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FUCKING HOMEPAGE - Useful Websites

FUCKING HOMEPAGE - Useful Websites
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The Designs Of Star Wars 10 reasons why they are awesome ♣ essenmitsosse Star Wars didn’t just became famous for its story or special-effects. The role of its groundbreaking designs shouldn’t be underestimated. Here are 10 reasons why the concept arts are masterpieces and what they can teach you about good concept-art. Reason №10 Proportion The effects of good proportions seem to be pretty subtle, but well balanced and harmonic proportions can make the difference between a good and a bad design Most people would say that they never noticed “good proportions” in Star Wars, but it isn’t important to make them mind-blowing, it just suffices to avoid messing them up (which is hard enough). If you want to know what the designs would look like if the concept artists would have failed on the proportions you should take a look at some merchandising products, which often alter the proportion, for example to let action figures fit in them. The All Terrain Armored Transport is a good example of how to convey a sense of scale through proportions. Millenium Falcon Death Star

Mario Kart Drinking Game Got a few beers and a Mario Kart Drinking Game Got a few beers and a Nintendo console? Then Mario Kart is a must. Rules for playing with beer: Get hit by a shell or false item box = 1 sipGet hit by a person using a star = 3 sipsGet hit by a lightning bolt = 3 sipsGet hit by a character’s special item = 4 sips1st Place laps you = 5 sips (for every time they do)Fall off the course = Drink until you are put back onCome in last place = finish your drinkWinner of the race gets to choose one player to drink half a drink. The Drunken Moogle does not endorse drunk driving of any kind (buzzed driving is drunk driving). For another version of the Mario Kart drinking game, often known as Beerio Kart or Don’t Drink and Drive, click here.

ASCII TABLE & ASCII CODES : HEXADECIMAL TABLE, DECIMAL TABLE, OCTAL TABLE, BINARY TABLE, KEYBOARD CORRESPONDENCES, EXTENDED ASCII TABLE, ... Bono: 9 Talks That Give Me Hope When Bono accepted the TED Prize in 2005, he offered this wish: that aid to Africa not be thought of as a celebrity cause but as a global necessity. Here, he picks nine talks that express equally powerful ideas and shares why each needs to be spread. Kate Coleman: Eradication needless blindness “Kate Coleman is the quietest storm that ever blew into town. Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread “Describing a revolution in media in the most unrevolutionary terms, this talk is an understatement. Bill Gates: Innovating to zero! “I’m choosing this over his talk on malaria, which is hard for me. Wael Ghonim: Inside the Egyptian revolution “This man was standing right there when the 21st century began. Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders “Equal opportunity relationships endure longer and have better sex ... Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity “This is just one of the greatest speakers who every spoke at TED. Sanjay Pradhan: How open data is changing international aid

40 websites that will make you cleverer right now The indexed web contains an incredible 14 billion pages. But only a tiny fraction help you improve your brain power. Here are 40 of the best. – Learn about our awe inspiring past all in one wonderful place. – Watch thousands of micro-lectures on topics ranging from history and medicine to chemistry and computer science. – Help end world hunger by correctly answering multiple-choice quizzes on a wide variety of subjects. – Blog/site dedicated to all things manly, great for learning life skills and good insights. – Randomly selects an educational video for you to watch. – An educational site that works with universities to get their courses on the Internet, free for you to use. – Interesting articles guaranteed to make you smile and get you thinking. – Find out how the world of fashion really works and what you can do to combat it. – Learn to hack life!

World Sunlight Map Watch the sun rise and set all over the world on this real-time, computer-generated illustration of the earth's patterns of sunlight and darkness. The clouds are updated daily with current weather satellite imagery. The Mercator projection used here is one way of looking at the spherical earth as a flat map. Also available is a semi-realistic view of dawn and dusk from far above the Earth, a look at the moon, and information about how this works. Wine Bottle Design | Recycled Wine Bottle Torch | Package Design Firm | Sustainable Packaging 08.09.09 | by Erik Anderson Whether it’s product branding, package design or projects for ourselves, we’re pleased when we find a solution that’s very effective and creative, while keeping resources to a minimum. This idea is very inexpensive idea and it’s a great way to recycle a wine bottle. See how this simple idea inspired this brand and wine bottle design. It’s been a record year for mosquitoes here in Indianapolis, Indiana and I’d been wanting to add some Tiki-esque torches to the patio to combat the little buggers, and add a little ambiance. Here’s what you’ll need. Empty Wine Bottle (Use any bottle as long as it’s glass and the neck is 1” in diameter. Helpful Tools: Channellocks, adjustable wrench, hacksaw, power screwdriver, and a funnel. Safety Note: This is for outdoor use only. Building Instructions The Hanger Decide where you want to mount your Recycled Bottle Torch. The Bottle Carefully and tightly wrap the 1/2-inch end of the Coupling with your Teflon Tape. Good Luck! -Erik

Hyperlink Bill Gates: 13 Talks That Expanded My Worldview To stress the importance of malaria research, Bill Gates famously unleashed mosquitos on the audience in the first of his three TEDTalks. So which talks jolted him into action? When we asked Gates to curate a list of his favorites, his response was, “There are too many to pick, really.” Hans Rosling: Stats that reshape your worldview Michael Specter: The danger of science denial David Christian: The history of our world in 18 minutes Melinda Gates: Let’s put birth control back on the agenda Bruce Aylward: How we’ll stop polio for good Atul Gawande: How do we heal medicine? Steven Pinker: The surprising decline in violence Nathan Myhrvold: Could this laser zap malaria Salman Khan: Let’s use video to reinvent education Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min. Susan Cain: The power of introverts Vijay Kumar: Robots that fly … and cooperate

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