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Interactive Life Expectancy (World)

Interactive Life Expectancy (World)

Human rights & democracy statistics About this Video In this video, made for the Oslo freedom Forum 2009, Hans Rosling discuss the difficulty in measuring progress in Human Rights in the form of comparable numerical statistics. He also shows the surprisingly weak correlation between existing estimates for democracy and socio-economic progress. The reason may be that democracy and human rights measurements are badly done. It may also be that democracy and human rights are dimensions of development that are in themselves difficult to assign numerical values. Related content Democracy and GDP per capita in Gapminder World Links: Index Mundi - Country Facts UIS Statistics Socioeconomic by Gapminder

Minimum wage statistics Data from January 2014. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables and Database. Planned article update: July 2014. Map 1: Minimum wages, 1 January 2014(EUR per month) - Source: Eurostat (earn_mw_cur) Figure 1: Minimum wages, January 2014 (1)(EUR per month) - Source: Eurostat (earn_mw_cur) Figure 2: Minimum wages, January 2014 (1)(PPS per month) - Source: Eurostat (earn_mw_cur) Figure 3: Minimum wages as proportion of the mean value of average gross monthly earnings, 2012 (1)(%) - Source: Eurostat (earn_mw_avgr2) Figure 4: Proportion of employees earning less than 105 % of the monthly minimum wage, October 2010 (1)(%) - Source: Eurostat (earn_mw_avgr2)Source: Eurostat, Structure of Earnings Survey 2010 and Minimum wages; special calculation made for the purpose of this publication; data are not available in Eurostat's online database Minimum wage statistics, as published by Eurostat, refer to monthly national minimum wages. Main statistical findings Part-time employees Context

The World Bank - Statistik World Development Indicators 2016 World Development Indicators (WDI) publication is a collection of time-series data for 214 economies, with many indicators going back more than 50 years. WDI provides cross-country comparable statistics about development and people’s lives around the globe. It is divided into six sections – World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links. International Debt Statistics 2016 Focuses on financial flows, trends in external debt, and other major financial indicators for developing and advanced economies (data from Quarterly External Debt Statistics and Quarterly Public Sector Debt databases). Atlas of Global Development, Fourth Edition: A Visual Guide to the World’s Greatest Challenges Published in association with Harper Collins, the completely revised and updated fourth edition of the Atlas of Global Development vividly illustrates the key development challenges facing our world today. Check out Data Visualizer

The Joy of Stats About the video Hans Rosling says there’s nothing boring about stats, and then goes on to prove it. A one-hour long documentary produced by Wingspan Productions and broadcast by BBC, 2010. A DVD is available to order from Wingspan Productions. Director & Producer; Dan Hillman, Executive Producer: Archie Baron. ©Wingspan Productions for BBC, 2010 The change from large to small families reflects dramatic changes in peoples lives. Hans Rosling asks: Has the UN gone mad? Hans Rosling explains a very common misunderstanding about the world: That saving the poor children leads to overpopulation.

