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MIT Theses

MIT Theses
This collection of MIT Theses in DSpace contains selected theses and dissertations from all MIT departments. Please note that this is NOT a complete collection of MIT theses. To search all MIT theses, use Barton, MIT Libraries' catalog. MIT's DSpace contains more than 40,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by Document Services or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. If you have questions about MIT theses in DSpace, contact Document Services. If you are a recent MIT graduate and would like to add your thesis to the theses in DSpace, see Add Your Thesis to MIT's DSpace for instructions. MIT theses are protected by copyright.

Collections and information retrieval - Aalto University Library, Otaniemi - Aalto University There are publications in the library that cover all fields of the Aalto University Schools of Technology education and research. Academic journals are a vital part of the collections. There are almost 26.000 electronic journals available in the Aalto University network. The printed and electronic collections are more thoroughly discussed on the Collections page. The collections of the libraries of the faculties and departments contain material on specific research fields. Since 2000 the library has published doctoral dissertations, master’s and licentiate theses and reports of Helsinki University of Technology in electronic format.

Communicative Humanoids: Abstract Abstract Face-to-face interaction between people is generally effortless and effective. We exchange glances, take turns speaking and make facial and manual gestures to achieve the goals of the dialogue. Endowing computers with such an interaction style marks the beginning of a new era in our relationship with machines-one that relies on communication, social convention and dialogue skills. This thesis presents a computational model of psychosocial dialogue expertise, bridging between perceptual analysis of multimodal events and multimodal action generation, supporting the creation of interfaces that afford full-duplex, real-time face-to-face interaction between a human and autonomous computer characters. The architecture, called Ymir, has been implemented in software, and a prototype humanoid created.

Tesis Doctorales Digitales La publicación de las conclusiones de una investigación de postgrado lleva el nombre de tesis doctoral. Es un estudio de carácter original sobre una materia relacionada con el ámbito científico, técnico o artístico. El proyecto de tesis doctoral siempre está supervisado por un director de departamento universitario, que da el visto bueno sobre el tema y ha vigilado todo el proceso de investigación. En la obra Cómo se hace una Tesis, Técnicas y Procedimientos de investigación, estudio y escritura, Umberto Eco, se dan las pautas sobre la preparación de una tesis de investigación. El filósofo italiano establece una serie de consideraciones que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir el tema, buscar el material el plan de trabajo, los plazos temporales y la redacción. Una vez elaborada la tesis lleva el momento de presentar y defenderla ante un tribunal en una sesión pública. Bases de datos de tesis doctorales (TESEO) (de la Secretaría del Consejo de Universidades del Estado). Extranjero

NDLTD: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations — NDLTD
