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CloudBees Blog Serveur dédié OVH : mettre en place une sauvegarde automatisée sur FTP Tous les serveurs dédiés OVH et Kimsufi sont fournis avec une espace d’hébergement sur FTP gratuit. L’espace est limité mais il permet tout de même de sauvegarder l’essentiel des données systèmes d’un serveur web sous GNU/Linux, et en général également les sauvegardes de base de données et les fichiers de contenus de vos sites. Voici un mémo qui explique pas à pas comment activer votre espace de sauvegarde gratuit, puis comment mettre en place une politique de sauvegarde automatisée de vos fichiers les plus précieux. Pour rappel, mon guide de configuration rapide d’un serveur web LAMP sous Debian Linux chez OVH se trouve ici. Politique de sauvegarde Je parle de “politique de sauvegarde” car il ne s’agira pas simplement de faire chaque jour une copie de quelques fichiers : ces fichiers seront archivés quotidiennement, et conservés pendant une semaine sur votre espace FTP. Activer votre espace de sauvegarde FTP personnalisé Le processus de sauvegarde Créer l’arborescence locale ls -R #! sudo .

Java Reference Guide > Granular Testing with EasyMock Last updated Mar 14, 2003. One challenge that we face when writing unit tests is how to test components at a fine-granularity. For example, if you have a web-based application, testing a request as it passes from an action through a business service tier, back to a data access tier, and back out, is a good thing to do, but if the result is incorrect, how do you know where the problem is? In some cases the problem may be obvious, but in others it may be horribly complex. There are various ways to solve this problem, but the most common, and arguably the most effective, is to test each component through an interface using mock objects. For example, if you want to test a service object that calls a data access object (DAO), you might create that service object in your test case directly (rather than have it called through an action or controller) and then create a mock DAO that returns a known result. Mocking objects is really a two-phased activity: Listing 1. Listing 2. Listing 3.

new Blog( perso ); How do du and tar handle links? How do du and tar handle links? Introduction The most convenient way to archive Unix file systems is to use the tar utility as it is designed to handle special files system entries such as symbolic links, sockets, pipes etc. However, there tends to be uncertainty on how tar is to be used to either preserve or to resolve links in the archive. This is partly due to the fact that the concept of hard and soft links is not familiar enough and partly due to differences between the command line options needed for different versions of Unix. This short summary aims at illustrating the use of du and tar on Solaris and Linux because the du command is often used first to find out about the size of the media needed to store the tar archive. Imagine the following example directory for the subsequent discussion. It contains three subdirectories dira, dirb and dirc and a plain file file2 of 42kB size. The subdirectory dira contains a dangling link i.e. a symbolic link to a file which does not exist.

Java Reference Guide > Unit Testing: Tips From The Trenches Last updated Mar 14, 2003. In recent years, test-driven development, or at least the process of employing unit tests, has been touted as one of the best mechanisms for developing high-quality code. The reason for test-driven development, or TDD, gaining such widespread adoption is that tested code typically yields higher quality results than untested code (makes sense, right?) Regardless of whether you adopt formal TDD or simply decide to write test cases, the process of testing you code will make the quality of your code better.

Eucalyptus (informatique) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Eucalyptus est un logiciel médiateur (anglais middleware) open-source pour l'implémentation du cloud computing (ou informatique en nuage) sur une grappe de serveurs. Son nom fait référence à l'acronyme anglais « Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs To Useful Systems » qui peut se traduire en « Utilitaire d'Architecture informatique élastique pour relier vos programmes à des systèmes fonctionnels ». Compatible avec Amazon Web Services APIInstallation et déploiement avec l'outil de gestion de grappe de serveurs Rocks LinuxCommunication sécurisée entre les processus interne via SOAP et WS-SecurityOutils d'administration basiqueCapacité à configurer de multiples grappes de serveurs comme un seul « cloud »[4] L'architecture d'Eucalyptus est composé de cinq éléments de haut-niveau : Chaque composant de haut-niveau du système a sa propre interface web et est implémenté comme un service web indépendant. Amazon EC2

The Performance of Java's Lists The SDK has several implementations of the ordered collection interface java.util.List. The three best known are Vector, ArrayList, and LinkedList. One question that frequently reaches the Java Performance Tuning site asks about the performance differences between these List classes. In this article I'll take a look at the performance differences between the LinkedList implementation and the Vector/ArrayList implementations. To consider fully the performance ramifications of these classes, we need to know how they are implemented. The Vector and ArrayList implementations Vector and ArrayList are both implemented with an underlying Object[] array that stores the elements. public Object get(int index) { //check the index is valid first .. code not shown here return elementData[index]; } The internal array can be bigger than the number of elements held by the Vector/ArrayList object: the difference is kept as extra capacity for efficiently adding elements.

Et si nous définissions simplement le cloud computing ! Le sens de cette expression est aujourd'hui confus pour beaucoup. Retour sur la genèse de ce service d'applications en location et ses principales propriétés. Guillaume Plouin est responsable de l'offre Cloud Computing chez OCTO Technology. La genèse du cloud computing est la suivante : trois grands acteurs du web (Google, Amazon et Salesforce) font le même constat. Ils ont développé un "nuage informatique" de très grande envergure pour faire tourner leurs applications, et leurs datacenters disposent de ressources inutilisées. Chacun, à sa manière, va proposer à d'autres entreprises de faire tourner leurs applications sur leur "nuage informatique". Java performance tuning tips Java Performance Tuning Java(TM) - see bottom of page Our valued sponsors who help make this site possible New Relic: Try free w/ production profiling and get a free shirt! ManageEngine's Site24x7: End-to-End analysis on Java EE web transactions. AppDynamics: Get complete browser to backend visibility. Note that this page is very large. This page lists many other pages available on the web, together with a condensed list of tuning tips that each page includes. The tips here include only those that are available online for free. Use this page by using your browser's "find" or "search" option to identify particular tips you are interested in on the page, and follow up by reading the referenced web page if clarification is necessary. This page is currently 411KB. Performance planning for managers (Page last updated February 2001, Added 2001-03-21, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Include budget for performance management.

Free Cloud Alliance Formed: Open Source IaaS, PaaS and SaaS for the Enterprise | Free Cloud Alliance Press Release Paris (France), Tokyo (Japan), Campos (Brasil), Dover (USA). March 29th, 2010. The Free Cloud Alliance Stack consists of: NiftyName Virtual Datacenter (NVD), Block Storage Server (BS2), Xtreem Storage Server (XS2), NEO Storage Server (NS2), SLAP Cloud Engine (SCE) and TioLive OEM Platform (TOP). Julien Ducros, CEO of IELO, said: "NiftyName Virtual Datacenter (NVD) provides solid infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) designed for high performance, data redundancy and automatic failover. Arnaud Laprévote, CEO of Mandriva, added: "Xtreem Storage Server (XS2) completes BS2 with a Global, Secure and Redundant POSIX Filesystem which is ideal to share files over a Wide Area Network (WAN), to distribute content on a corporate Intranet or to implement Enteprise online backup. Jean-Paul Smets, CEO of Nexedi, declared: "NEO Storage Server (NS2) provides a transactional alternative to BS2 and XS2 in the form of RESTful storage.
