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Google Glass could be The Next Big Thing In case you've been wondering about the coming of Google Glass, let us clear the view. Google Glass is the latest in eyewear. Some call it "Google on your face." We're tempted to call this new product Google Glasses, but unlike a pair of glasses, there's no glass, only a tiny viewer (very tiny) attached to one side of the frame. Google Glass is far more social than a smartphone, enthusiasts say, because you can keep looking at a person while using apps, rather than looking down at your phone. Market testing has found high enthusiasm for the product among potential users under 21, but much depends on the price. Answer the Phone Speaking of the coming decline of cellphones (as they quietly morph into the power of Google Glass), our cellphone is sometimes set on vibrate instead of ring and we miss calls. The Renny Home Ringer uses Bluetooth wireless broadcasting to ring your phone and announce the caller. BullGuard to the Rescue So what was the problem? Anyone Out There? Extensions Blogs Top 50 American food Fast, junk, processed -- when it comes to American food, the country is best known for the stuff that's described by words better suited to greasy, grinding industrial output. But Americans have an impressive appetite for good stuff, too. To celebrate its endless culinary creativity, we’re throwing our list of 50 most delicious American food items at you. We know you’re going to want to throw back. Ground rules: acknowledge that even trying to define American food is tough; further acknowledge that picking favorite American items inevitably means leaving out or accidentally overlooking some much-loved regional specialties. Tell us about your favorite U.S. foods in the comments! Now get the rubber apron on because we’re going first. 50. More than 200 years old and still a national favorite. If life gives you limes, don’t make limeade, make a Key lime pie. The official state pie of Florida, this sassy tart has made herself a worldwide reputation, which started in -- where else? 49. 48. 47. 46.

Launches Robust Solution To Secure PCs and Online Identities At a time when online identity theft is on the rise and social media dangers have become prevalent, we’re excited to announce the arrival of our latest BullGuard Premium Protection – the solution you need against these threats, and more. Try BullGuard Premium Protection FREE for 30 days! Whether you like it or not, your personal data is already online! Think of all the special moments you’re sharing on social networks and the purchases you’re making online; think about how schools, medical centres and financial institutions are storing and centralizing data. Even though these changes bring great advantages, their downside is you’re no longer in full control of your own personal data, which makes it more vulnerable to identity thieves and hackers – remember the hack attacks on LinkedIn and Twitter that put at risk millions of users’ credentials? The Ultimate In Identity and Social Media Protection Identity Protection Social Media Protection 25GB of Online Backup Space

Two-Factor Authentication & Endpoint Security 7 nap, 4 kiló Jelszó*:A jelszónak legalább 5 karakterből kell állnia, valamint tartalmazzon kisbetűt, nagybetűt és számot vagy speciális karaktert is Születési idő: Módosítva: 2015. január 21. A és honlapok (a továbbiakban: Honlapok, Weboldalak) üzemeltetője a Femina Média Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (székhelye: 1033 Budapest, Polgár utca 8-10., cégjegyzékszáma: 01-09-191082, adószáma: 24948692-2-41, e-mail: (a továbbiakban: Szolgáltató vagy Femina Média Kft.). Szolgáltató kijelenti, hogy Magyarországon bejegyzett gazdasági társaság, és a Fővárosi Bíróság mint Cégbíróság által vezetett cégnyilvántartásban szerepel. A Femina Média Kft. fenntartja a jogot a Felhasználási feltételek módosítására. Jelen Felhasználási feltételek alapján a Honlapokon elérhető bármely Szolgáltatás igénybevételével a Szolgáltató és a Felhasználó között szerződés jön létre, amely nem minősül írásba foglalt szerződésnek, és amelyet a Szolgáltató nem iktat. 1. 1.1. 1.2. 2. 3. 3.1. 3.2.

BullGuard : #BullGuard launches robust... Online language learning for organizations and individuals. BullGuard ID theft protection trawls 'dark web' for stolen data Antivirus firm BullGuard has reinforced its 2013 Premium Protection suite with a new ID theft service that monitors a user’s personal data in case any of it turns up on the ‘dark web.’ Available for UK as well as US subscribers , the system trawls the Internet for a user-specified set of personal information, including social security and phone numbers, dates of birth, credit card data and bank account numbers. If this data set is detected, the subscriber is told by email or text with information on how to react to the event. Although it doesn’t explain how the monitoring works in much detail, it is an interesting sign of the way consumer security is becoming less about protecting devices and applications and more about looking after personal data. ID theft products are not new and have existed in antivirus products for some time but BullGuard’s approach is unusual. “There are a myriad of ways for attackers to get a hold of unsuspecting users’ data.

I Illustrate The Literal Meanings Of Idioms This is an ongoing series of illustrations in which I play with idioms and proverbs. Show Full Text These are some of the illustrations and you are welcome to visit the link bellow to see them all. Hope you will enjoy it :) More info: Etsy | Facebook Jam session Fireworks Sleeping pills Rocking chair Baking soda Fast food From the bottom of my heart Paper jam Let your mind wonder Hungry eyes Broken heart Window shopping Blind spot Papercut The ABC of Social Media Security Even if you’ve been on social media since its birth, do you really know all the threats running amuck over there? Maybe you’re one of the lucky people who haven’t run into Facebook scams and you don’t know exactly what that entails. The nature of social networks enables users to easily upload and share photos, music videos, even thoughts and details about themselves. Social engagement thus flows with as little effort from the engaged users as a couple of keystrokes. But this very nature of social networks makes them the web hot spots for cybercrooks to concentrate their activity. In order to avoid falling victim to internet security and privacy dangers, you must be aware of them. 10 basic rules for a safe social networking experience: 1.

Finn iskolák kívülről és belülről | Aki odafigyel az ilyesmire, lépten-nyomon a finn oktatást éltető cikkekkel találkozhat a médiában csakúgy, mint szakmai fórumokon. Nem meglepő tehát, hogy amikor az orientáció napján a fülembe jutott, hogy finn iskolákat lehet látogatni, eszemben sem volt elszalasztani az alkalmat. Érdemes elgondolkozni az Erasmus az iskolákban nevet viselő program mögött pislákoló látásmódon is. Mit mond el egy oktatási rendszerről, hogy az Erasmus rendszert megcsapolva a Finnországba érkező legkülönbözőbb országok egyetemi tanulóit (mozijegyekkel és az útiköltség visszatérítésével) arra ösztönzi, hogy a finn iskolákban a saját országukról, kultúrájukról beszéljenek és beszélgessenek a finn diákokkal? Mivel erre a hétre esik első és második periódus közti tanításmentes időszak, így egyáltalán nem bántam hétfőm és a csütörtököm nagy részét is iskolalátogatásokra áldozni. Finn-Orosz Iskola (hamarosan lebontják majd és újat építenek a helyére) Egy vitrin tartalma Hétfőn a Finn-Orosz Iskolába buszoztam el.

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