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The core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles

The core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles

Vatican Library The Vatican Apostolic Library (Latin: Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Italian: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana), more commonly known as the Vatican Library or informally as the Vat,[1] is the library of the Holy See, located in Vatican City. Formally established in 1475, although it is much older, it is one of the oldest libraries in the world and contains one of the most significant collections of historical texts. It has 75,000 codices from throughout history,[2] as well as 1.1 million printed books, which include some 8,500 incunabula. The Vatican Library is a research library for history, law, philosophy, science and theology. Pope Nicholas V (1447–1455) envisioned a new Rome with extensive public works to lure pilgrims and scholars to the city to begin its transformation. In March 2014, the Vatican Library began an initial four-year project of digitising its collection of manuscripts, to be made available online. Historical periods[edit] Pre-Lateran[edit] Lateran[edit] Avignon[edit]

British Women's Emancipation since the Renaissance British Library Vatican library plans to digitise 82,000 of its most valuable manuscripts Vatican Apostolic Library, founded in 1451 and considered one of the world’s most important research libraries, is hoping in the next four years to archive its entire collection of 82,000 manuscripts, comprising more than 41 million pages. The library announced on Thursday that it will work with experts from the Japanese IT systems specialist NTT Data Corporation, to digitalise 3,000 handwritten works by 2018. While the library has already begun to digitalise around 6,000 manuscripts, the collaboration is designed to enhance current archiving methods with special measures that will improve long-term storage and safekeeping. The library was founded by Pope Nicholas V in the 15th century and has one of the finest collections of manuscripts, books, photographs, coins and medals in the world. An ancient codex realized in Rome in 400 AD (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana)

The Victorian Web (www, Bomb Sight - Mapping the World War 2 London Blitz Bomb Census The Vatican Library's Amazing Documents Are Finally Online The news: The Vatican Library is getting an e-upgrade. The official library of the Holy See is undertaking a massive digitization project designed to upload hundred of thousands of books and images from its physical archives into an online database. As Business Insider reports, nonprofit organization Digita Vaticana Onlus was founded in 2013 with the goal digitizing 80,000 manuscripts. The process, as laid out by the project's website, is pretty basic. Check out some of the collections: Codex Borgianus Codex Borgianus dates back to the end of the 15th century. Bilingual version of Iliad This version of the Iliad entered the Vatican Library in 1613. Japanese dance paintings This collection of 11 watercolor paintings depicts Japanese women dancing the traditional Nihon Buyo. Mishneh Torah Dating between 1451 and 1475, the Hebrew manuscript of the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides features intricate illustrations at the beginning of each chapter. They're just getting started. Correction: Oct. 28, 2014

Ancient Greece - KS2 History - BBC Bitesize Who were the ancient Greeks? Who were the ancient Greeks? Discover different ancient Greek cities and find out how they were ruled. How did the Olympic Games begin? Learn how the Olympic Games began over 2,700 years ago! What was it like to live in an ancient Greek family? What was everyday life like in ancient Greece? Who were the ancient Greek gods and heroes The Greeks believed in many gods and goddesses. The ancient Greeks at war Learn about ancient Greek soldiers, the Spartan soldier state and read about famous Greek battles. What do we know about ancient Greek culture? Find out what ancient Greek theatre was like and learn about different ancient Greek festivals and art How did the ancient Greeks change the world? What did the ancient Greeks do for us? 3 class clips We have a selection of great videos for use in the classroom Links BBC History for Kids

ATHENA - Pierre Perroud Ancient Greek Gods & Goddesses Facts For Kids Ancient Greek Gods Welcome to our Greek Gods and Goddesses page here on History for Kids. We have some fun facts and pictures for you to color. You will learn some interesting facts about each God as you read down the page. Athena Athena was tall, strong, graceful, gray-eyed, and she liked owls. Zeus, the father of gods and goddesses, was also Athena’s father. When it came time for Athena to be born, she sprang full grown out of Zeus’s head. Athena was also a goddess of wisdom. Athena didn’t get along with the sea god Poseidon. To impress the city’s citizens, the two gods gave them gifts. The citizens were indeed impressed. Then Athena gave the citizens her gift. The citizens liked Athena’s gift better than Poseidon’s. Here are some historical facts about the city of Athens: •Athenians did their best to make their city live up to its name. •Athenians turned their city into the world’s first democracy. •Athenians wrote the world’s first plays, both comedies and tragedies. Poseidon Hermes Ares

Historic American Sheet Music / Digital Collections / Duke Digital Repository About the Digital Collection The David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University holds a significant collection of 19th and early 20th century American sheet music. The Historic American Sheet Music Project provides access to digital images of over 3000 pieces from the collection, published in the United States between 1850 and 1920. Some materials and descriptions may include offensive content. From Our Blog by Brittney Rankins almost 5 years ago New Additions Brief summaries of articles pulled from a future digitized issue published by The Chronicle, as part of the 1990s Duke Chronicle Digitization Project The time has come for the temperature to drop, decadent smells to waft through the air, and eyes become tired and bloodshot.

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