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Le présent du conditionnel

Le présent du conditionnel

Conjugaison Les didapages en conjugaison 5 astuces pour ne plus confondre le conditionnel et le futur « Si j’aurais su, j’aurais pas venu » Le Petit Gibus dans La guerre des boutons Comme le Petit Gibus, on confond souvent le futur simple de l’indicatif et le présent du conditionnel. Le conditionnel présent - leçon en français (FLE) - la formation du conditionnel – exercice a. la demande polie Exemples : Je voudrais un café, s’il vous plaît.Vous auriez l’heure, s’il vous plaît ?Pourriez-vous fermer la porte ? b. le conseil & la suggestion

Second Form of the French Conditional Perfect The second form of the conditional perfect suffers from something of an identity crisis: it looks like the pluperfect subjunctive but has the value of the conditional perfect. It’s used mostly in si clauses and is a literary tense, so is found only in very formal written French. The second form of the conditional perfect is equivalent to the conditional perfect in spoken French, shown here (in parentheses). Par exemple… Because it’s literary, you don’t need to be able to conjugate the second form of the conditional perfect, but you should learn to recognize it, especially if you read classic French literature and poetry. Second form of the past conditional conjugations

CONDITIONNEL Pour former le conditionnel présent, on prend le radical du futur et on ajoute les terminaisons de l'imparfait: On retrouve ainsi toutes les irrégularités et les exceptions du futur. Par exemple, le verbe aller au futur : J'ir-ai. Past Conditional (Conditionnel Passe) Past Conditional (Conditionnel Passé) The conditional is a mood, which means that it serves to express the attitude or impression of the speaker. The past conditional is used to express hypothetical or "contrary to fact" statements: Elle m'a dit qu'elle aurait voulu venir nous voir. She told me that she would have liked to come and see us. À votre place, j'aurais fait la même chose.

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French Conditional Mood In English, we use the modal "would" plus a verb to talk about actions that may or may not take place, usually depending on whether a certain condition is met. The French equivalent to this construction is a conditional mood with a full set of conjugations for every verb. The uses of these two constructions are very similar. Si clauses The most common use of the French conditional is in the result (then) clause of conditional sentences (aka si clauses), which describe what would happen if some condition were met.
