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Planet Earth's Source for Aerogel™

Related:  Aerogel Technologies

Aerogel Technologies | What can aerogel do for you?™ Acme Klein Bottle FAQs | Aerogel Technologies Properties of Aerogels What is aerogel? Aerogels are a diverse class of ultralow density solids that combine multiple disparate and extreme materials properties into a single material envelope. Aerogel materials generally exhibit a high degree of porosity, high specific surface area, and superlative energy damping (thermal, acoustic, and impact) properties. The name aerogel may be misleading at first, as aerogels are dry, rigid or elastic foam-like materials—the name originates from the fact that aerogels are usually derived from wet gels, physically similar to edible gelation, in which the liquid component of the gel has been replaced by gas or a vacuum in a way that preserves the gel’s sparse solid, porous backbone. What is aerogel made of? Historically, the most researched type of aerogel has been the holographic-looking “blue” silica type. How good of an insulator is aerogel? How hot can an aerogel get? I've heard aerogels are easy to break, yet are somehow also superstrong. Yes.

Technisch speelgoed - gadgets online kopen - Aerogel Cost and Manufacturability Aerogels have been around for quite a while, but only recently has technology enabled the innovative product to be produced commercially and cheaper than ever before. In the past, Aerogels production and manufacturing cost were way too much to produce commercially. Aspen Aerogels, Inc. has become a worldwide leader in producing and manufacturing this material thanks to their breakthrough in speeding up the solvent extraction process. Aspen, based out of Massachusetts, has a 30,000 square foot manufacturing plant where the AeroGel is made. In the past, energy costs were the main factor in keeping AeroGel from being produced commercially. Thanks to technological advances and ingenious engineer troubleshooting through the years, AeroGel has become a revolutionary product which can be produced commercially for consumers at a much lower cost than ever before.

DaWanda: Unieke designer-items, cadeaus, tassen, baby-artikelen & meer Aerogel, asombroso material para la construcción, tecnología médica y producción de energía. Wikipedia: El aerogel es una sustancia coloidal similar al gel, en el cual el componente líquido es cambiado por un gas, obteniendo como resultado un sólido de muy baja densidad (3 mg/cm3 ó 3 kg/m3) y altamente poroso, con ciertas propiedades muy sorprendentes, como su enorme capacidad de aislante térmico. Este material está generalmente compuesto por un 90% a un 99,8% de aire, es mil veces menos denso que el vidrio y unas tres veces más denso que el aire. Familiarmente se le denomina humo helado, humo sólido o humo azul debido a su naturaleza semi-transparente, sin embargo, tiene al tacto una consistencia similar a la espuma, o foamy. Posee un índice de refracción de 1,0, muy bajo para un sólido. La velocidad del sonido a través de él es muy baja, 100 m/s. Esta sustancia fue creada por Samuel Stephens Kistler en 1931, como resultado de una apuesta entre él y Charles Learned, sobre quién podría reemplazar el líquido de un tarro de mermelada por gas sin que el volumen de este disminuyera.

Koksmes - Handgemaakte koksmessen door Smederij van Zanten Aerogel | Aerogel Insulation | Aerogel Price
