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Combine first and last names - Microsoft Support Let's say you want to create a single Full Name column by combining two other columns, First Name and Last Name. To combine first and last names, use the CONCATENATE function or the ampersand (&) operator. Important: In Excel 2016, Excel Mobile, and Excel for the web, this function has been replaced with the CONCAT function. Although the CONCATENATE function is still available for backward compatibility, you should consider using CONCAT from now on. Example Copy the following example to a blank worksheet. Note: To replace the formula with the results, select the cells, and on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy , click Paste , and then click Paste Values. Need more help? You can always ask an expert in the Excel Tech Community or get support in the Answers community.

Basic Program of Liberal Arts Education for Adults | U of Chicago Course Types Core Curriculum The Core Curriculum Courses, starting with Year 1, comprise the four-year certificate. Alumni Offerings For students who have completed at least two years of the Basic Program Core Curriculum, we offer Alumni Sequences and Courses: Alumni Sequences are two-year, curated courses of study to deepen the conversation and provide the same cohort experience as in the Core Curriculum. Alumni Courses are designed by instructors to further your studies beyond the Core Curriculum. Open-to-All Courses Our open-to-all provide students with an opportunity to study texts using the Basic Program methodology on a course-by-course basis. How to Read Classic Texts How to Read Classic Texts is a Basic Program methods course recommended for new students. September Mini Courses Choose from a selection of bite-sized three-week courses. Summer Courses Offered on a variety of topics and lasting from 4-8 weeks, these courses fit conveniently in your summer schedule.

Ako imate dron ili ga želite imati, ova pravila svakako morate poštovati Na poklon za rođendan od prijatelja dobili ste bespilotni zrakoplov, odnosno dron. Otvarate ga, čitate upute za korištenje i odlučujete ga odmah tijekom rođendanske zabave pred svima i isprobati. Dižete ga u zrak, upravljate njime, a nakon nekoliko minuta, nakon što ste pohvatali sve konce, odlučujete iz zraka snimiti nekoliko fotografija vas i vaših prijatelja. sigurnosni savjeti Putujete zrakoplovom, a nosite laptop ili mobitel? Dronovi nisu samo igračke – Kad poletite dronom u zrak, automatski ulazite u svijet zračnog prostora i postajete dio zrakoplovstva u kojem vrijede određena pravila, a za apsolutno svako snimanje iz zraka na području RH morate tražiti odobrenje Državne geodetske uprave. Isto tako, prema Pravilniku o sustavima bespilotnih zrakoplova koji je na snagu stupio krajem prošle godine, posebne dozvole trebat će vam i ako planirate upravljati dronovima težine iznad 900 grama, što je kategorija u koju spada većina malo “ozbiljnijih” modela. Error loading player:

How to Create an eLearning Course in 12 Steps Looking at all the things that are involved in creating an eLearning course could make you feel like your first step should be to “Give Up.” However, with these 12 steps, we break down the process into manageable chunks, which is a big part of what makes for a killer eLearning course design. Sounds good, right? Read through these steps, and soon you’ll have a good handle on what is needed and where to start to create your first eLearning courses. Contrary to popular belief, deciding “we need eLearning because everyone else is doing it” is not really the first step to start. The first step to creating an eLearning course is, in fact, defining why does your audience need this training? A need analysis make sure you aren’t doing training just for training’s sake. Conducting a needs analysis: This analysis can range from a simple interview to broader, more in-depth data collection methods that include looking at past training, desired results and the current state of your workforce. Also Read:

Roly-Poly Bugs: Appreciated But Misunderstood - Forest Preserve District of Will County (Photo via Shutterstock) Who hasn't seen a roly-poly bug in the dirt and given it a quick touch to see it form itself into a little ball? That process that has entertained kids — and adults — for generations is a defense mechanism for the bugs, and it has a special name: conglobation, which is a big, fancy word that means "to form into a ball." And while this ability to conglobate may be the most entertaining thing about these tiny critters – and where the term roly-poly comes from – there's much more to them than that. They go by many names Roly-poly is a common nickname for these creatures, but it's certainly not the only name they go by. The official name for these creatures is pillbug. They're not bugs at all That's right, pillbugs aren't insects. They breathe through gills like other crustaceans, but their gills must remain moist even on land. They don't urinate Roly-polies don't urinate because, quite simply, they don't need to. This isn't their only unusual bodily function.

Everyone Is Homeschooling. Not Everyone Is Doing It Like the Ultrarich. “Accomplished dressage and hunter-jumper rider…developing a sense of anxiety,” reads one recent job posting on Oxford-based Tutors International, one of the most prestigious tutoring agencies. “Reasonably able young man…[with] an occasional issue with some executive functioning skills and can be prone to emotional outbursts when he is upset about something.” Challenging twins: “The boy is a vegetarian who will only eat dry, crunchy textures, and so exists on a diet of nuts, dried fruit, and crunchy vegetables such as celery and peppers.… parents have aspirations for them to both attend top universities or colleges such as MIT, Harvard, or Oxbridge, but already the twins are behind their current U.S. grade level (1).” Skeptics may wonder if such needs can be met. Even experts in the field don’t quite agree on what should be the ultimate role of bespoke tutoring in modern society. Nathaniel McCullagh, founder of another high-end U.K.

Tamo gdje bi se duša oprostila, podizali su mirila, zagonetna mjesta prepuna simbola koja ne prestaju izazivati rasprave ~ Blaga & misterije Prema narodnim vjerovanjima, na mirilima se obilježavalo mjesto posljednjeg pokojnikova oproštaja sa Suncem. Na njima se duša odvajala od tijela i vezala za kamen – mirila da bi zatim preselila na drugi svijet. Svojim urezanim simbolima i natpisima do danas su ostala vrlo tajanstvena. Mirila su velebni kameni spomenici, a mogu se protumačiti i kao okamenjena božanstva koje nalazimo od sjevernoga Velebita kod Vratnika ponad Senja, pa do Bukovice i Ravnih kotara u dubljem zaleđu Zadra. Što je mirilo? Mirilo je počivalište pokojne duše. Slični običaji poznati su, osim na Balkanu, kod alpskoga stanovništva Europe, ali i na Tibetu. Prvi put se spominju u 12. stoljeću u okolici Trogira, a u 16. stoljeću u Ravnim kotarima. Najbolje su očuvana južnovelebitska jer su bila u funkciji do sredine 20. stoljeća. Stanovnici Velebita nakon smrti pokojnika nosili bi pokojnika do groblja koja su bila udaljena i preko nekoliko kilometara od kuće pokojnika bez stajanja za odmor nosača pokojnika. Česti motivi

What Are Some of the Biggest Challenges eLearning Professionals Face? All over the world, eLearning professionals are tossing and turning in their beds. They’re waking up in cold sweats, muttering things about ‘compatibility’ and ‘M-Learning’. The constant winds of change are taking their toll on our psyches. We all know that training has shifted, shifted, and shifted again. We decided that to tackle these problems effectively; we have to prioritize. We asked: They answered (these are the top answers): Getting our SME's to buy into the instructional design process.Style guides and consistency (being consistent in the visual design of the course).Keeping learning fresh and engagement high.Nobody is doing the ANALYSIS phase.Too much content! Phew! So what can we do about this growing list of sleep-losing issues surrounding our livelihood? That’s why our blog is going to continue to develop answers to these topics and helpful strategic guides to navigate those concerns raised above, by over 200 of you who are all feeling a bit overwhelmed at times.

Outdoor Review Activities and Games - Teaching with Jennifer Findley Reviewing concepts and facts can get tedious in the classroom, but not when you take the activity outside for some fun, friendly competition and sunshine. This post has five fun and active games for outdoor review that get your class moving while reviewing the information they need to know. These activities can be used as competitions to gain points for a class reward, or they can simply be used to have some fun competition while reviewing. Outside Review Activity 1 – Four Square Stand There The materials you will need: Several pieces of sidewalk chalk How to prepare for the activity: Draw four large squares on the ground and label with A, B, C, and D. How your class does this activity:Group your students into 4-6 groups. To make the game more interesting (and to hold the students accountable for not just running to the same square), have the students repeat back the correct answer to gain their point. Outside Review Activity 2 – Chalk Drawing Competition

Curriculum As Window and Mirror | National SEED Project Emily Style First published in Listening for All Voices, Oak Knoll School monograph, Summit, NJ, 1988. Consider how the curriculum functions, insisting with its disciplined structure that there are ways (plural) of seeing. Basic to a liberal arts education is the understanding that there is more than one way to see the world; hence, a balanced program insists that the student enter into the patterning of various disciplines, looking at reality through various "window" frames. Years ago a Peanuts cartoon illustrated this vividly for me. In the following day's comic strip, the bird Woodstock had apparently made a protest; Snoopy responded by shifting the definition to "feather-deep." Perhaps the only truth that remains, after such an exchange, is that "Beauty is," still no small truth to expound upon. Downloadable PDF For me, the beauty of the classroom gathering lies in its possibilities for seeing new varieties of Beauty. In her commitment to inclusive seeing, Eudora Welty wrote,

Tisak - Medijska pismenost Uz crnu, djeca u novinama žele i bijelu kroniku Učenici iz Osnovne škole Dalj na radionici ‘Djeca upoznaju medije’ u Glasu Slavonije naučili su se služiti novinarskim žargonom, tako da sada znaju da prijelom u novinarstvu nema veze s kostima, kao što ni šlager nema veze sa šlagom. Bili su i na terenu te poslije napisali svoju reportažu Napravite pozitivne razredne novine Potaknite učenike da se aktivno uključe u stvaranje pozitivnih medijskih sadržaja za školski list ili službenu internetsku stranicu škole, a možete zajedno izraditi i svoje male razredne novine Što je novinarska patka? Biste li povjerovali u priču o pingvinima koji lete u toplije krajeve ili o špagetima koji rastu na drveću? Švedska će djeca iz popularnog stripa učiti o lažnim vijestima ‘Bamse – najajči medvjed na svijetu’, jedan od najpopularnijih švedskih stripova za djecu, sada se bavi temom lažnih vijesti – koje su njihove opasnosti i kako ih prepoznati Kako umiriti dijete nakon zastrašujućih vijesti

Guest post: Biggest eLearning content trends of 2020 and beyond If we go by Training Magazine’s prediction about the eLearning industry, it will be safe to say that Online learning is not a small industry anymore. In fact, expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 5% between 2019 and 2024 and expected to cross the $200 billion mark by 2024. Learning through a virtual medium has become highly popular over the last decade. And as the time progressing in every scientifically, the learning (rather, eLearning) community is witnessing substantial changes in the ways that education has been adopted till now. By next year and beyond, some of these content design methods and advanced technologies would have taken the mainstream seat in L&D. Video-based learning content It is no secret that finding time and will to sit through a dry, heavy-on-content online lesson for hours at a stretch seems impossible in today’s world. Engaging elements Some of the best element for building engagement in a learning course are; Micro-learning
