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Twistab, our first product coming soon! Twistab es un proyecto de diseño abierto creado por Isaac Pierre en colaboración con Fablab Barcelona, Anastasia Pistofidou y Shashank Shrivastva. El proyecto se inicio a través un taller de autofabricación de mueble impartido por Fab Lab Barcelona en la primavera del 2013. Desde entonces ha crecido mucho. El prototipo Twistab es un taburete compuesto de 3 piezas de contrachapado de alta densidad de 18mm. que se monta sin necesidad de tornillos o herramientas. Los 3 primeros prototipos se han lacado en tres colores (rojo/amarillo/azul) dandole contundencia al acabado y ejemplificando la possibilidad de crear nuevas versiones al intercambiar piezas de distintos colores. Durante la primera fase hemos generado una maqueta (escala 1:10) para evaluar los aspectos técnicos y estéticos del diseño. “He querido crear un diseno que sea lo más simple y coherente posible; de crear un objeto que sea sobrio, funcional y interactivo.” bozeto del diseño original maqueta escala 1:10

Page 19 : design : Hometone : Hometone - A complete guide to home appliances, lighting, gadgets, home improvement, decor, renovation, remodeling, interiors, furniture, furnishings, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, design, home theater, dining, landscaping, out Post Tagged "design" The touching lamp by Shay Carmons is a cool ceiling lamp that as the name hints glows when touched…Actually, when one part of the two luminous bodies come in contact with the other, the light turns on! The lamp's parts are exposed and instead of... Vito Tripolone asks you the simple question-Can you dose the water? The reason behind asking this question is that the designer taking inspiration from the soap dispenser has come up with water mixer that helps you control the water flow thus lower... So you’re clear in your mind that you’re gonna take home the cool pixel bed we came up with here a few days back! Oodles of espresso makers flying on the market shelves today actually make us go crazy for you have to agree with me that each is a marvel. While listing best of the rest 30 lavish toaster designs I actually was thinking...What next? If you think the computer you see right in front of you will always be the same. Wish to give your bathroom a lush plush touch?

20+ Clever Hidden Storage Solutions You’ll Wish You Had At Home | Architecture & Design Advertisement At one point, we all have struggles with finding optimal storage space in our homes. If or – better said – when you find yourself in this kind of situation, the best thing is to have some options available. Like these 10 clever solutions we shared with you. They aren’t science-fiction or even expensive trends, but clear solutions available to replicate at any time. A slide-out bathroom drawer that has the role of styling station, pull-out sideways medicine cabinet and others are featured in this list. There are ideas you can take advantage of. 01. Run–don’t walk–to your nearest contractor, cabinet maker or handy family member and ask–nay, beg–to have one of these seriously smart solutions built into the storage around your home. 02. 03. 04. From College City Design Build, via Houzz 05. 06. 07. As seen on Houzz, from Henarise Pty. 08. 09. 10. Designed by Signature Design & Cabinetry and featured on The Kitchen. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Open Shop - Matt Batchelor – Engineer & Designer Open Shop is a mobile factory unit that gets young people excited about design and making by building their own skateboard. Working out of a mobile toolchest, the factory visits skateparks and a master craftsperson helps them create their own skateboard deck. In the process, the young people build their understanding of manufactured objects and develop the imagination, skills and persistence that they need to start to build themselves a successful life. Open Shop Mobile Factory Unit The mobile workstation contains everything needed to make a skateboard deck. Research Workshops Working with a group of young people at a youth centre in North London, skateboards were chosen as a product with which they were familiar and enjoyed using regularly. Why Make Things? A growing number of academics have started to press for a reappraisal of the value of craft in our education and economic system. The Open Shop Guild System Each deck takes around six hours at a cost of GBP40 per contact.

Biały salon. Zobacz 15 modnych aranżacji Salon to miejsce, w którym domownicy odpoczywają, bawią się, a także biesiadują z zaproszonymi gośćmi. Pokój dzienny musi być więc zaprojektowany w taki sposób, aby każdy, kto tu wejdzie poczuł atmosferę domu i przyjazny klimat. Kolor biały dominuje na ścianach nowoczesnych salonów. Czytaj także: Białe wnętrza domu ocieplone drewnem Dobrym sposobem na ocieplenie białego wnętrza jest zainstalowanie kominka. Planując biały salon warto pomyśleć o dużych oknach. W naszej galerii przedstawiamy 15 salonów urządzonych w bieli. Make Local MakerCon: 24th September Maker Faire: 26th and 27th of September 100k Garages, ShopBot and Opendesk have come together for the New York maker showdown that is the World Maker Faire. For the last decade Maker Faires have been showcasing the best makers and designers and the latest trends in the maker movement - it’s been progressive and technologically led. Now we have come together for the two days with an experience that tangibly brings distributed manufacturing to life. There will be a local fabber onsite making the limited edition designs along with the option of downloading and sending to a maker further a field. See the limited edition designs » If you’re lucky enough to be heading to New York for the faire we’ll be demoing our platform with tailored designs that are spec’d to be cut within 30 minutes. MakerCon will be streaming the conference live and a link will follow shortly.

Wyniki Szukania w Grafice Google dla japanese bench 736 × 549 - 438 × 329 - 1200 × 898 - 400 × 280 - 400 × 400 - 600 × 354 - 800 × 400 - 1600 × 1200 - Ostrzeżenie o przekierowaniu Minimalist Henri Stool Furniture with Scandinavian and Japanese Style by Alexandre Reignier | HomeBaseDecor Minimalist Henri Stool Furniture with Scandinavian and Japanese Style by Alexandre Reignier Sponsored by: Minimalist Henri Stool Furniture with Scandinavian and Japanese Style by Alexandre Reignier Minimalist Henri Stool Furniture with Scandinavian and Japanese Style by Alexandre Reignier In the following, we present you a simple designed furniture, namely Minimalist Henri Stool Furniture with Scandinavian and Japanese Style by Alexandre Reignier. Minimalist Henri Stool Furniture View with Scandinavian and Japanese Style by Alexandre Reignier Minimalist Henri Minimalist Henri Stool Furniture Design Idea with Scandinavian and Japanese Style by Alexandre Reignier

Łóżka | Gotowe Wnętrza Łóżko z dębowym wieńcem Aldea, Seart Łóżko drewniane w stylu prowansalskim wykonane z drewna sosnowego i dębowego. Produkt polski, ręcznie wykonany z najwyższej jakości drewna. Świetny produkt dla miłośników romantycz... 2,055 zł Dodaj do koszyka Łóżko Mood Eleganckie łóżko wykonane z litego drewna wybranego przez Państwa gatunku (olcha, buk, dąb, jesion, czereśnia) i w wybranym rozmiarze. Można wybrać długość materaca (od 180 do 220 ... Od: 5,918 zł Wybierz opcje Łóżko Fidenza Minimalistyczna forma łóżka sprawia jakby lewitowało w powietrzu. Łóżko mahoniowe Halifax Eleganckie, stabilne łoże w stylu prowansalskim, reprezentuje kolekcje Shipley. Events & Trade – Karton Cardboard Furniture Bump in and Bump out made easy. Not to mention how cool our range is! Flux Chair - Pack of Four The Dutch designed Flux Chair - looks like a giant envelope, folds out to reveal a designer chair. Comes in a pack of four chair. Flux Counter The Flux foldable counter, perfect for business or presentations on the move! Flux Tablet Tower Out of Stock The Flux Tablet Tower is the perfect console for interactive communication and customer engagement. NOMAD system Nomad is a modular architectural system that can be assembled into freestanding, temporary partitions without hardware, tools or damage to existing... PaperForms - Acoustic Weave Sold Out Transform a room in minutes with our modular 3D wallpaper tiles. PaperForms - Chevron PaperForms - Cube PaperForms - Fractals PaperForms - Ripple PaperForms - V2 Elements Elements always come in four, and these guys are no exception. The Counter The Counter is a versatile and easily assembled 3 system counter that can be configured to show or hide shelves. Coop

The Best Standing Desk Options (+DIY & IKEA) | QuittingSitting You already know that sitting is bad, why sitting is bad, and how to transition to standing the healthy way. So now you need to know which of the many standing desk options is best for you. We’ll list the options from the cheapest DIY and IKEA standing desk hacks to the most expensive embedded systems. But first, we strongly recommend that you consider which desk type is best for you. How to Decide Between Fixed, Add-On-Top, and Adjustable Height Standing Desks Transitioning to a standing desk should be a process – if you just jump into standing all day on day one, you’re likely to have some problems. If you only have one work area – say, a cubicle – this means you’ll need to choose an adjustable height standing desk or something that easily moves on and off your standard desk, which we call “add-on-top” desks. As you look through the index below, think through how your days will actually go. On to the desk options: Best Standing Desk Options Index (Click to Jump) Ninja Standing Desk [$160]

Our Project The Workshop in the City A place where everything sold has been manufactured on site. Our vision is to create a place where efficiency meets elegance. We have designed a new type of retail space around the idea of the open workshop. We have proven that purposeful design, logistics and technology enable a micro-manufacturing unit to produce at competitive costs, in the middle of the city. Designing an elegant Process We design our working environment with the same care as our products. Our drive comes from operating in a workshop open to the scrutiny of the public. Duplicating our Set Up Enabling other people to set up on their own. With our clients' support, we would like to develop our technology, and help other people to set up on their own. Local is Logical We believe that manufacturing at the point of sale makes business sense. Our streamlined process allows us to produce with no transport or warehousing costs, and without the risk of overstocking.
