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Prezi Alternatives and Similar Software

Prezi Alternatives and Similar Software

Web-based slideshow A Web-based slideshow is a slide show which can be played (viewed or presented) using a web browser. Some web based slide shows are generated from presentation software and may be difficult to change (they are usually not supposed to). Others offer templates allowing the slide show to be easily edited and changed. Compared to a fully fledged presentation program the web based slide shows are usually limited in features. A web based slide show is typically generated to or authored in HTML, JavaScript and CSS code (files). Features[edit] Player/Presentation Features[edit] Editor Features[edit] Theme and styling supportCan embed imagesCan embed videos and audio and other multimediaSupports master pages/templates for slidesEmbedding SVGEmbedding MathMLEmbedding other web pages List of web-based slide shows [edit] S5-based slideshows[edit] Flash-based Slideshow[edit] References[edit]

12 outils pour mieux gérer l'infobésité des médias sociaux 2 avril 2012 L’infobésité, traduction de l’expression anglaise « information overload » est très certainement l’effet secondaire le moins agréable qui découle de l’avènement des médias sociaux. Déjà en 2007, selon emarketer, les gestionnaires peinaient à trouver l’information pertinente au sujet de leur propre compagnie ou de la compétition, sans parler des courriels qui ne cessent de croitre avec quantité de gens qui nous mettent en copie conforme (c.c.), les infolettres auxquelles on s’abonne, etc. Infographie de Brian Solis et Jess3 sur l’univers de Twitter et les applications périphériques qui l’enrichissent. Comme on le voit dans cette infographie qui date de janvier 2011, la richesse de Twitter ne tient pas tant de sa plateforme en tant que telle mais plutôt des milliers d’applications développées en périphérie qui permettent d’en bonifier l’expérience, la gestion et la pertinence. Les aggrégateurs de comptes – Hootsuite – Tweetdeck – Seesmic – Sprout Social Les outils d’analyse – Zite

List of Standards - Benefit Corporation Benefit corporation legislation does not require a benefit corporation to use any particular third party standard to prepare its annual benefit report. Nor are they required to have that report certified or audited by a third party. The below list is not intended to be exhaustive and B Lab does not take any position on whether any third party standard listed (or not listed) below should be deemed acceptable. It is up to the benefit corporation, its directors, and ultimately its shareholders, to determine whether any particular third party standard meets the statutory criteria. In addition to those third party standards listed below, more than 100 'raters' of corporate sustainability practices are listed in the 'Rate the Raters' report published by the research and consulting firm SustainAbility. If you are aware of a third party standard that meets the statutory criteria that you think should be included on this list, please contact .

HTML Slidy (1) Copyright © 2005-2010 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. For handouts, its often useful to include extra notes using a div element with class="handout" following each slide, as in: <div class="slide"> ... your slide content ... </div><div class="handout"> ... stuff that only appears in the handouts ... </div> Each presentation is a single XHTML file Each slide is enclosed in <div class="slide"> ... <? The head element should include the following link to the style sheet: The body element's content should start with the following markup: This adds the logos on the top left and right corners of the slide. You are of course welcome to create your own slide designs. Use the meta element with name="copyright" for use in the slide show footer: If you want a separate title page with the W3C blue style, the first slide should be as follows: The w3c-blue.css style sheet looks for the classes "slide" and "cover" on div and img elements using the CSS selector div.slide.cover

12 solutions de CRM open source pour les entreprises Le commerce est souvent basé sur du relationnel et formaliser ce relationnel, vouloir le suivre est souvent perçu comme une forme de surveillance. Il faut donc souvent faire preuve de convictions pour montrer aux principaux utilisateurs, les commerciaux, les avantages qu’ils peuvent retirer en alimentant et utilisant ce type de solution. L’interfaçage des solutions de GRC avec les applications de gestion comme les ERP ou PGI est souvent à l’ordre du jour. Car c’est ensuite l’ensemble du processus qui part de l’émission d’un devis en passant par la commande que l’on va souhaiter intégrer. Ceci explique que bien des PGI intègrent aussi des GRC car ces deux grandes familles d’outils sont indissociables et font bien souvent partie des « must have » d’une entreprise. Un autre domaine applicatif qui touche à ce domaine est celui des outils de travail collaboratif dont je vous donnerais un exemple dans cet article. Pure-player CRM CiviCRM est un logiciel faisant partie des outils de CRM.

San Diego » EvoNexus EvoNexus™ is the business incubator of CommNexus™, a leading non-profit high-tech trade organization based in San Diego. Our mission is to stimulate the growth of new high technology companies in our region. EvoNexus is San Diego’s only community-supported, fully pro-bono technology incubator. EvoNexus statistics to date: Established October 2009 713 applications received, 59 companies admitted (1-in-10) $520M in total venture funding and acquisition outcome by companies 24 companies currently incubating 28 graduations to date 7 acquisitions 1000+ jobs created C Slide show Tools There are a bunch of tools in this directory and elsewhere for making slides using standards: Slidy The current recommendation (2005/5) is to use Dave Raggett's slideshow tool HTML Slidy, with its accompanying style sheet. If you are a member of the W3C staff, you must add a W3C icon. Some reasons for doing it this way: Only one file to edit and show - much less fuss than generating slides either page up/down or left/right arrow for moving between slides backward/forward Support for incrementally revealing slide content < and > (or - and + ) keys allow easy font scaling Good contrast between foreground and background, dark on light. But… Some browsers trap certain keystrokes, so that they are not available to the web page. Some example talks of various vintages: 1. It should include the following: For W3C staff members, talks must include the W3C icon. There are more details on the HTML Slidy page. 2. Each slide has to be wrapped in <div class="slide"> ... Editing the slides with Amaya

Framacalc San Diego » EvoNexus » Applicants EvoNexus is San Diego’s only community-supported, fully pro-bono technology incubator. Our passion is helping startups grow. We provide office space and put on over 75 programs and events a year to help our startups achieve sustainability. Unlike many other incubators, we provide these services entirely free of charge. To provide our incubator companies with the maximum amount of support, mentorship, and access to our network, all companies admitted participate in EvoStart, a 4 month framework designed to help tech startups validate product-market-fit. EvoStart Elements: Interested in Applying? EvoNexus Informational Open HouseThursday, January 13th 4:00-5:30 PMRSVP Here Work Out of Evo! All applications received by the next deadline will be carefully reviewed and considered for the incubator program by the EvoNexus Committee. EvoNexus Application Process:

HTML5 Presentation In March 1936, an unusual confluence of forces occurred in Santa Clara County. A long cold winter delayed the blossoming of the millions of cherry, apricot, peach, and prune plum trees covering hundreds of square miles of the Valley floor. Then, unlike many years, the rains that followed were light and too early to knock the blossoms from their branches. Instead, by the billions, they all burst open at once. Then came the wind. It roared off the Pacific Ocean, through the nearly uninhabited passes of the Santa Cruz Mountains and then, flattening out, poured down into the great alluvial plains of the Valley. This perfumed blizzard hit Stevens Creek Boulevard, a two-lane road with a streetcar line down its center, that was the main road in the West Valley.
