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Twitter is closer to emulate a Neural Network than Facebook

Twitter is closer to emulate a Neural Network than Facebook
When we think of Twitter and the innovation behind it, the first thing we all think is 140. 140 characters is without a doubt an amazing innovation that Twitter introduced which makes communication flow faster, forces twitters to summarize a piece of news or information, or an idea or an opinion and allows followers to get information or an idea faster as well. Also, after the introduction of url shorteners (tinyurl,com originally and many others later on such as an emergent property of Twitter came to life: the linked web. Any blog post or news article out there could be potentially linked multiple times in Twitter with quick summaries and opinions. Other emerging properties or elements in Twitter are:. There is one more original Twitter property we don't hear much about and I believe it's a key element to the Twitter success. When you look at a Neural Network, you'll find that it is also an Asymmetric Network. Related: