mouse and for drawing designs. These Tumblr mugs are all around the office. So we head to the unicorn. Inside the fridge. : The Digital You
