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Modern Pagan News & Commentary

Modern Pagan News & Commentary
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A bad witch's blog The Village Witch Same deal as the last one. This one hails from 2002 and was written as a talk and printed as an essay on the Witches Voices website. As I write this, I am sitting by a lake surrounded by 1600 acres of YMCA camp. In the past couple of days, we've had a sampling of available spring weather: cold, wet, sunny, foggy, hot enough to burn fair Irish skin. It is almost painfully beautiful, even though the deciduous trees haven't leafed yet. It smells good here, too. Let me be clear at the outset--I like Earth Day. But Earth Day always falls to 'holiday syndrome'--it comes and goes and we don't have to think about it again for another year. Most of us don't feel connected to our planet in any meaningful way. Before we were kicked out, ashamed of our animal nakedness, we were given orders to name every critter in the garden and, once the magic ritual of naming was complete, the garden and everything in it was ours to do with as we thought fit. The arrogance of this position stuns me.

Seeking Others | The Hermetic Library Blog Hermetic Library is seeking others. Community Check out the BBS and Chat that I’ve set up for a place to build community. Contributors There are a number of ways to participate at the library, including the blog, BBS, Zine, and, last but not least, the library site itself. Creatives If you are a creative of any kind with news about your work to share, consider posting announcements about your work to the BBS. Correspondents Are you in a major area in the world with events happening of interest to esotericists, whether focused on the public, students, practitioners, or academics? Do you have an eye on some material of esoteric interest that deserves to be preserved in the collection of the library? Collaborators I can always use help with pages at the library. Syndication Do you post articles, review books, or create other content elsewhere? Fellows Do you have a corpus of material that is not currently presented online? Some other idea not mentioned? Get in touch!

Hecate How To Make Your Home a Magical Sanctuary — The Traveling Witch Integrating your craft into your home can be a daunting task. Unless you’re just a stellar housekeeper your home is likely at least a little messy all of the time. Unopened mail might still be sitting on the counter, that pile of laundry that you just didn’t get to this week is still on the floor, or maybe you’ve just got a little extra clutter from too many missed spring cleanings. Despite how much these things can make your space feel distinctly un-magical, making your home into a sacred place for yourself doesn’t have to be difficult. Turning your home into a witchy haven isn’t for everyone, there are a lot of reasons to give it a go and everyone is going to have different motivations (or no motivation, which is ok too). Your home is where you base yourself. Creating a magical sanctuary can also help to keep you in tune with your craft. Start simply, often just working on one room is enough to get the ball rolling. I use this for almost everything.

Goddess A Day - My quest for the ten thousand names of the Godde Find Your Magic with This Tarot Spell Perform this Exciting Ritual and Open up to Your Magical Power This is another spell from my brand new book, You Are Magical. Check it out and find yourself a copy here. You really are magical. But just in case you’ve never really felt confident that the magic is indeed within you, this spell is for you. Ingredients A 78-card tarot deck with images you love (I personally love this deck, and also this one.) Separate the following twenty cards from the rest of the deck: The kings and queens of all suites (swords, cups, wands, and pentacles)The FoolThe MagicianThe PriestessThe EmpressThe EmperorThe HierophantStrengthThe HermitThe StarThe SunThe MoonThe World Wake up before sunrise on the day of a full moon. Settle in and sit comfortably. As soon as the sun peeks visibly over the horizon, hold the crystal in your right hand and begin to enjoy your beverage. Once the sun is over the horizon and you can see it in its entirety (and ideally once you’ve finished your drink), say or whisper:

Aquila ka Hecate The Church and School of Wicca Welcomes You! Gus diZerega's blog on Pagan religion - A Pagan's Blog Thank you for visiting A Pagans Blog. This blog is no longer being updated. Please enjoy the archives. Happy Reading!!! I think Earth Day is a particularly important moment for contemplation and commitment by us Pagans. I deeply believe the problems in our country are more of the heart than of the head. These guys do not have the advantage of seeing their path as one way to spiritual truth among many of similar value. Muslims and Christians in Memphis. and another and this These examples are between people who believe the other is deeply mistaken spiritually. The controversy over pink slime is helping educate Americans to the fact that corporations are as beneficial to agriculture as they are to politics. I believe the root issue is that Americans need to rethink their relation to food. Growing food is or should be an ethical endeavor at every stage. To my mind when we eat it is appropriate to thank not God so much as all the beings we consume, vegetable, animal, and fungal. - Oldest & most highly respected online academy for Wiccans, Witches & Pagans - PaganPath The Archdruid Report The Good Wiccan – Your Complete Resource for the Beginner Solo Solitary White Witch Wicca Pagan Practitioner Medusa Coils
