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50 Design Tutorials for Mastering Gimp

50 Design Tutorials for Mastering Gimp
The ultimate compilation of gimp design tutorials to take a novice and turn them into an expert, the perfect guide for anyone looking to learn or even master the ins and outs of Gimp. Some Designers may see the title of the post and may be curious to learn more about what exactly Gimp, it’s simple a free alternative to Photoshop which has similar features and functions to photoshop. I’ve always said i wanted to learn gimp but for one reason or another i just have never had the time, patients and been committed to learning it. One day i decide to download a copy of gimp and was pleasantly surprised that it was free and thought it would be useful within the future when designing but with access to photoshop. I had a search around the internet for some Gimp tutorials but struggled immensely to find any decent ones, this is what lead to me creating this article i decided to put all the best tutorials which would you to learn and master Gimp all in to one post. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

GIMP bump map tutorial · Tankedup-Imaging Preamble This tutorial has been updated for use with GIMP 2.6. I have split the tutorial into two different levels. The one on this page is for people reasonably familiar with the GIMP interface and image manipulation commands. The second is for people with very little experience of image manipulation programs and GIMP particularly. The Bump Map Tutorial Scale your logo and create a new image The first thing to do is decide what size you want your photos to be displayed at and how much space the logo will take up. The logo for this tutorial is 91px × 47px, to fit into a 300px × 225px photo. In the active window create a new blank image File » New You can fill the new image by clicking the Advanced Options and choosing from the Fill with options. For this exercise the logo background is transparent, so choose a transparent fill for the new image. Copy logo and paste into blank image In the logo image copy the logo Edit » Copy Paste the logo into the new blank image Edit » Paste Create a Gaussian blur

Resynthesizer ( home | blog ) bootchk has taken over maintenance of Resynthesizer. The latest version is available from the GIMP registry: GIMP registry page Resynthesizer is a Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis. Creating more of a texture (including creation of tileable textures) Removing objects from images (great for touching up photos) Creating themed images (such as the Resynthesizer logo above) For details of the algorithm, see my PhD thesis. Download Downloads from GIMP registry Source code on github Older version Source: resynthesizer-0.16.tar.gzCompiled Windows version: resynthesizer-for-Windows-0.13b.zipLinux Fedora Core 4 RPMS (at Cru apt repository) Debian: apt-get install gimp-resynthesizer Previous versions... Note: A "feature" that has confused some people -- If there is a selection in the input texture image, Resynthesizer will take texture from everywhere but that selection. Links This plug-in was developed as part of my PhD with the CEMA group at Monash University. CEMA homepage

Gimp Tutorial: Awesome Bokeh Effect in Gimp It was fun to to follow Abduzeedo tutorial for making bokeh digital effect in Photoshop (i'm using photoshop and gimp) and i really excited when i managed to do similiar effect in Gimp. So i decided to make a Gimp tut for this's been over a months since my last tutorial and i think after this i'll make more Gimp tuts..Click More Inside The Post to read the tutorial. P/s: This tutorial has been converted from the original Photoshop tutorial into Gimp. Before you try this tutorial,please download my Eclipse brush where i made it by myself. Create new document. Then create new layer.I renamed it as dark violet. Choose a dark purple. Select gradient tool, Radial for the shape and low the opacity to 50. Now create a new layer and i renamed it as eclipse. Select the brush tool. and I'll using my Eclipse brush. Now we'll paint some ellipses at the eclipse layer. Go to Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Create another layer ( I named it eclipse 2 ) and start painting again. Finish! Result

Category: gimp100podcast | Corto pero sencillo, podcast #37, mejorando la temperatura de la fotografía, especialmente paisajes, algunos tips para hacer cambios en selecciones con difuminados y una forma sencilla de hacer un viñeteado. Espero lo disfruten! Link: No olviden que este sábado 23 de Febrero se estará dando un taller en Ciudad de Guatemala para explicar esto y mucho más! Hola hola! Si ya vimos podcast para eliminar gente de tus fotos y también para multiplicarte muchas veces, era justo que tuviesemos un tutorial de como agregar gente a tus fotos. En esta oportunidad, uno de los usuarios de los podcast me envió un par de fotos para preguntar como hacer el efecto de Instagram. Finalmente de vuelta!!! - Gimp , tutorials , brushes , downloads, forum. 3 complementos útiles para GIMP | Bitelia Una de las características a mi parecer poco explotadas de GIMP es la posibilidad de extenderlo mediante complementos. Dentro del sitio oficial existe un lugar maravilloso llamado GIMP Plugin Registry donde poder descubrirlos. Aunque me vaya a comentar tres complementos en concreto, lo cierto es que hay muchos más complementos interesantes, como Cheap HDR que como su nombre indica crea un efecto parecido al HDR o Draw Arrow para dibujar flechas. Una vez aclarado esto, ahora sí, os dejo con una breve explicación de estos tres complementos: Blur & Shadow, RSS Lightsaber y Colour Match junto con unas pequeñas pautas de instalación y primeros pasos. Blur & Shadow crea un marco decorativo, añadiendo una sombra sobre una versión difuminada de la misma fotografía. Para instalar Blur & Shadow debéis descargar el archivo blur_and_shadow.scm y copiarlo dentro del directorio scripts de vuestro directorio de configuración de GIMP. El problema de Colour Match es que hay que compilarlo.

Blog Theme Design tutorial Preview: Finally I have managed to put my self together and create another blog template tutorial! sorry to all those who were counting on it before,i just didn't have the time for it but anyway here it is. so enjoy! Getting Started Creating this template is very easy, it just needs some patience and a little effort, so what ever you do. don't give up.Here is the outcome of this tutorial. Hopefully a member of the forum will help out in coding this template to a working wordpress theme, so keep an eye out for it :). Updated The theme has been converted a wordpress theme to see a live demo or download click here Before we jump into this gimp tutorial ill need to remind you that i will only go into details of how to do cretin techniques once and then ill just describe it briefly when ever its repeated so pay attention. Step 1: First thing will do is create the content box's transparent border. this effect is easy and gives a nice touch to the design. Step 2: Step 3: Here is how it should look. Note

Tutoriales de Diseño Gráfico con Gimp | Web de jEsuSdA 8) Página Web de jEsuSdA 8) Diseño, GNU/Linux, Howto's, Proyectos, Diseño, Gimp y mucho más! Introducción Colección de Tutoriales de Diseño Gráfico con Gimp de jEsuSdA 8). Tutoriales de Nivel Básico Tutoriales de Nivel Intermedio Tutoriales de Nivel Avanzado NOTAS: Más Información Sobre Gimp: Hardware relacionado con Diseño: Otros enlaces de interés: GIMP Tutorials - Gimp Tips and Tricks 10 Websites to Help You Master GIMP GIMP – which stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program – is a testament to how open source applications can successfully compete with their proprietary, commercial counterparts. Rich with an amazing set of useful tools and effects filters in a user-friendly GUI, GIMP is an excellent application for image editing and graphics creation. In this article, you’ll find 10 excellent sites that feature design tutorials and information about GIMP. 1. is a blog-format site that also features user-submitted tutorials. 2. GimpTalk is a large community site for anything and everything GIMP-related. 3. Gimpology is a place that allows users to submit their own GIMP tutorials or share links to tutorials they’ve found on the web. 4. The official GIMP site has a tutorial section that features detailed tutorials to help users get up and running with GIMP. 5. is a site dedicated to sharing information about photo-editing and photo-manipulation in GIMP. 6. 7. 8.

Sonne mit Sonnenwinden — Tutorials Wir sind fast fertig – nur noch eine kleine Änderung an der Sonne: Dupliziert die Sonnen-Ebene, zeichnet sie weich und stellt die Transparenz auf 50% und den Ebenenmodus auf: “Nur Aufhellen”. Meine Version sieht so aus:
