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Science - Video Portal

Science - Video Portal

BBC Nature - Collections Maryland Public Television Presents Bayville Select any question to see its answer. Physical features of the Chesapeake Bay watershed History of the Chesapeake Bay watershed Plant and animal life (including humans) in the Chesapeake watershed Problems in the Chesapeake Bay watershed Answers What is a watershed? Everybody in the world lives in one watershed or another. For example, there are thousands of little creeks, streams, and small rivers that empty into the large Susquehanna River. The Susquehanna River watershed is a part of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Back to top What states are in the Chesapeake Bay watershed? The Chesapeake Bay watershed is in six states, plus the District of Columbia. All of Washington, D.C. is in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 93.3% of Maryland is in it. 55.9% of Virginia is in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 49.1% of Pennsylvania is in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 28.8% of Delaware is in it. 14.7% of West Virginia is in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. How big is the Chesapeake Bay? What is an estuary?

125 Great Science Videos: From Astronomy to Physics & Psychology Astronomy & Space Travel A Brief, Wondrous Tour of Earth (From Outer Space) - Video - Recorded from August to October, 2011 at the International Space Station, this HD footage offers a brilliant tour of our planet and stunning views of the aurora borealis.A Universe from Nothing - Video - In 53 minutes, theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss answers some big enchilada questions, including how the universe came from nothing.A Year of the Moon in 2.5 Minutes - Video - The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been orbiting the moon for over a year. The footage gets compressed into 2 slick minutes.A Day on Earth (as Seen From Space) - Video - Astronaut Don Pettit trained his camera on planet Earth, took a photo once every 15 seconds, and then created a brilliant time-lapse film.Atlantis's Final Landing at Kennedy Space Center - Video - After more than 30 years, the space shuttle era comes to a close. Video runs 30 minutes. Physics Biology & Chemistry Environment, Geology and & Ecology

Enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales: Clasificación de los movimientos Si los clasificamos por su forma podemos encontrar movimientos Simples como el movimiento rectilíneo o el movimiento circular y los movimientos Compuestos como el Parabólico el Elíptico o el Hiperbólico. Si los clasificamos por sus leyes encontramos los movimientos Uniformes, que mantienen su velocidad constante, los Uniformemente variados, que varían su velocidad en el recorrido de forma retardada o acelerada, los movimientos Periódicos como los ondulatorios y los armónicos, y los movimientos Variables. Si combinamos ambas categorías encontramos que; por ejemplo, el movimiento rectilíneo puede ser uniforme, como en el caso de un tren que va a la misma velocidad en todo su recorrido, o uniformemente variado como una pelota deslizándose por una pendiente. En este último caso haremos un pequeño análisis. El valor de la aceleración se calcula como la variación de la velocidad en un tiempo determinado. El tiro vertical Caída Libre El movimiento circular Movimiento armónico

Tre Le Storie - Home l'appuntamento quotidiano con Corrado Augias: la stretta attualità, la cultura, la politica e le storie che cambiano il nostro Paese. Il popolare giornalista e scrittore affronterà, ogni giorno, diverse tematiche con il contributo di grandi ospiti, in un viaggio quotidiano alla scoperta degli italiani. Anche quest’anno, in studio, un pubblico speciale sempre diverso: studenti e docenti di licei, Università, Accademie d’arte e musicali saranno protagonisti interagendo con domande, curiosità ed osservazioni. Dieci anni di programmazione, più di millecinquecento puntate. "Le Storie - diario italiano" è una "piccola trasmissione", due poltrone e pochi ospiti in studio, ma d'altra parte l'impegno dichiarato sin dall'inizio è stato quello di fare e indurre a fare "qualche ragionamento". Studenti e professori che volessero partecipare in studio alla trasmissione LE STORIE - DIARIO ITALIANO, possono farne richiesta scrivendo a

on the iPad - Motion, Electricity, Electrostatics, Force, Fluids Ratings & Reviews on iTunes One of the best apps for Middle grades science - ***** by RedStateBluebird - Version 1.0 - Jan 1, 2012 I found this recommended on the MindShift blog and am delighted with it. Exploriments : Feedback - ***** by Umesh Z - Version 1.0 - Dec 5, 2011 This seems to be a fantastic application for the learners to come out of their labs and make their imagination work realistic to understand the theories. You have been enjoying our simulation-based interactive learning units on the Exploriments Portal. You can now explore and enjoy our series of interactive learning simulations while on-the-go! Exploriments are simulation-based interactive learning units for enhancing conceptual understanding in Science and Math in an experiential manner. What makes Exploriments a unique way to learn?

Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English Crunchies 2011 - Vote for Fotopedia in the Best Tablet Application category Education and Workforce Development: K-12 Lesson Plans and Activities Teach your students the importance of green energy while enhancing your required curriculum. Here you'll find many creative lesson plans, labs, projects and other activities for grades K-12 on energy-related topics. Incorporate them into your classroom. Activities Energy Awareness Quiz This is a free online interactive quiz that provides answers with links to references, datasets or spreadsheets that can be used to further explore these topics. Advanced Search Select one or more options to refine your search. Type in a search term or phrase, and/or select a topic, and/or select a grade, then click search. Please Note The collection of energy-related lessons hosted on this website is dynamic. You can also add this lesson plans search to your own website; see our Teach and Learn widget. Download the Teach and Learn mobile app from the App Store and Google Play.

The Linnean Society of London | Education Resources Welcome to our education page! We hope you enjoy exploring our activities and resources. The Linnean Society of London is the home of Carl Linnaeus in the UK. To learn more about him, his science and our collections, visit the 'Who was Linnaeus?' section. Teachers, parents and students can click on the other categories to view our targeted education resources, linked to the National Curriculum.
