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Extraordinary Brush-Less Paintings

Extraordinary Brush-Less Paintings
Amy Shackleton, who is only 25-years-old, is a unique artist. While her paintings use tons and tons of paint, she doesn't use paintbrushes to create them! Rather, she squeezes paint onto canvases and then allows the paint to naturally drip. She then rotates the canvas to control the direction of the drips, making her paintings appear natural yet controlled. The subjects of many of her paintings are also quite interesting. We were so intrigued by her process that we decided to ask Amy some questions. When did you first know that you wanted to become a professional artist? As a child, I taught myself the basics by drawing and sketching in my free time. Your process is so unique. I worked on unstretched canvas at first, so the surface was flexible and I could move it whichever way I wanted. How long does each piece take from start to finish? How do you stay creative? At first I looked to other artists for inspiration to try and find out what my style was. What's next in store for you?

luzinterruptus Gorgeous Bird Paintings by Adam S. Doyle Artist Adam S. Doyle who recently relocated to Hong Kong creates beautiful gestural paintings of birds, where the seemingly incomplete brushstrokes form the feathers and other details of the animal. In some strange way it reminds me of the story of the Renaissance painter Giotto who is rumored to have been able to draw a perfect circle without the aid of a compass, as if Doyle just picks up a dripping paint brush and in a few seconds paints a perfect bird. Yes, what you see is what it appears to be—strokes of paint. Doyle most recently had a show at Skylight Gallery in 2011 and is now currently working on a new body of work in Hong Kong. literatura trafico | Resultados de la búsqueda Image Fred Kroh. El pasado mes de junio, nos trasladamos a Melbourne para llevar a cabo una gran instalación, la más grande hasta ahora para nosotros, dentro del festival Light in Winter. La temática elegida por el festival para este año ha sido “la lectura”, por lo que nos pidieron que lleváramos a cabo Literature vs Traffic, una pieza que ya habíamos instalado en New York de forma subversiva y que nos ofrecían la oportunidad de ampliar y hacer crecer durante un mes. Hasta la otra punta del mundo nos fuimos, pasando del soleado verano madrileño a un suave y lluvioso invierno, con la romántica intención de convertir la moderna y fría arquitectura de Federation Square, en un espacio acogedor, humano e íntimo, que invitara a lectura y al recogimiento. ¿El fin de esta pieza? La noche final, el río desbordado de libros, fue ofrecido a los visitantes que se tomaron su tiempo eligiendo entre los miles instalados los más interesantes para llevarse a casa. Fotos de Gustavo Sanabria.

Ember-Eyed &Eerie Illustrations By Mezamero Illustrations By Mezamero Prepare for nightmares! These intense and eerie illustrations are the work of Russian mastermind Mezamero (who's real name is Viktoria). Her work on Deviant Art towers over much of the other submissions on the site, to date she's nearly had a staggering 500,000 views. The dark and malevolent theme displayed in her images below though, doesn't continue throughout all of her creations, so make sure you check out & support the rest of her wonderful illustrative & digital work here

Nicolas Blind Né et vivant à Mulhouse, Nicolas Blind est un jeune trentenaire qui joue des pinceaux et des couleurs spontanément. Issu de longues réflexions et paradoxes, son art aux traits pop-surréalistes est hyper esthétique et gracieux. Nicolas Blind, portrait © photo: Dom Poirier B!B!: Quel est ton parcours artistique? Nicolas Blind: J’ai un crayon entre les doigts depuis que je suis tout petit. B! Nicolas Blind: J’aime un peu tout. Nicolas Blind, Blow up head 1, encre de chine et aquarelle sur papier, 21×30 cm, 2014 © Nicolas Blind, Blow up head 2, encre de chine et aquarelle sur papier, 30×42 cm, 2014 © B! Nicolas Blind: Je fonctionne à l’envie, ça dépend des expos : portraits, nus… Je fais poser les ami(e)s. B! Nicolas Blind: Dire que mon travail est « kitsch » ne me plaît pas trop mais il a une dimension décorative indéniable. Nicolas Blind, Bird 1, Bic et huile sur papier, 50×50 cm, 2011 © Nicolas Blind, Bird 2, Bic et huile sur papier, 50×50 cm, 2011 © B! B! B! B! B! B! Nicolas Blind: Non. B! B! B! B! B! B!

33 Of The Best 3D Pencil Drawings A trained artist can already create detailed pencil drawings, but when they achieve a true mastery of perspective and 3D space, their art, both literally and figuratively, reaches a whole new level. Here are 22 examples of 3D pencil drawings that look like they leap off of the page at you. Show Full Text Artists like Ramon Bruin, Alessandro Diddi and Fredo represent a highly technical form of art that we rarely see on Bored Panda. If you or someone you know has created an awesome 3D drawing, we’d love to see it! Created by Julia Barinova Created by Muhammad Ejleh Image credits: Ramon Bruin Created by Alessandro Diddi Created by Muhammad Ejleh Created by Fredo Created by Ramon Bruin Created by Vamos Art Created by Ramon Bruin Created by Carmenharada Created by Iza-nagi Created by Muhammad Ejleh Created by Iza-nagi Created by Muhammad Ejleh Created by Ramon Bruin Created by Nagai Hideyuki Created by Muhammad Ejleh Created by Saulius Art Created by Nagai Hideyuki Created by Devil of my own Created by Gray Hood

The Art of Michael Birawer A première vue, ces peintures semblent tout à fait normales. Et puis, lorsqu'on regarde de plus près... Vous pensiez avoir tout vu ? Vous avez sans doute déjà vu de ces peintures si réalistes qu'elles ressemblent à des photos, mais regardez donc ceci... C'est exactement l'inverse. Alexa Meade, une artiste basée à Los Angeles s'est fait connaître pour transformer des personnes en de véritables peintures vivantes, parlantes et marchantes. Voici certaines de ses créations... gardez bien en tête que TOUTES ces « peintures » sont en réalité des personnes bien réelles ! Via Alexameade
