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Brownie: por fin llegó el día del brownie !

Brownie: por fin llegó el día del brownie !
Brownie en cáscara de huevo No hace falta que os diga que me gusta bromear. Ya os conté las bromas que les gastábamos a los porteros en la residencia universitaria. Allí también hacíamos otra travesura con los servilleteros, esos que son de plástico rojo y vas sacando unas servilletas de papel transparente que ni limpian ni nada… Pues los desmontábamos y escribíamos mensajes en las servilletas: “Te estamos vigilando”, “Sabemos lo que hiciste”, y cosas así… Luego volvíamos a montar los servilleteros, y nos sentábamos a jugar al mus y a esperar a las “víctimas”… Era un poema ver las caras de la gente cuando sacaba las servilletas con mensaje! Como muchas de las ideas que se me ocurren, resulta que ya se le había ocurrido a alguien antes, y al hacer una búsqueda en google encontré muchos ejemplos de bizcochos horneados en cáscara de huevo. Ya está a la venta mi libro “Las recetas de la felicidad” con un montón de recetas inéditas! Puedes ver en vídeo cómo preparo esta receta aquí {Brownie}

Brownie en 5 minutos: bizcocho de nutella y caramelo en taza La semana pasada me ofrecieron la posibilidad de compartir una receta en la radio, en el espacio que I love aceite tiene los viernes en Cadena Ser Jaén. Podéis escuchar el audio pinchando en este enlace, y desde aquí quiero dar las gracias a Lola y a Fernando por darme la oportunidad de colaborar en este espacio. Para esta ocasión, me apetecía elegir una receta que pudiese preparar cualquiera: sin conocimientos de cocina, sin moldes, sin báscula, y sin necesidad de ningún equipamiento especial. Así que elegí esta idea sencilla, rápida, y resultona: un bizcocho tipo brownie que se prepara en 5 minutos, y sin tener que encender el horno, ya que se hace en microondas. Es una variación de una receta que circula por internet desde hace tiempo… pero sinceramente creo que es una versión muy mejorada, al menos a mí la receta original me resultó muy seca incluso en caliente… y cuando se enfriaba directamente incomestible. Preparación: 5 min Cocción: 5 min Raciones: 2 Valoración 5 sobre 1 Ingredientes

chocolate y burbujas: fiesta cumpleaños piratas 10 de noviembre de 2010Fiesta de cumpleaños pirata Esta fiesta de cumpleaños era de las primeras entradas que quería poner en el blog pero por diversas causas la fui dejando ya que no tenía las fotos con todos los detalles , como ya habréis imaginado después de ojear el blog la informática no es lo mio , varias fotos se perdieron y no ha habido forma de recuperarlas pero bueno creo que os podéis hacer una idea de la fiesta con estas imágenes aunque no estén todas las cosas Mesa principal Fueron cerca de treinta niños con lo cual no pude poner todo en la mesa , rellenaba los platos y fuentes sobre la marcha , en esta foto la mesa está sin terminar faltaban unos cofres de cartulina rellenos con monedas de chocolate y collares de gominolas . Tarta de chuches Esta foto es la única que tengo de cerca de la tarta ,como podéis ver no está terminada , la completé con un adorno hecho en cartulina puesto en el filo de la bandeja imitando las olas del mar Galletas piratas Magdalenas decoradas

How to Make Paper Flowers Remember those adorable paper flowers from the Valentine’s Day Soiree? Well… we have the diy on how to make them. Absolutely perfect for any soiree you might be planning, including your wedding. You can really can do so many things with these paper flowers. Christa Kimble Photography is one of our exclusive The Hand-Picked Vendors. Event Designer: Cotton and Brass Supplies: Pretty Paper Circle Cutter – I used a 1″ circle Scissors Glue Gun School Glue Glitter Step 1: Cut circles from the paper using the circle cutter.

Cannelle et Vanille diy When I was in China last summer, I remember noticing that most girls had ponytails tied with a scrunchie with bunny ears. I could never pull this off, but thought it was adorable, and kept it in mind for an Easter DIY. It's a great way to use fabric scraps, a simple accessory to wear at an Easter party, and a sweet Easter gift for a little girl. When I was done with the DIY, I saw that there was a similar one on YouTube. Since it's done, I'm still posting my version, but if you would rather follow video instructions, then just hop on over to Ann Le's video tutorial. Okay, on to the DIY! Supplies needed:Fabric, about 1/8 yardFabric glue (or a sewing machine if you prefer to sew)Elastic (I used the 0.25 wide one), about 9"ScissorsPencilSafety pin Start by cutting a 18" x 3" piece of fabric. On the right side of the fabric, apply fabric glue all along the top edge (on the longest side), trying to distribute the glue evenly. Once the glue has dried, turn the tube inside out.

Food and Cook by trotamundos No Heat SJP BIG CURLS w/ Twisted Buns ...also known as Bantu Knots If you follow me on Instagram you already know about this because I shared it there see photos below but the other night I slept on twisted buns to get these BIG CURLS just to switch it up a little which the husband LOVES. In fact he said “You know, you could do that MORE OFTEN if you wanted to”. Big curls are a BIG hit around here In 2009 I did a quick video demonstrating how I twist my hair into the little buns whilst singing to Lady Gaga – but I only did a photo tutorial of how to get the finished look. So the other morning before I left for the gallery I filmed it for you and hopefully answered all the questions I’ve gotten about this easy little tutorial. The first and last photos were taken at around 5:30pm in the afternoon so you can see how the curls fall a little and become big waves, though my hair doesn’t get any smaller. * CLICK HERE for outfit photos and details. Video of me removing the bantu knots and styling my hair… Have Fun! Find all my Hair Tutorials Here. | baking, crafts, recipes, recetas, cocina, manualidades DIY Circle Scarf | If you’re one of those people who needs a last minute Christmas present, a friend’s birthday is coming up, or you just would love a circle scarf, this tutorial might be awesome for you! I was so surprised when I went into American Apparel and saw their circle scarves for $34! I decided to figure out how to make one for way less, because I knew it would be super easy. One thing different from the regular tutorials out there is that I doubled up the fabric on my scarves. First I did this because I was using a very thin polyester material, but then I continued using it even though I had a t-shirt material. I found that it gave the scarf a fullness and made it a lot thicker! Step 1 First begin with a rectangular piece of material (40 inches x 70 inches). Fold it over lengthwise, so the right sides are facing each other, and then sew along the lengthwise opening. Step 2 Next, reach one arm all the way through the tube at the seam, and grab a hold of the end. Step 3 Step 4 Like this: Like Loading...

wholekitchen The Upcycled ruffles dress tutorial So this past week was pretty bad blog-wise, my blog and website got attacked with malware. My feed was having issues and subscribers seemed to banish. Happily most of it is fixed now and I am happy to be able to blog again (I didn’t wanted to post anything until I was 100% sure the malware was completely cleaned) And if you saw my site down, that was the reason =] I had this post saved from weeks! so finally here it is! A few weeks a go I showed you all how this dress turn out (I previously asked for color advice) and it’s finally time for a tutorial so you can also try it out! Anyways, you will need either one long sleeveless T-shirt or 2 short ones. I love how comfortable this is, I actually wear it for a friend’s wedding, we danced all night and I could have not being more comfortable =] well until Ken made me spin around and I felt like I was showing my shorts, but that was a whole different problem hehe. [Click on images to enlarge] Tags: dress, easy tutorial, tutorial, upcycle
