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Past Life Healing

Past Life Healing
The Aura is the living template to our greater reality of who we are as multi dimensional spirit beings. When we die, we transition out of the physical and an aspect of the Aura continues the journey, including the memory of our sacred human heart. Hence, the Aura is more alive then the physical body. At the time of death the Aura completely disconnects from the physical body. It is then, when spiritual animation ceases, that the body begins to decompose. However, the Essence of our Being continues the journey into unseen aspects of existence. Our sacred human heart has specific functions within the Aura. An unresolved traumatic and painful past life (PL) can cause pain in the physical, emotional, and mental body of present day life. Severe and/or prolonged trauma has a way of leaving scar tissue in the memory of our sacred human heart. While in the trauma experience, misconceptions are formed about life in general.

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