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Isabelle Arvers

Isabelle Arvers
Related:  artistes et chercheurs

gijs van vaerenbergh / Reading Between the Lines In this unique project by Pieterjan Gijs and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh, architecture meets art in a beautiful and gentle way. Made with 30 tons of steel and 2000 columns, and on a fundament of armed concrete this unconventional church provides the viewer with unique perspectives and views from each angel. Courtesy of Gijs Van Vaerenbergh Depending on the perspective of the viewer, the church can appear as a conventional solid mass or a can disappear and blend into the landscape almost entirely. This structure is meant to aspire thought, contemplation a sense of existence. The structure flirts with views of the mindscape dominating at times and ceasing to exist on others.

isabelle arvers I is an other, Isabelle Arvers, FR, 2012 to present the machinima show curated for the 8th edition of the festival Gamerz in Aix-en-Provence 19 28 oct. 2012 I is an other, a machinima by Isabelle Arvers, FR, 2012 More than an aesthetic, games and machinima made from game engines are a 3D vision of the world—a digital representation of it. And in these 3D environments, voices transform the meaning of the scenes. Presentation of the exhibition : EBMM > Émilie Brout & Maxime Marion

Advergames & Gamification by isabelle arvers on Prezi ANGELA WASHKO - Playing A Girl Screened/Exhibited:The Sun That Never Sets: Spectacle and Normalcy in Time, SPRING/BREAK Art Fair, NYCSubversive Strategies in Online Gaming Culture, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki FinlandA Haven, Art Connects New York, NYCAngela Washko: It's Just Not Fair, Austin Peay State UniversityParameters: Jena Cummiskey, Kyle J Thompson, Angela Washko, Center for Design and Geopolitics, UCSD, San Diego In early 2012 Angela Washko founded "The Council on Gender Sensitivity and Behavioral Awareness in World of Warcraft" as an intervention within World of Warcraft, the most popular massively multiplayer role playing game of all time. In this particular performance, I discussed several male players' decision to play female toons (avatars) and also got into a discussion with a female player about her belief that if you wear revealing clothing it's your fault that you get raped (hardcore slut-shaming).

FROM HERE ON manifeste / edition 2011 les rencontres ARLES Ma voiture s’appelle Picasso Ceux qui naissent aujourd’hui de par le monde ont sans doute plus de chance d’entendre, pour la première fois, prononcer le nom de « Picasso » à propos d’une voiture que de l’un des peintres les plus influents du XX e siècle. C’est là le signe de l’extrême porosité actuelle entre l’art et la culture populaire. C’est aussi le résultat d’une longue partie de yo-yo entre High and Low entamée il y a près d’un siècle. On fêtera, en effet, bientôt le centenaire de l’invention du ready-made par Marcel Duchamp. Eau, gaz et images à tous les étages Le développement d’Internet, la multiplication des sites de recherche ou de partage d’images en ligne – Flickr, Photobucket, Facebook, Google Images, eBay, pour ne citer que les plus connus – permettent aujourd’hui une accessibilité aux ressources visuelles qui était encore inimaginable il y a dix ans. Appropriationnisme digital Pour une écologie des images Le suicide simulé de l’auteur La petite monnaie de l’art Clément Chéroux

Benjamin Ziggy Lee Stock Photos On the surface, this series is a documentary of adolescent youths in their rooms. Their gazes are averted, looking out the window and beyond. And in their respective “window frames”, an artificial landscape is constructed using found images online. What will be constructed then? This series explores how one’s extreme familiarity with his environment can actually become a psychological entrapment. Digital Inkjet Prints, 2012

Diego Collado - Data Recovery One of the haunting aspects of digital technology refers to the unknown durability of the equipment used. What will happen to the memory accumulated in DVDs and hard drives? Analog film has a physical presence that enables its direct visualization but for an archive in graphic format it is necessary to be decoded. We can make backup copies, but the doubts regarding images of immaterial nature persist. Diego Collado aggravates the issue by insisting that there is no place for nostalgia, all of these memories will be lost, but marvelous transformations will be made in the process. Data Recovery retrieves erased images from memory cards and, using a digital first aid software, partially recovers the images, and completes the unrecoverable part following the criteria of the software. —Joan Fontcuberta Editor's Note: Diego Collado's work is part of "Photography 2.0", a fantastic exhibition among many in the program of PHotoEspana 2014.

A House of Dust - Alison Knowles and James Tenney - 1967 (East of Borneo) A House of Dust - Alison Knowles and James Tenney - 1967 posted by john on July 12, 2013 A House of Dust, a poetry project created by Alison Knowles and James Tenney and the Siemens 4004 computer in 1967. An early example of a computer generated poem, creating stanzas by working through iterations of lines with changing words from a finite vocabulary list. The result is an edition of 500 different fifteen-page poems. via Yale University Beinecke Rare Books & Manuscript Library
