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Bacon Time With The Hungry Hypo: Beautiful Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Wreath & The Inspiration Behind It All Steelmom

Bacon Time With The Hungry Hypo: Beautiful Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Wreath & The Inspiration Behind It All Steelmom
While watching videos for the new Kraft Cooking Creme, at the Real Women of Philadelphia, I came across this recipe I found so intriguing. The RWoPer that inspired me to make this wreath is known as "Steelmom". For me, her nickname has always been perfect for her, since she is someone I admire for being a hard working mother inside and outside of the home. She must be made of steel to do all that she does, working full time as a sales representative for a steel mill, raising a family, and not to mention creating the most beautiful hand painted ornaments. Her wonderful recipe and how to video for her Santa Fe Breakfast Ring can be found at the link below. You can also check out some pics found on her profile, of her beautiful hand painted ornaments. Recently I have been on a mission to clean out my pantry and avoid buying new ingredients. Ingredients: 1 can of Pillsbury Crescent dough 8 count (we use reduced fat but regular is fine too) This post is linked to:

Homemade Flour Tortillas Recipe Homemade Flour Tortillas Homemade Flour Tortillas are easy to make at home and taste much better than store bought tortillas. Is there anything better than a fresh, hot flour tortilla? I promise flour tortillas are super easy to make and you probably have all of the ingredients in our kitchen right now! You only need a few ingredients: flour, salt, baking powder, shortening, and water. The hardest part is letting the dough rest for 30 minutes. Cook the tortillas until they start to bubble up. The flour tortillas are good plain or you can use them in your favorite Mexican recipes. Plain or jazzed up, Homemade Flour Tortillas are the all kinds of awesome! And look at that little stinker trying to snatch my fresh tortillas. Homemade Flour Tortillas Yield: 12 tortillasPrep Time: 40 minutesCook Time: 15 minutesTotal Time: 55 minutes Homemade Flour Tortillas are so easy to make and home!

Fabulous Harry Potter cupcakes from Clare's Cupcakes in the UK These beautiful Harry Potter cupcakes are by custom cupcake company Clare's Cupcakes in London and Surrey (UK), who you can find on their website and Flickr (where these photos are from) and reach via email at clare at and on Facebook. They also do edible photo printing on cupcakes. I will be in London soon, Friday-Tuesday, July 1-5 - I can't wait! Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff cupcakes Harry Potter sorting hat cupcake Quiddich cupcakes (the broom!!

Cupcakes de bacon | Recetas de Cupcakes En esta oportunidad les traemos una receta de cupcakes de bacon que no pueden dejar de probar. El bacon es carne de cerdo salada y ahumada obtenida del costado del lomo del cerdo. Es muy popular en la cocina norteamericana, especialmente en sus desayunos, en los cuales se come junto a huevos fritos y muchas cosas más. Tiempo de preparación: 25 minutosTiempo de cocción: 30 minutosCantidad: 12 cupcakes medianos Ingredientes 2 cucharaditas de aceite6 lonchas de bacon picado1 cebolla grande picada muy fina300 g de harina de fuerza75 g de harina1 pizca de sal1 cucharada de perejil fresco picado2 huevos250 ml de leche125 g de mantequilla derretida Preparación Precalentar el horno a 210º C. Calentar el aceite en una sartén y freír el bacon hasta que esté dorado y crujiente. Tamizar las harinas y la sal en un recipiente grande, añadir el perejil y hacer un hoyo en el centro. Colocar la mezcla en el molde para cupcakes con una cuchara y llenar cada cavidad en las 3/4 partes de su capacidad.

50 Smoothies : Recipes and Cooking : Food Network - StumbleUpon 1. Banana Blend 2 bananas, 1/2 cup each vanilla yogurt and milk, 2 teaspoons honey, a pinch of cinnamon and 1 cup ice. 2. Strawberry-Banana Blend 1 banana, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup each vanilla yogurt and milk, 2 teaspoons honey, a pinch of cinnamon and 1 cup ice. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Receta de cupcakes salados (Cupcakes de salmón) Introducción Receta para preparar unos deliciosos cupcakes salados, en este caso la receta serán cupcakes de salmón, ideales para servir como aperitivos. No se si podríamos llamar a estas delicias, cupcakes, ya que no son dulces, de hecho, no llevan ni una sola cucharada de azúcar. ¿Y llamarlos Canapés? Los canapés son elaborados aperitivos de tamaño pequeño y generalmente decorados que se cogen con los dedos y a menudo se comen de un bocado. Son delicias tradicionales de fiestas y celebraciones en donde se sirven de pie antes de la comida principal. Sí, la descripción se ajusta bastante a la realidad, pero ya sea por la forma o por otras razones, me gusta llamarlos ¡Cupcakes Salados! Llamemos como les llamemos, vamos a por la receta: Ingredientes: Para 24 mini cupcakes salados Preparación de la receta de cupcakes salados de Salmón: Precalentamos el horno a 160º Preparamos con capsulas minis nuestra bandeja de cupcakes mini. Cortamos a trocitos el pescado, y el queso. Frosting ¿Te ha gustado?

Pasta Pie Cheesy, delicious and impressive Pasta Pie will have your family and friends amazed by your effots. Believe it or not, it's simple to put together. Give it a try. See this recipe made on video here.With the enthusiasm my children showed for this recipe, you would have thought I reinvented the wheel. The key to this recipe, as far as taste goes, is using quality ingredients. Let's put this together: You will need: Crushed tomatoes, fresh garlic, Parmesan cheese and mozzarella. Ground beef, rigatoni pasta, olive oil, butter, salt and pepper are also needed. In a large pot of salted boiling water, cook 1 pound rigatoni pasta until slightly underdone (I cooked mine for 12 minutes when the box indicated 14 minutes). Heat remaining 1 Tablespoon olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 can good quality (28 ounces) crushed tomatoes; simmer until thickened, about 20 minutes. Toss pasta with 1 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese. Butter a 9-inch springform pan. Print Recipe Ingredients

Ensalada de langostinos y kiwi | De fogones y hombres 04mar 12 por Pilar Sánchez Villar Compartir5 comentarios Resulta que el otro día mi hijo Ignacio, ya independizado desde hace algún tiempo, me comentó que él hacía muchas veces en su casa “…esa ensalada tan rica que haces tú“. Me resulta curioso que con la cantidad de recetas que he ido cocinando a lo largo de mi vida, mi hijo mayor me tenga identificada con un plato que es poco más que abrir una bolsa de ensalada. La ensalada en cuestión sí que es verdad que sale muy rica y gusta a todo el mundo, hasta a los menos partidarios de las costumbres herbívoras. Ensalada de langostinos y kiwi Etiquetas: cocina fácil, ensalada, kiwis, langostinos, naranja, primer plato

a Latte' with Ott, A: crock pOTT recipe: Egg Brunch Casserole When I found this recipe I was so amazed and excited at the same time. Why hadn't I ever thought of this before??? A recipe for a breakfast casserole that you put in your crock pot. Genius!! This is great for when you are hosting house guest or when you just want a lazy morning. Here is a recipe card with all the ingredients. This post was linked to: Hunk of Meat Mondays, Meet Me Monday on Inspiring you to Save, Making Friends Blogger Style on The Ins & Outs, Tasty Tuesday Beauty and Bedlam, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday at Blessed with Grace, Tuesday at the Table with All the Small Stuff, Hearth N' Soul with the Girl Chef, Delicious Dish at It's a Blog Party, Anything Related Tuesday at All Thingz Related, Works for Me Wednesday from We are That Family, Penny Pinching Wednesdays at The Thrifty Home, Bargarin Brag Wednesdays at Bargarin Shopping Paradise, Whats Cookin' Wednesday
