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How to find true friends (and love) in 45 minutes

How to find true friends (and love) in 45 minutes
David Rowan Editor of Wired magazine This article was featured in Times Magazine, 5 November. There's a shorter version in the Ideas Bank section on the current Wired magazine. Can you make someone become intimately close to you -- even fall in love with you -- in less than an hour? Dr Aron -- known to friends as Art -- runs the Interpersonal Relationships Lab at Stony Brook University on the north shore of Long Island, east of New York City, and he has love on his mind. Back in 1997, Aron and colleagues published a paper in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin on "The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness". They arranged volunteers in pairs, and gave them a list of 36 questions that, one by one, they were both asked to answer openly over an hour "in a kind of sharing game". But would the "fast friends" experiment also work with more worldly senior executives and entrepreneurs? Related:  Self improvment

The Secret To A Lasting Relationship When a relationship becomes a one-way way street, it ends up at a dead end sooner or later. Learn to keep the traffic flowing both ways with conversation, forgiveness and mindful awareness to keep your relationship growing well into the future. It all starts with that inner conversation you have with yourself. Be aware of it, and find how easy it is to nurture your relationship in the direction you want it to go. At one time or another, we all transfer the frustrations from our day onto our partners. That doesn't mean you have to stop venting. Just acknowledging that you've had a bad day can help you change your tone from exasperation to understanding. It doesn't have to be a bigger deal than that. If you feel defensive, ask yourself what you're afraid of. Un-Filter Your World The world you know is filtered through your hopes, dreams, fears and worries. Forgive the Imperfections of Life Forgive yourself for not getting everything done in your day. Sow the Seeds of Love

The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon You may have heard about Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon before. In fact, you probably learned about it for the first time very recently. If not, then you just might hear about it again very soon. Baader-Meinhof is the phenomenon where one happens upon some obscure piece of information—often an unfamiliar word or name—and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, often repeatedly. Anytime the phrase “That’s so weird, I just heard about that the other day” would be appropriate, the utterer is hip-deep in Baader-Meinhof. Most people seem to have experienced the phenomenon at least a few times in their lives, and many people encounter it with such regularity that they anticipate it upon the introduction of new information. The phenomenon bears some similarity to synchronicity, which is the experience of having a highly meaningful coincidence, such as having someone telephone you while you are thinking about them. The reason for this is our brains’ prejudice towards patterns.

50 Things Everyone Should Know by Mark and Angel Self-reliance is a vital key to living a healthy, productive life. To be self-reliant one must master a basic set of skills, more or less making them a jack of all trades. Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of all trades is far more equipped to deal with life than a specialized master of only one. While not totally comprehensive , here is a list of 50 things everyone should know how to do. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Read the rest of the article

60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in the Next 100 Days Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days. Below you’ll find 60 small ways to improve all areas of your life in the next 100 days. Home 1. Day 1: Declutter MagazinesDay 2: Declutter DVD’sDay 3: Declutter booksDay 4: Declutter kitchen appliances 2. If you take it out, put it back.If you open it, close it.If you throw it down, pick it up.If you take it off, hang it up. 3. A burnt light bulb that needs to be changed.A button that’s missing on your favorite shirt.The fact that every time you open your top kitchen cabinet all of the plastic food containers fall out. Happiness 4. 5. 6. How many times do you beat yourself up during the day? 7. Learning/Personal Development 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Pirate game From Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates The pirate game is a simple mathematical game. It illustrates how, if assumptions conforming to a homo economicus model of human behaviour hold, outcomes may be surprising. It is a multi-player version of the ultimatum game. The game[edit] There are 5 rational pirates, A, B, C, D and E. The pirates have a strict order of seniority: A is superior to B, who is superior to C, who is superior to D, who is superior to E. The pirate world's rules of distribution are thus: that the most senior pirate should propose a distribution of coins. Pirates base their decisions on three factors. The result[edit] It might be expected intuitively that Pirate A will have to allocate little if any to himself for fear of being voted off so that there are fewer pirates to share between. This is apparent if we work backwards: if all except D and E have been thrown overboard, D proposes 100 for himself and 0 for E. A: 98 coinsB: 0 coinsC: 1 coinD: 0 coinsE: 1 coin[2] See also[edit]

101 Inspirational Quotes to Light Up Your Life I love inspirational quotes. Don’t you? They have the power to inspire, guide, and bring entirely new insights. I’ve created a second collection of inspirational quotes to share with you today. Please enjoy. “It’s not what you call me, but what I answer to.” – African proverb“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. “If it weren’t for my mind, my meditation would be excellent.” – Pema Chodron“I like living. Do you use inspirational quotes in your life? You might also like my first collection 100 Inspirational Quotes to Celebrate 100 Blog Posts.

30 Habits that Will Change your Life Developing good habits is the basic of personal development and growth. Everything we do is the result of a habit that was previously taught to us. Unfortunately, not all the habits that we have are good, that’s why we are constantly trying to improve. The following is a list of 30 practical habits that can make a huge difference in your life. You should treat this list as a reference, and implement just one habit per month. This way you will have the time to fully absorb each of them, while still seeing significant improvements each month. Health habits Exercise 30 minutes every day. Productivity habits Use an inbox system. Personal Development habits Read 1 book per week. Career habits Start a blog. What do you think? Update: A reader put together a downloadable copy of all these habits.

The Two-Envelope Paradox | techiferous The Paradox You just finished some yard work for your eccentric neighbor, Mr. Grimes. He prepares some lemonade for you while you rest at his kitchen table. “Thank you for your help today,” he says as he places two envelopes on the table in front of you. You pick one of the envelopes and open it. Should you switch envelopes? Since one envelope contains twice as much as the other, this means that the other envelope has either $10 or $40. What’s going on? Spoiler Alert If you want to chew on this puzzle for a while, then don’t read any further. This is a famous paradox and it’s one of my favorites. Useless Information When you first opened the envelope and saw the $20, you still had no idea what was in the other envelope. However, as far as your decision to switch is concerned, the only useful information is information that helps you determine whether the other envelope has more or less than your current envelope. Rolling an Eight Perhaps that explanation didn’t satisfy your intuition enough.

Author quote posters Being around a successful author would surely be exhausting and inspiring in equal amounts. As well as all that wisdom they put into their books, their thought-provoking one-liners would literally be falling out here, there and everywhere. So while you'd beat yourself up for not possessing even a smidgen of that kind of talent, you'd also be maniacally scribbling it all down for dinner party quoting. The rather smart Evan Robertson has created a set of posters that combine iconic author quotes with genius design work. If you don't want at least two of these hanging on your wall then we need to have a serious chat. Tags: books, Design, Posters

19 Quotations
