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Daily News

Daily News

over Aviel Dear visitor, Welcome to this site. Here you find some information about myself. The top-menu ACTIVITIES provides monthly updated information on lectures, research, publications, and other academic news. 1) Short resumés in English and Dutch are available at the end of this introduction. 2) A 3-page curriculum is available as "Curriculum Aviel Verbruggen" 3) "Sustainable Energy Research" recalls the essential aspects and goal of Sustainable Development, and provides an overview of the six energy and environmental research topics I have been working on. 4) The "List of publications" mentions all academic and consultancy work since 1975. When you want to communicate on some point, click CONTACT. Aviel Verbruggen English Résumé: Aviel Verbruggen (°1949), Energy & Environmental Economist. Nederlandstalige bibliografische noot: Aviel Verbruggen (°1949) is energie- en milieu-econoom, doctor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen en gewoon hoogleraar (Universiteit Antwerpen).

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