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Online safety & civility Infos utiles | Pour les profs | Zone Jeunesse Pour tester leurs connaissances, les jeunes peuvent répondre au Sécuri-quiz. Sur Internet : 7 règles d’or! Comme partout, des actes criminels ou répréhensibles peuvent être commis dans le cyberespace. Les enfants sont curieux, avides de découvertes... et parfois crédules. Ils sont donc plus vulnérables. Il importe donc de bien les encadrer et de prendre certaines précautions. Pour s’assurer que nos enfants profitent d’Internet sans rencontre fâcheuse ou exposition à du contenu inapproprié, il y a quelques règles d’or à respecter. Voici les 7 règles d’or pour les jeunes et l’utilisation d’Internet : Trailer – Learn English with videos An epic fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson. It is the second installment of a three-part film adaptation based on the 1937 novel The Hobbit by J. R. R. Script Lucky Number Slevin, (known as The Wrong Man in Australia), is a 2006 crime thriller film written by Jason Smilovic, directed by Paul McGuigan and starring Josh Hartnett, Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Ben Kingsley, Stanley Tucci, and Lucy Liu. Prometheus: The search for our beginning could lead to our end. Charlie's first movie production is a trailer. A movie about love, hope and revival.

iKeepCurrent Raven-Symoné (Cosby show) : «Je ne suis pas Afro-américaine. Je suis Américaine» – Creoleways Aux USA, l’affaire fait toujours grand bruit sur les réseaux sociaux : La semaine dernière, la puissante milliardaire Oprah Winfrey, reine du talk-show et militante de la cause « afro », recevait l’actrice Raven-Symoné. Le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est que la charmante et espiègle petite Olivia du Cosby Show a bien grandi et qu’elle n’entend pas se laisser dicter sa conduite. Interrogée sur le buzz qu’elle avait provoqué l’an dernier en révélant son homosexualité sur Twitter, la jeune actrice a réaffirmé sa liberté et refusé qu’on la définisse comme « gay ». Sans se démonter, elle a carrément enfoncé le clou en balayant toute étiquette raciale : « I’m an American, I’m not an African-American » (Je suis Américaine, pas « Afro-Américaine ») a-t-elle calmement lâché face à Oprah, stupéfaite à en perdre son défrisage. Durant l’interview, malgré les mises en garde amicales et les perches tendues par l’animatrice, Raven-Symoné a gardé le sourire et maintenu ses propos.

Marsali Hancock: Digital Citizenship for Today's Teens HuffPost High School and iKeepCurrent will explore digital citizenship: what it means to be an ethical, responsible and resilient digital citizen. Our partnership will provide a unique opportunity to include the youth voice often left silent in the online safety, security and ethics discussion. This is what we know: the way students interact with each other online profoundly affects how they perceive themselves and engage with others offline. Every day we learn of digital dramas and dilemmas that are rocking schools, regions or the entire nation. That's why we've created the iKeepCurrent Generation Safe News Feed. And because adults don't solely shape what's happening now, we've got turn to our young technocrats who live these stories every day and have something to teach us in return. HuffPost High School gives students a megaphone to shout out their experiences and build credible reputations as thought leaders, influencers and writers.

Protecting Your Online Reputation: 4 Things You Need to Know You don't have to be running for president to care about your online reputation. Almost everything you do online is easy to track, especially when you're using social media sites. This infographic shows you how to manage your "e-reputation," perhaps saving you some embarrassment, or even your career. Gathered by digital marketing firm KBSD, it's a treasure trove of tips, techniques and information about what companies and individuals are looking for inside your personal profiles and social information, and what you can do to show off your best side to those who might want to find out unflattering things about you. It's not too late to protect yourself and polish up your online image. So now that you've grown up (you have grown up, haven't you?) Infographic courtesy KBSD, photo courtesy iStockphoto/Yuri Arcurs

Curriculum: Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship – Google in Education Overview We have devised an interactive curriculum aimed to support teachers of secondary students (approximately ages 13-17). The curriculum helps educate students on topics like: YouTube’s policies How to report content on YouTube How to protect their privacy online How to be responsible YouTube community members How to be responsible digital citizens We hope that students and educators gain useful skills and a holistic understanding about responsible digital citizenship, not only on YouTube, but in all online activity. Lessons in English Below is a list of lessons, and the recommended flow for delivery. Or you can download the Full Teacher's Guide or the Full Set of Slides in PDF. Lessons in Additional Languages Below is a list of lessons and resources in additional languages beyond English: Learn more To learn more visit the Classroom videos page of this website, where you can find links to information on:

Une vidéo très imagée des conséquences qui découlent du fait de publier quelque chose sur Internet. by vero_hebert Nov 21

Cette vidéo insiste sur le fait qu'une fois que quelque chose (image surtout, mais aussi texte ou vidéo) est publié sur le web, celui y reste pour toujours. La vidéo est claire et illustre bien ce fait. by jessicadube Nov 18
