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Double X Science - Science. It's the new black. Nature Publishing Group : science journals, jobs, and information Daniel Hruschka and the Book of Friendship Hello there! If you enjoy the content on Neuroanthropology, consider subscribing for future posts via email or RSS feed. Dan Hruschka is an anthropologist who, after three years as a post-doctoral fellow at The Santa Fe Institute, is now an assistant professor at the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University. University of California Press has just published his book Friendship: Development, Ecology and Evolution of a Social Relationship. We had a quick discussion about his book by email. Congratulations, Dan, on your book! Human friendship poses a profound evolutionary puzzle. The book, Friendship, tackles this puzzle by imagining the human bond of friendship as a living organism and posing a number of questions that a natural historian might ask. Reviewing cross-cultural, experimental, and ethnographic data across the social and behavioral sciences, the book aims to answer these questions and move closer to resolving the puzzle of human friendship.

Science Creative Quarterly | The Incubator | Hatching conversations about science Passeur de sciences | Petites et grandes nouvelles dans l'actualité des sciences et de l'environnement Starting a reading list for Goobledygook All science bloggers do a lot of reading for background information, or write blog posts based on a (newly published) paper, blog post or news item. So I thought that it would be a good idea to collect those references in a single place. Flickr photo by margolove. Reading lists are perfect for this, and they are easy to create and maintain with web-based reference managers. they help the blogger to organize his background material for writingthey help the reader find and keep referenced materialthey can provide additional reading not mentioned in the blog post There are several good tools for reading lists. Technical Lead Article-Level Metrics and Product Manager, PLOS This entry was posted in Conferences, Interviews, Presentations, Recipes, ResearchBlogging, Reviews, Snippets, Thoughts and tagged citation, citeulike, reference management.

TechCrunch - The latest technology news and information on startups RealClimate Research by subject : Nature By article type Nociceptive sensory neurons drive interleukin-23-mediated psoriasiform skin inflammation Lorena Riol-Blanco, Jose Ordovas-Montanes, Mario Perro, Elena Naval, Aude Thiriot, + et al. Neuroimmunology Elevated CO2 further lengthens growing season under warming conditions Melissa Reyes-Fox, Heidi Steltzer, M. J. Widespread decline of Congo rainforest greenness in the past decade Liming Zhou, Yuhong Tian, Ranga B. Superconducting quantum circuits at the surface code threshold for fault tolerance R. Helping coral survive climate change Climate change is turning up the temperature in the oceans, as well as on land. Science jobs Gastroenterologist Benefis Hospitals BC / BE Gastroenterologist Intermountain Healthcare Outstanding Tenure Track Group Leaders @ ICFO ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences Science events NatureEvents Directory Most read

The Hour of Lead | Speakeasy Science {*style:<i>This is the Hour of Lead- Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow- First – Chill – then Stupor – then the letting go – </i>*} When 19th century poet Emily Dickinson wrote those lines, she was describing the terrible paralysis of grief. I’ve always suspected that they also just liked the poem and wanted to use it – certainly that’s partly my motive here. The chemical symbol for lead is Pb, from the Latin word “plumbum” which referred to a malleable metal. Many scholars have argued, for instance, that the plumbum-loving Roman empire – enthusiastically using lead pipes, bottles, and wine cups, leaded cosmetics and paint – came to its end partly due to lead-poisoning of its upper classes. Interestingly, the EPA paper also cites poetry to illustrate the evils of lead poisoning, a scrap of anonymous verse, attributed to a Roman hermit and translated in 1829: {*style:<i>The feeble offspring curse their crazy sires, And, tainted from his birth, the youth expires.

The Panda's Thumb The daily storyline of science Science&Vie : au cœur de la vie !
