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Michael Nielsen: Open science now!

Michael Nielsen: Open science now!

Chinese scientists uses 3D printer to print ear | 3D Printer news Jul.9, 2012 In Nanjing Baoyan Automation Co., Ltd. China, Dr. Jiquan Yang of School of Electrical and Automation Engineering at Nanjing Normal University showcased their newest 3D printer. This printer has been used for printing an artificial ear for a hospital in Shanghai. In order to make it look real, Dr. Dr Yang said the printer could one day print human body parts and bone substitutes if more materials could be developed. (Credit: Xu Jing) Home industry entrepreneurs are also interested in their 3D printing services. Source: news365

Ann Cooper Talks School Lunches Susan notes: Thanks to TED for making TED Talks downloadable and embeddable, and for providing the biographical information that goes along with them. Speaking at the 2007 EG conference, "renegade lunch lady" Ann Cooper talks about the coming revolution in the way kids eat at school -- local, sustainable, seasonal and even educational food. Ann Cooper has a frontline view of the daily battle to keep kids healthy -- and of the enemy, the processed-foods industries that, it sometimes seems, want to wrap every single thing that children eat in a fried coating and then a plastic bag. L’avenir de la médecine en open source Les raisons économiques qui ont conduit les fabricants d'appareils médicaux à opter pour des logiciels propriétaires peuvent avoir des conséquences dramatiques, comme l'explique un article de The Economist traduit par Framasoft. Certains chercheurs prônent donc les techniques et modèles open source. Quitte à inquiéter quelques industriels. La technologie a fait faire à la santé d’extraordinaires progrès. Mais libre ou propriétaire ? Vulnérable Les pompes SMART délivrent des médicaments parfaitement dosés pour chaque patient. Alors que ces appareils sont devenus de plus en plus efficients, ils deviennent cependant de plus en plus complexes. Cette dépendance grandissante vis-à-vis du logiciel cause des problèmes bien connus de tous ceux qui ont déjà utilisé un ordinateur : bugs, plantages, et vulnérabilités face aux attaques. Or, le dysfonctionnement du logiciel d’un appareil médical a des conséquences beaucoup plus désastreuses que d’avoir seulement à faire redémarrer votre ordinateur.

Lawrence Wang - Google+ - TED editor wants your opinions on how TED could use a… TED editor wants your opinions on how TED could use a google+ page to engage g+ community So don't want to push my luck, but last night I posted about the fact that google+ needs an official TED page, it was shared and found its way to +Emily AtTED editor of! Which is amazing and she wrote me back with this 'What would you like to see on an official Google+ page for TED? We're thinking how best to make this page work: Should we post the day's TEDTalk here every day, or would you rather have more curated content and conversations? Very, very open to suggestions -- and thanks for your thoughts! So I'm hoping that those with more social clout on here such as +Denis Labelle +Carter Gibson +Samantha Villenave etc and google+ tipsters such as +Gabriel Vasile +Google+ Tips And Tricks etc could help share her response so we can get TED some great feedback and suggestions.

Body Hacking : “Je me modifie, donc je suis” Cyril Fiévet (@cfievet) ne nous est pas inconnu. Ancien journaliste pour InternetActu de 2003 à 2006, il fut l’un des blogueurs français les plus prolixes du début des années 2000 avec son blog, Pointblog, son livre BlogStory et son magazine, Netizen, qui avaient tout trois l’ambition de montrer au grand public ce qu’était ce phénomène alors naissant. Cyril Fiévet s’intéresse depuis des années aux technologies. : Qu’est-ce que tu appelles le body hacking (le piratage du corps) ? Cyril Fiévet : : Pour bien comprendre ce qu’est le body hacking, il faut avoir une vision claire de la signification de hacking. C’est bien une démarche nouvelle, en particulier par rapport à la chirurgie esthétique ou aux tatouages, car il ne s’agit plus d’intervenir sur l’esthétique, mais sur le fonctionnel, en développant de nouveaux sens ou en incorporant aux corps des procédés qui élargissent le champ des possibles. Vidéo : le projet d’Oeil Cyborg de Tanya Marie Vlach.

When NORAD tracked Santa: Bruno Bowden on the TED Blog News Why TEDActive? Thoughts on what makes this conference “an ‘a-ha’ experience” TEDActive was born with a bang in Aspen, Colorado, in 2008. Quite literally. Photography TEDActive, in Instagrams Take the TED Conference and add a generous helping of play, a sprinkling of colorful creativity, a lot of red beanbags, an endless supply of coffee, and a plethora of riveting conversations around fire pits with a tribe of smart, quirky people from all over the world and — voila!

Quelques conseils pour se lancer dans la biotechnologie de garage Par Rémi Sussan le 15/09/10 | 9 commentaires | 5,504 lectures | Impression Alors cette do it yourself biotechnology, c’est de la science-fiction ou pas ? En fait, c’est un peu entre les deux. Même s’il est difficile aujourd’hui d’imaginer équiper toutes les salles de bains de systèmes d’analyse d’ADN, il existe déjà certains aficionados qui cherchent à créer des outils d’analyse biologiques personnels accessibles à tous. Cathal Garvey, dans son blog Letters détaille toutes les difficultés de la constitution d’un laboratoire personnel. Comment équiper son garage ? L’outil utilisé dans les labos pour aseptiser le matériel se nomme un autoclave, qui opère une stérilisation par l’immersion dans un bain de vapeur. Ensuite, il faut garder l’endroit stérile. Garvey conseille aussi l’usage de lampes à ultraviolet, de filtres à air, et bien sûr de vêtements dédiés. Vers un marché grand public ? Ceux-ci arrivent. Image : La Lava Amp. Image : La Pearl Box Gel. De quoi le bioFabLab est-il le symptôme ?

「旅程的力量」特別講者 大衛.漢森為漢森機器人技術公司的創立者與CEO。曾在羅德島設計學院研究藝術,目前已經獲得了德克薩斯州立大學互動藝術與工程博士學位。接連被PC Magazine 和連線雜誌讚譽為「天才」,大衛.漢森致力解決工程與藝術的結合問題、,夢想著創造出出神似人類的機器人:擁有細膩豐富的面部表情、懂得捕捉人類情緒與回 應,甚至能與人類自然對談。 透過漢森引領的機器人革命,讓我們一同想像機器人全面進入人類生活的科幻未來。 David Hanson is the founder and CEO of Hanson Robotics – a company that aims to create robots as socially adept as any human being. “This moment is the Kitty Hawk of androids. 生於捷克,一位全球公民。 Martina Klimesova, a native of the Czech Republic, otherwise a global citizen, is currently living in Taipei as a recipient of the Taiwan Fellowship (a research grant provided by Taiwanese MoFA), based at the Institute of International Relations at NCCU. With a PhD in International Relations and having worked on conflict management at the Institute for Security and Development Policy in Stockholm, her curiosity has led her to meetings with Nobel Peace Prize winners, prominent statesmen, human rights activists, and insurgent leaders. 請各位不要錯過在「旅程的力量」活動中與國際講者互動的機會, 門票所剩不多,請儘速購票以免向隅。

3D Printed Meat for Dinner: Peter Thiel Backs Bioprinting Startup Peter Thiel, the entrepreneur-investor turned billionaire who co-founded PayPal and was an early investor in Facebook, is investing in 3D printing again. Last time we covered Thiel, he was backing a 3D printing entrepreneur in his 20 under 20 Thiel Fellows program. This time, Thiel is looking to shake up the food industry through an investment in a startup called Modern Meadow. Modern Meadow is using a technique called bioprinting to produce meat that is more environmentally-friendly than traditional raised livestock. “If you look at the resource intensity of everything that goes into a hamburger, it is an environmental train wreck,” Modern Meadow co-founder Andras Forgacs told CNET. “Modern Meadow is combining regenerative medicine with 3D printing to imagine an economic and compassionate solution to a global problem,” said Lindy Fishburne, executive director of Breakout Labs, a project of the Thiel Foundation. Via CNET. Livestock photo by Mr.

Best Of TED 2011 : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News Announcing: TEDTalks DVD on Demand! Spreading ideas just got easier. Today TED announces DVD On Demand, which allows users to create custom TEDTalk DVDs from a library of over 700 available talks. Each disc holds up to six talks, each with the option to order with subtitles in up to 32 languages. DVDs, available for $9.99, can be shipped to and watched in any region of the world. “By putting our TEDTalks online for free, we’ve helped spread ideas to over half a billion viewers,” said June Cohen, Executive Producer of TED Media. Learn more about TEDTalks DVD on Demand >> Harnessing the power of reading: Q&A with illustrator Elizabeth Zunon Yesterday, TED Fellow William Kamkwamba debuted an illustrated children’s version of his memoir The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, co-written with Bryan Mealer and illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon. Since its publication in 2009, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind has been printed in 17 editions internationally. For this Young Readers edition, for ages 6 and up, Kamkwamba’s story is accompanied by Zunon’s uniquely subtle mix of oil and collage. In conjunction with the launch of the book’s children’s edition, Kamkwamba’s NGO, Moving Windmills Project, is collaborating with the Pearson Foundation on an initiative to send up to 10,000 children’s books to Wimbe lending library, near Kamkwamba’s village in Malawi — the place where his story began. We caught up with illustrator and former Côte d’Ivoire denizen Elizabeth Zunon to ask her about this beautiful new edition. What about this story touched you? I was touched by William’s problem-solving mentality during a crisis.
