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Star Chart – Apps on Google Play

Star Chart – Apps on Google Play
Used by over 30 million people world-wide, Star Chart provides a magical star gazing experience like no other. You can now have a virtual planetarium in your pocket! Look through the eyes of your Android device to see a virtual window into the whole visible universe. All you have to do is point your Android deviceº at the sky and Star Chart will tell you exactly what you are looking at. Using state of the art GPS technology, an accurate 3D universe, and all of the latest high tech functionality, Star Chart calculates – in real time - the current location of every star and planet visible from Earth and shows you precisely where they are; even in broad daylight! Want to know what that bright star is called? Want to know what the night sky looks like to people on the other side of the earth? Want to know where your star sign is in the sky? Star Chart's features include:- Just point and view. So point your Android device at the sky and see what's out there! Related:  Apps

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Creativity on the Run: 18 Apps that Support the Creative Process "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein We do not need to teach creativity, but rather inspire its daily practice. Somewhere along the way, we simply forgot to honor this innate gift and how to access its power. Let us begin by shifting emphasis from finding the right answer to creating school cultures that encourage risk-taking and embrace ambiguity. The Idea Catcher We can start by using note-taking apps to encourage observation and reflection. Useful apps are those that encourage the recording of our thought flow and merge text with features such as voice recording, video, sketching and photography. Recommended apps: Tricking the Muse A strategy often used to help generate ideas is brainstorming. Brainstorming Electronic brainstorming provides a dedicated online space for asynchronous collaboration. Let's Get Visual Inquiry Questions Be Brave
